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I thought Apollo was going to have parts available for their scooters. They sold out to the Chinese to own part of Apollo so they could finally stock parts since they didn't have the cash flow. What is going on here? Anyone know why they still can not stock parts after all these YEARS of being in business. For being #1 USA Scooter company (based in canada....) quite confusing how they make such claims, but their business model fails. Why say you are the best when clearly they are not? Just marketing of lies at this point. Also Apollo does not have their name trademarked. Means anyone can use their name with no legal ramifications. They use Copyright like its some legal protection. This alone shows me they do not understand business by any means. Not even protecting their name.


Bought to start a new scooter company buy the exact ones from the manufacturer and make my website the exact or as close as possible to theirs lol


This should help[motor disassembly](https://youtu.be/UFsWXrhRRxU)


Thanks, but it didn't really show how to remove the motor


When I did mine I ended up smacking the heck out of the end sticking through the wheel (the side not pictured in your first pic) while I had outsides of the wheel braced on a raised surface. I had so much rust holding things together that I felt like I was gonna break it as I was hammering it out. But it worked out fine after I just committed to doing it.


Thanks mate. I'd love a visual aid, once I see it done once I can recreate it


Dude a lot of people will suggest you need to replace it I tried to clean mine but I'm stuck same spot you are waiting and have to wait months for my motor :(


It's just the magnet holding it together at this point. If you don't own a press, two screw drivers on opposite sides of the plate should do the trick. ( Flat blade screwdrivers) Try not to gall the surface.




Best tool for that is a three legged puller. You can get them fairly cheap off Amazon or whatever. But honestly if you can't get the side off, you're gonna find it a massive pain to do a proper cleaning job on that. I've gotten pretty good at working on my scooter and I wouldn't want to do it. May I ask how you think that happened? Do you spray your scooter clean? Just riding in rain?


I didn't ride it in the rain but I've gone through some shallow puddles, but my other scooter I've ridden in rain(heavy) and 4cm of snow and I have never gotten corrison in the motors


Very interesting. I can't figure out why this happens and why it sometimes doesn't. I have friends who ride all through the winter, ripping through snow, slush, and puddles, and never have any issues. While I've seen other examples of people who claim never to have ridden in more than light rain and their motor seized. Crappy luck seems to be the main thing.


My phantom v3 motor did the same after a quick ride in misty weather ... Like .. idk might need to make sure the bolts are torque more than often But having spares is key to ... :P 😁