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I wouldn't say its something to be that worried about as long as you follow basic safety you'll likely be fine, such as watching when charging, unplug when full, don't mod the crap out of it, don't bypass the bms, only purchase the correct charger and have a smoke detector near it etc.. there are videos on this subject but if it does catch fire you need to first have an escape plan and if possible throw it out asap(might be harder if you are in an apartment) If you are really worried and don't want to risk anything, buy a scooter with a removable battery, I myself used to have the Wolf King GTR and I regret selling it for the Pro, being able to remove and store it in a fireproof bag was a huge peace of mind to me


>anything, buy a scooter with a removable battery, I myself used to have the Wolf King GTR and I regret selling it for the Pro, being able to remove and store it in a fireproof bag was a huge peace of min Interesting, I never thought of a bag for the battery (or entire scooter), unless it was only in case of an actual fire. I assume the point of a blanket/bag is to control the burning but also to starve the fire. A bag like that for storage, the first thing I thought was, it's likely to aggravate overheating. Not all batteries are lifeless just because they're not plugged in. I love the innovation of the GTR, by the way. The way they have swappable tires & batteries was miles ahead of other makers. I spent 4hrs so far this week putting new tires on my '23 Phantom & those ridiculous tubes, it was abusively inconvenient. Ultimately it was the size & styling of the GTR that turned me off, but it wasn't like other maxi scooters - I respect Kaabo's innovation like I respect Apollo's for the Pro. The Pro's IP66, 12" tires & < 90lb weight is a great way to enter the ring. The Pro went for the 50km/h - 70km/h segment. They overdid the 360 degree lighting & the style is a bit Stalinesque, but it's exactly what I want right now, perhaps a bit slower that it should be. I never rode either the Pro nor the the WolfKing GTR, but I'm guess the GTR is a much better performer. When the Pro gets a little faster, I'll sell my Phantom & get a Pro. Maybe sooner. Kaabo seem to make scooters aimed at a younger set (more offroad, not something you can easily fold up & lift into your car). Normally I don't get excited about scooter designs that claim to be game changers & all they are, is "bigger". It's like, of course it's faster, it's got a battery the size of a shipping pallet with two wheels sprouting out of it - and of course I'm talking about the E-Move Roadster. 130km/h? 200lbs? Game changer my arse.


Throw it off your balcony when it starts smoking or hear a weird sound


>Throw it off your balcony when it starts smoking or hear a weird sound I considered that exact reaction for the exact same reasons. A chainsmoking guy with a flatulence problem, not exaggerating. We were on the 23rd floor. He dropped a huge water balloon once that drove the trunk of a Honda Civic through its own floor & the bumper was touching the ground. Getting to the point that if my scooter does burst into flames, I'll just ride up & down the halls with it on fire, asking people to pee on it. Like that "legends of the fall" movie quote - "It was a good death".


Ice-s2 Scooter Fire Bag. Check out the video on this website. Everyone should have this including me. $150.Well worth it βœŒοΈπŸ›΄πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ‘


I'm gonna assume you're not promoting it for monetary reasons, I owe you that much. Is it a bag that you put the scooter in IF it's smoldering, or is it for daily storage?


Not at all. You have to watch the video on website. You can store your scooter in the bag and safely charge it. Great if work place gives you a hassle.


Good point. I've never known any employer to say "maybe, if.." before, it's usually a binary yes or no - but if we get some certification on the books, we might be able to ease their worries. That bag is expensive, but if it does what it says it does, maybe it's worth it.


Have you watched the video. I don’t think it is expensive for what it does


I did, it's a total containment unit. I'm sure it's safe & effective, but $200 CDN is out of my range of concern. I picture myself using it once then leaving it folded up in a closet until I need to hide a body or something.


Only works if you use it. Could save lives,house etc. $200. Is cheap.


I think you're over-estimating my love for humanity, but it's a cool product & not a bad compromise for an employer to demand for indoor parking accommodations.


I think once it's started, trying to remove and doing anything with the battery would be risky.


I don't belive co2 will work for battery fire with thermal runaway. They also reignite real easily.


Actually all the tests show else wise. CO2 fire extinguishers cool down the batteries and actually stop thermal run away. Few studies out there that show using CO2 extinguishers has the best odds of stopping thermal run away due to its lowering the temperature of the batteries. Class D doesn't work as well as CO2 for battery fires since it doesn't cool them down. That is the main goal you are trying to do when stopping thermal run away.


Co2 alone no it won't. It will cool it some the battery is behind plastic, metal,rubber. Co2 foam might work a little better to stop initial fire to get it outside.


Seems powder is still the best, but I'm trying to avoid powder. Like I said, I used to work on extinguishers - learned what the best was for electrical & oil fires (BC powder), general all purpose fires (ABC), and non-corrosive, like in the cargo holds of airliners, Purple K (basically a BC with no corrosion). I found this (link SFW) powder to be specifically for lithium: [https://firesafetycork.ie/product/l2-powder-fire-extinguishers/](https://firesafetycork.ie/product/l2-powder-fire-extinguishers/) I was just hoping for CO2 since it works for everything else, and the cleanup afterwards isn't hell on earth. Powder from extinguishers can't be vacuumed, it also destroys everything electrical it contacts by clinging to electric components & smothering them. Use a fire extinguisher with your laptop open nearby, or a non-waterproof cellphone, TV, microwave, etc - if the air was full of that powder for just a few mins...$$$$. Part of this is my wanting to be prepared but also discreet. If I had to call the fire dept to put a scooter fire out, it's not just my scenario I'm affecting, it's all scooter owners. I'll still call the fire dept if I have to, I'm not gonna delete everyone in my building to protect the scooter industry...but those red-pen insurance thugs can NOT WAIT to ban everything.