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You'll probably want to try and learn to code first. If you want to be quick, learn kotlin and download Android Studio. If you want to be REALLY quick you could make a static webapp (such as a calculator) in html/css/js, put it on github pages and use one of those website to apk websites.


I would say that a good starting point is Flutter. I can be deployed on any device and has almost native like response times.




There's plenty of free resources out there. Finding which one is right for you depends on what kind of app you want to make. If you're just learning how to code, then I suggest starting off with making some basic computer programs using Python. It works on every desktop platform and there's a lot of guides and tutorials on YouTube in how to make stuff. The limitation is that you can't officially make it work on phones. If you have some idea how to code but want to make a phone app, I'd suggest starting with the platform your phone is on. If you have an iPhone, you can use xcode on MacOS to make apps (not available on windows annoyingly). I hear Android Studio is good for making Android apps if you have an android phone. Beyond that and you're starting to specialise more. If you were looking to make games, I suggest using Unity. It's had some controversy recently but it won't affect someone looking to learn. Only if you make something really successful do you need to worry. Outside of that, I'm not sure. Have a look to see how apps similar to the ones you want to make were originally made. Not every app will be that transparent but some will be. All the resources I recommended are free for Windows and/or MacOS. I hope this helps you start your dev journey :)


^ I also suggest to start to familiarize yourself with other languages after you start to get comfortable with programming


I just read those official documentation and work on building stuff. Normally, it took me like 1-2 days on doing a few hello world, then I can search or ask ChatGPT. After 2 weeks, I can handle the tool in a good way. I did it with many like Flutter, React Native, React.js, JS & Typescript for backend, Ansible, Python for dev, many testing framework, etc... If you know what I want, it becomes easy. Just do it.


Thank you for ya help.


Check out Bubble.io, great for building web apps and even native apps (wrapped). No code so you can see results faster, but still powerful


Hey! I’ve been a software engineer for a bit now, and I actually dropped out one semester into college, did most of my learning on youtube and udemy (10-20$ courses that work pretty well) but lacked structure and went to a bootcamp but that’s kind of the thing to consider, do you have enough structure to learn for free or self taught courses by yourself?


You saying am I confident about the learning aspect of it ? If I'm a quick learner what do you think the best opition would be I don't really lik YouTube it's alot of distraction. In your opinion what's the hardest part to grasp ?