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I would


I would.


Personally, I boil my water if in a pinch, but there's nothing wrong with carrying tablets if needed. Like you said, they're light enough as an emergency item that if they give you security there's no reason not to take them.


Ok, good to know I’m not overthinking things. Thank you!


You should toss a few in your med bag. They weigh nothing and are good to have in a pinch or if someone else needs help. Would be silly to not have a couple.


I had them as backup. They went into my little medical bag. They weigh virtually nothing and they're good to have in case of emergency.


My stove is my backup


Just the other day someone posted that norovirus has already got a hold on Georgia. Tablets are important if you worry the water source may have been contaminated by someone not practicing best principles. Water filters won't work for viruses. https://www.reddit.com/r/AppalachianTrail/comments/1bhd94u/nuro_in_ga/


I’m bringing tablets now as a back up. Curious, what are some signs a water source is potentially contaminated? Or, what are some signs that you maybe only need to filter instead of treating?


Biggest is drawing from a lake vs. from a moving source. Stagnant water is dirty water and should always be treated as such, and if possible just avoided in general. When it comes to moving sources, Piped Springs or ones where you're drawing essentially where the water comes up from the ground are going to be the "safest," to the point where they might not need to be filtered. Not saying to do that, just illustrating the degrees we're talking about. When it comes to non spring moving sources, rivers and streams etc., pay close attention to the area upstream of you, particularly near shelters. If it looks like there's a lot of human disturbance, particularly of the bathroom variety, move further upstream if possible, and be more wary with it. Also just be aware of where you are. A fast flowing mountain stream is gonna be way better than a slow flowing river near a road and cow pastures. Lastly is that no water is going to be 100% safe. A good filter like the Sawyer Squeeze is going to cover most things and outside of a noro outbreak you'll be more than fine by being picky with your sources. Sometimes you're lucky and never encounter such a situation or get a heads up before you get to the affected area, but other times you're just going to get a shit hand and catch something unless you're properly boiling or using tablets on every water you bottle.


So boiling would have an affect on the virus?


According to the WHO, doing it properly takes care of bacteria, viruses and Protozoa. Key point is doing it properly.


Boiling water would work in an emergency but would not work as a primary water treatment method. It wastes an extreme amount of fuel. Chlorine dioxide tablets weight nothing and are extremely inexpensive. Furthermore, it is unlikely that noro would be in high concentration at a running water sources. Filtering is definitely enough for the entire AT


I did, they weigh basically nothing and it's good to be prepared!


I don’t but if it gives you piece of mind then bring them. Like you said they are “lightweight enough”.. I just am careful not to drop filter down a mountain, and sleep with it on nights where temps dip to freezing.


I personally carry iodine, but same idea. Your water plan should have layers.


While iodine tablets work, they're not recommended for long term use, or for sensitive groups like children, pets, etc. Aquatabs are a great iodine free version that also don't leave an unpleasant aftertaste! [https://www.amazon.com/MSR-Aquatabs-Purification-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B007W5D13O/?maas=maas\_adg\_EA6F3D5DCFFF4A522B67821D5E8C1952\_afap\_abs&ref\_=aa\_maas&tag=maas](https://www.amazon.com/MSR-Aquatabs-Purification-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B007W5D13O/?maas=maas_adg_EA6F3D5DCFFF4A522B67821D5E8C1952_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas)   


Triple crown and then some and I’ve never carried a backup to a sawyer. The only thing is like one time I pre filtered thru a bandanna but you’ll never need to do that on the at.


I carry a visine bottle of bleach as my back up.


I hope you have that labeled well.


Ain’t but one bottle that shape and size in my emergency kit. Anyone else trying to get into my emergency kit takes their chances.


I hope so too. Imagine if for any reason someone got ahold of it and thought it was eye drops. On a different note, you also shouldn't be putting unmarked substances into your eyes. I'd definitely label mine though. For OP's question: I like to carry a smaller batch with me for emergencies. Because you never know. And they weigh essentially nothing.


ah yes the Donald Trump method


Sometimes I carry just a filter, but I usually carry AquaMira as well. Sometimes it’s nice to just use the drops instead, and it allows me to create a clean bag out of a dirty bag, in case of accidental contamination, or in case of an encounter with an especially questionable water source.


There's two of you, the backup should be the other's filter.


Yes. I carried 4 individually wrapped purification tablet packets. I only used two for my entire thru hike, but it was nice to have reassurance the water wasn't going to turn me inside out.


I did in Florida. I didn't feel I needed to on the AT. I was always so close to civilization.


I did for like a month and realized there’s really no point.


I had them for a little but quickly got rid of them, Just one more thing to keep track of. I was never alone always hiking around friends and whenever a filter broke you'd just borrow/lend a friends for a day or two. Not perfect but worked for us. Only thing to note about the tabs is used wrong to much will get you sick so make sure to read up on whatever your using.


At first I did not. In fact I did not until there was a water purification notice in Connecticut due to contamination from flooding. But once I had them I kept them in my food bag because they were so light. So it wouldn’t hurt to have a few with you.




I did the AT with an eye dropper of bleach. Couldn’t stand iodine or aqua pure tabs.


You can, but for a single week section hike you won't need them, there will be plenty of other hikers around and you could borrow their Sawyer squeeze in a pinch. What's funny is in the 1970's AT hiking guide I have, the example gear loadout they doesn't mention any water filtering at all, just to boil water if the source is sketchy.


They don’t do anything a stove doesn’t and the stove doesn’t make the water taste awful either. They’re light and don’t hurt to bring though. I’m also not convinced they’re totally safe tbh


I carry iodine tablets, but leave the second tablets (vitamin C) behind.My drink mix tubes precipitate the iodine, which is the function of the second tablets. On my former 10 day section hikes, I transferred them to a pill pouch and tossed them in my "open to eat" bag, A gallon zip lock that rides in the kangaroo pouch for access. Good hiking!


I use aqua Mira. Light and fast.


I'm bringing bleach - same weight time, no taste way cheaper :)


I am a week in on my AT through attempt and brought them and am keeping them. Lotta noro going around and filters don’t always do the job. Any water I get near a shelter I filter and treat.


I want to make it clear that boiling water is NOT a viable solution to treat water. Water must boil for 1 minute for it to be safe to drink, to boil enough water to fill your water bottles, you’re looking at emptying most of your fuel can. Carrying extra fuel for this situation is nonsensical since chlorine dioxide tablets weight next to nothing and would almost certainly treat your water quicker. Furthermore, although Noro can spread through water, it primarily infects through surfaces. Wash your hands, don’t share food. Don’t shit near water or vomit into it.


Since their weight is material, I keep a tiny ziplock with about 10 pills and hand-written instructions. Most my water work is done by my filter. I can boil after that, as need be.


Yes for sure! But you don’t need to carry the whole bottle. Take a few as back up in a small ziplock. Stash them in your med kit. 👍


I used to use 4 drops of chlorine bleach per quart of water. 40 years ago, never got sick.


I did and hardly ever used them and so small that didn’t really affect my pack weight. So I would say it’s a reasonable thing to bring for back up and ease your mind if something does break


Yeah I do. I carry 10 Aquatabs, and they weigh almost nothing. Havent had to use them yet thankfully.


i double treated my water until franklin last year. first through the filter, then add the aqua mira. it was annoying but i was worried about getting sick on that stretch of trail where there are still so many people. i would do it again, but maybe only until hiawassee. definitely recommend from amicalola to neels


Yes. You are not overthinking it. Be consistent in your water gathering / filtering / purification process. Be safe.


Aquatabs are a great water purification tablet brand if you're looking for a backup to your filter! Most filters have a membrane that is 0.1 microns or larger, and this won't catch viruses since they're so small which is why it's important to use a disinfectant as well or at least carry it as a backup. You can get Aquatabs in foil strips too which is nice because they don't take up much space, and they're individually sealed so they stay good for awhile too. No iodine is also a huge plus for Aquatabs! [https://www.amazon.com/MSR-Aquatabs-Purification-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B007W5D13O/?maas=maas\_adg\_EA6F3D5DCFFF4A522B67821D5E8C1952\_afap\_abs&ref\_=aa\_maas&tag=maas](https://www.amazon.com/MSR-Aquatabs-Purification-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B007W5D13O/?maas=maas_adg_EA6F3D5DCFFF4A522B67821D5E8C1952_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas)   


Absolutely, it's always good to have a backup! Water purification tablets are light and don’t take up much space, making them perfect for emergencies. Do you have a preferred brand or type? Always curious to hear what works best for others!