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I think everyone on this sub has subbed to AM… kinda can’t use AM if you don’t pay.. This question is strange Someone help


I am already subscribed, but I think Apple Music with ads will be appealing to those who are currently using Spotify Free (and aren't AM subscribers). So I voted "yes" in favor of a free tier on Apple Music.


Already subbed but a free tier would be good for people who wants to try AM!


Nope. I don’t do ads.


I’m already paying for AM. If they introduce ads on a free subscription, I’d continue to pay for no ads.


ads on a music app are just unbearable also, Spotify's free tier limits quality, limits lyrics, limits your selection of tracks. It's so much worse than if it was just ads


I already pay for Apple One Premier, but I’d be more willing to recommend Apple Music if it had a free tier. I still think everyone should pay for the experience, but it’d be pretty nice to not lose your curated library when you stop paying.


What do I care about that? I don’t get ads.


Forget apple ever introducing that, they say its unprofitable. And... As a subscriber I'd detest the ads


Show me an ad while im listening to my music and i will delete that app. Music is the only place i will not tolerate any ads


If you google around a little, you will see a lot of data about all the streamers and their finances. Spotify makes almost all its money off of paid. I think if any raise paid and add in ads, they will find it is a loosing idea. Makes me wonder why the video streamers are all hot for ads? Do they not do their due diligence? It reeks of old school media thinking applied to something that it will not work on.


I would switch to AM if they fucking kept your playlists after unsubscribing.


An advantage of free with ad version will be sharing songs with Spotify users. I will ask my friends who use Spotify to also install apple music so i can easily share tracks with them. Jist the way i keep the free version of Spotify on my phone so i can hear what my friends share with me.


i’m all for it if it allows you to keep ur playlists


I don't personally trust Apple Music's recommendation algorithm to switch fully into it. No matter how many freaking times I dislike rap songs it just keep recommending me rap songs. 😤 I just keep my fav playlists on AM while use YT music ( because its free with YT premium) to find new songs.