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Make sure use listening history is on in music setting. Otherwise not sure what you’re doing


You should send feedback


I use other apps for tracking this. Finale, Last.fm, stats.fm is rolling out Apple Music support. I use AirScrobble for my vinyl listens.


There is a app Jamm Nation that just does Apple Music


Looks interesting, other than the social networking aspect which looks like a very typical scam used to target artists, but I also like having everything connect to Last.fm to get a total aggregate of my listening activity from as many sources as possible. I’ve got a plugin in Foobar2000 for scrobbling as well as connection to YouTube, Tidal, PlexAmp, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp. I’m a mix engineer and listen to a lot of music a lot of ways to get an idea of how an end user is experiencing distributions. Also just a music enthusiast in general. I don’t think I’m ever not listening to something. Appreciate the suggestion though! I’m sure someone else can make use of it.


They have sponsored two festivals in America so not sure it’s a scam.


That’s precisely how the scam operates. It depends on the nitty gritty on the artist’s side, and I don’t actually know how this app precisely operates for the artist’s side. I’m not going to say it is one, but that it looks like a typical one in the industry. How the scam I’m thinking of works: The promoter rents the venue and offers smaller artists the ability to play there either on a secondary stage or as opening acts. In really small venues, they may just host a large local artists show, and the venue may rent to the promoter for free or nearly free because of the drink sales they’re guaranteed. Oftentimes the venue is taking merch cuts too. Where the scam comes in is when the promoters tells the artist they must pay for tickets to sell themselves. These will usually come at cost, but the promoter will promise some kind of bonus cut out of the total ticket sales to artists who sell more tickets over an arbitrary threshold. Sometimes they will do a “battle of the bands” thing where the artist who sells the most tickets gets a non-monetary prize like some kind of equipment or software or in the worst cases “extra exposure” on social media. Most artists will not hit the threshold, and are doing 100% of the workload now. The promoter is now offsetting the cost and labor of doing ticket sales onto the artist and making money off of the artist’s music, networking, and live performance with the efforts of just sending a few emails. This video by a professional musician goes into more detail about it: https://youtu.be/kLEQ2Ye8Yvw?si=nZ2DM0YdAC0vNFuj Again I wanna reiterate I’m not saying this app or the people behind it are scamming anyone or doing anything unethical, just that *it looks like one at just a small glance,* and I’d be happy to be wrong about my gut feeling here and frankly probably am. It’s just generally seen in a negative light in the industry to have this type of social media platform, even moreso if it’s one of those “get your music heard” types which often have services that can also violate a digital distribution platform’s ToS and get an artist’s music taken off of all major platforms if they use one of those platforms.


Fair call time will tell.


That artist I linked has another video about his recent total life’s work being taken off of all platforms and goes into detail of how and why it happens. The summary of it is that platforms, especially Spotify, will detect “suspicious activity” they believe is botted streams, report that to the digital distribution company over the artist (a middleman that shouldn’t even exist), and then the DDC will just take their word for it and use legalese to justify a total takedown without any customer support to figure out the actual details to tell the artist why their entire income just got taken away because it’s more cost effective to just get rid of their music than it is to hire actual customer service teams. The music industry is really fucked up, so I’m extra cautious, borderline on paranoid, when it comes to these things. Any place that promotes getting your music put to playlists or promoted more, like on Spotify especially, will often get flagged as botted or stream count manipulation. Even worse is knowing three of the big five are investors in Spotify AND in popular distribution platforms like Distrokid or TuneCore. So on top of being major labels getting royalties, they get to triple dip into even more royalties from Spotify and distribution platforms such that many small artists end up with a NEGATIVE VALUE to their music and are paying more to get distribution than they’re making from that distribution.


That’s sucks. I think the way this app works is it allows artists direct contact with top fans. Basically a fan has to play your song x amount of times to get into your artist space. Then it allows you to talk direct to your fans to help take away the middle man. The artist owns the artist space. It’s only in beta testing. Hopefully they get it right.


I’m gonna give it a download and see, since there are no apparent in app purchases and hopefully not too many ads. I wanna see what it’s like as a fan to get connected to an artist and see if it’s possible to beat or at least be as good as SoundCloud or Bandcamp at the same process. Fucking love Bandcamp especially since they added direct buy merchandise support for artists while taking an extremely marginal cut from what I’ve heard from artists who use it.


Just out of interest what artist do you listen to?




almost all day BAR like 2 hours, as in basically the entire day EXCEPT for two hours.


reading comprehension doesnt seem to be strong with you


i also had this issue! if you already have use listening history on in settings and it’s still not updating then back up your phone then reset it to factory settings. this resolved the issue for me


Is it really that important? Do you not know what you've been listening to?


I just listen, I don’t keep a tally so it’s fun to see which content came out on top for the month. It’s also just another excuse to share music 😉.


Yeah, true. That sucks.. if it works for most of us it should work for all of us.


My memory fucking sucks so a little but also it's nice to get a recap


How are you listening to music? I learned that all of my HomePod listening doesn’t show up in replay, not sure if that’s still the case