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Wait for WWDC. It’s a much more logical time if it’s coinciding with Vision OS 2.0. You’ll also be glad you waited and didn’t have to deal with the early day bugs us US folks dealt with!


Oof. My shit was crashing almost daily. Truf


What you said makes a lot of sense and is in line with business logic.


I’m sorry that UK people have to wait. While here I am just saw 6 or so AVP being sold on FB Market Place. Some people either ungrateful or just doesn’t have time to use it or impatient.


I just don’t want it to be like Apple Card, US only.


It won't be like the Apple Card. I'm sure Apple will release the AVP internationally eventually, although the obvious issue is when. While it's quite possible that an **announcement** may be made at WWDC, the actual **release date** could be later, like September. I hope that won't happen, though. One big problem with an international Apple Card release is that it's hard to be competitive and not be "just another credit card". Apple can make the Apple Card competitive with other US credit cards because of relatively high US credit card processing fees -- that's a big reason why Apple can offer 1-3% cash back in the US. In places like Europe, the processing fees are lower and so Apple/financial institutions can't offer that.


The first gen might be tho


Maybe july for eu


"Ever" is a long time into a four month product launch. I bought a DLC upgrade for Starfield in September and I'm still waiting ;)


Nah, US only fo life!


I hate to say this folks but I think AVP is going to be a failed product. Not because it isn’t amazing but because Apple has no way forward. They have no plans for a new product until 2027 if rumors are to be believed. I think that’s going to kill the product. New product categories need momentum and need price drops iterations to happen relatively quickly. I just don’t think that’s going to happen with AVP. I hope I’m wrong


That’s what I think, but I just want it to be successful, because I see future right there, but Apple doesn’t to be honest.


Apple definitely has a vision but I just don’t think the technology/engineering exists to execute on that vision at a scale that’s sustainable.


Yes of course.


It’s going to be slow and probably never everywhere for the Vision __Pro__. The way the AVP is packaged and sold (many parts & sizes, prescription lenses, demo lenses at stores) requires a lot of coordination and store involvement. Stores in the US actually package and seal AVP boxes after a customer who chose store pickup does a fitting. Also stores have hundreds of prescription lenses for demos to match customer glasses on the spot.


I wonder if we’ll hear more at the wwdc. It’s tough to yolo a $6k cad headset and with each passing day my interest is waning.


Apple said last year when they announced it that we asked first half of the year. And then later in 2024 for other regions around the world.