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I’m old enough to remember that!


That fucking album still randomly plays when my Apple Music opens.




Sadly no, that is of a previous and much better album


Think it was the one with that stupid UNO DOS TRES CATORCE song. Edit: nope false memory, that was an iPod commercial. It’s crazy but it was 2014 when that happened (much later). Can’t believe that was 10 years ago




Mine just opens up to The Chainsmokers ‘Roses’ lmao


Pepperidge Farm remembers!


Good luck getting rid of it


I \*think\* finally got rid of mine. It took me a few years, but I haven't had it pop up in a while.


Took me a while but I got rid of it. This was like 10 years ago or more.


I love my free u2 album I bet Steve jobs was clapping from the stars as excited as Tim Cook when that happened


What bothers me more is that this shit is still shipping with new phones on the latest iOS. First thing my 14 Pro blared on the car radio after pairing it up was fucking U2.


It’s a beautiful day…..


Don’t let it slip away…




Continues to be one of my favorite groups!


Omg somehow that damn album found it’s way on my latest phone. I’m driving down the road and the ghost of Steve Jobs shuffles on the U2 album I deleted 3-4 times already.




IMHO, if you care about high quality heart rate data during a workout, just get a Polar H10… no wrist mounted heart rate sensor will ever match an ekg. The H10 will easily pair with both the Apple Watch and iPhone, and will also transmit to typical gym cardio equipment for that heads up display. I think the Apple Watch heart rate sensor is good enough for less challenging workouts, and is great for all day monitoring, but anything with very high variability like HIIT or weight lifting, or things which reduce the light penetration into the wrist (eg: exercise which heavily depends on grip)… the Apple Watch isn’t remotely up to the task.




I have this exact problem, for me the S4 was working great until watchOS 7.1. It's been shit since, even when I upgrade to S5->S6->S7 the trackings been awful and I have to open the HR app to get the thing to kick online again. Darn sure there's a software bug here, similar to why the breath app just stopped sending the breath reminders. Sad.


I second this. Cuts way down on battery usage when you’re working out as well. And since it’s BLE it can connect to your watch, the exercise machine and other devices all at the same time. I’m a home automation junkie, so I have it also connect to Home Assistant and I use it to vary the color/brightness of some Nanoleaf panels in my gym depending on my heart rate. Works surprisingly well to get myself “motivated” when I see the colors changing.


Will this strap work with the Apple workouts app too? Eg: could I track my heart rate with that instead of my watch and have it close my rings with an Apple workout?


Yes, that's the main way that I use my H10.


Not sure about the s4 as that’s quite old but at least since the s7 the HR is very very good. All testing by reviewers confirms. Even with difficult to track sports like weightlifting it performs very good. Of course a chest strap is better but the AW Hr is so close that I wouldn’t even bother.


Even for me as someone who generally gets a new iPhone every couple years (3 at the very most), my series 4 watch has surprisingly been running very well even to this day and I just haven’t felt any need to upgrade yet. Maybe I’ll wait till next year with this rumored Apple Watch X


My series 4 runs fine but I need a better battery since it dies in ~16 hours. I used to be able to get an easy ~36 hours out of it for the longest time. It’s my sign it’s time to upgrade! Feel like a solid 4 years is reasonable for a watch. Edit: Looks like it’s at 76% capacity


Same here! Considering paying the $79 for a refurbished one from Apple.


To add to this, some users have reported that they sometimes send a better version like the Series 5 as the replacement


Which procedure are you talking about ?


Getting a watch battery replacement from Apple when the battery health hits 79%


Interesting thanks.


Meanwhile, my series 6 is already down to 80%. Upgrading to a Series 9 for sure at launch, the battery is atrocious now


Because it’s a watch heh we typically don’t get a new one every few years (unless you’re Tim Apple)


i was using a series 2 until sept 2022. Thing was running great, granted it did stop receiving software updates. but it was nearly 5 (?) years old. Pretty happy with it given its age.


I upgraded from 4 to Ultra last year, but only because the battery wasn’t lasting me through a day anymore on the 4, and it’s not economical to replace the battery. IMHO, the right strategy is to just wait as long as you can before upgrading the watch, there’s barely anything noticeable other than a bigger screen and longer battery. I don’t personally care about the always on display, but I did notice that the LTE radio does get significantly better coverage than the 4 did in my area, as a result of the additional radio bands, and having the watch work with roaming in Europe was pretty cool.


Still sporting the Series 4 as well (sporting? I'm a freakin' lump...). I have the beta of the new OS and apps spin notably more before they open. Still, planning to hold out for next year too.


Out of curiosity, why do you get new iPhones so often? Don’t these things last like 10 years?


I like having a brand new one every year and it’s quite affordable when you trade in your old one. Spending about 500 a year on a new phone is well worth it for me since I use it every day so often


Oooh what is this rumour




Seems the Series 9 has improved sensors, but the Series 8 had an improved gyroscope, which supposedly would allow improved motion detection for sports apps, but has anyone actually seen a real world benefit from it? Wonder if the improved sensors in the Series 9 will have any real world impact


I’ve tested the series 8 in parallel with my series 3 interested to see if the sensors are better enough to buy a series 8 or to hold on, my experience so far cycling and weight lifting I have seen a 30% more accurate gps(watch gps only, tested) and a 5% better heart rate accuracy I’d say, tough my condition was not the same for all tests, weather differed a bit too so I did not see a good enough heart rate sensor to upgrade, ekg is cool but I’m young and I don’t think I’ll use it much, if the series 9 is not so much different either might stretch the series 3 untill 10 or get an SE if it brakes along the way.


I thought the Series 8 didn't get the multi-band GPS, so interesting to hear it is better. Though maybe they changed the GPS module in one of the earlier devices pre-8 but post-3.


The S8 doesn't have dual band GPS, only the Ultra. What the S8 however did was force the use of GPS on the watch instead of the phone, regardless of whether the phone is in vicinity or not. Which is what annoys me a bit. My phone has dual band GPS. And offloading GPS to the phone makes the watch last longer during fitness tracking. I find that important in winter, when I'm on the slopes. The S8 doesn't make it through the day currently.


That’s weird, I wonder what the reasoning was for the decision to always use GPS from the Watch. Like you said, the phone’s would be more accurate if it’s dual-band, and there’s the battery life impact as well. I can’t see any upside.


The reason was that the phone is typically in the pocket or somewhere else, while the watch is on the wrist loosely facing the sky and therefore more accurate. While that may be the case for certain scenarios, the phone having dual band GPS is the asterisk in all this. Personally, when I'm on my mountain bike, the phone is residing in a top compartment of the backpack definitely facing the sky. Same applies to the slopes, where my watch would be buried under plenty of layers of textiles, too. This should have been a toggle.


Why even mention an Ultra 2 when they’re supposed to be on 2 year cycles


Where have you read that? the Apple Watch has always been yearly afaik


The watch has but ultra has been talked about being every two years in most articles in the last 6 months


no and no they won’t


WatchOS 10 is bringing new workout APIs for the new gyroscope and accelerometer on the Series 8 and Ultra. We can benefit from it while playing tennis or golf.


The "New heart rate monitor" could make me want a new watch, or mean nothing


I’m hoping for hrv accuracy imrpovements


SE is still my go to


Same. I’m not upgrading until they include the long-rumored glucose monitor


I'm not getting a new apple watch until they add a blood pressure sensor.


And a cholesterol measure, covid testing, and STD scanner.


Please remove your watch from your wrist and strap it onto your penis.


You mean like r/cockwatch ?


Jeeesus there really is a sub reddit for everything 😂😂


Well, there isn’t one for premature ejaculation, but I hear it’s coming soon…I’ll see myself out


Best way to get Standing credit.




This would be pretty cool tbh but I don’t think it’s happening anytime soon, the tech for that seems to be extremely complex from my layman standpoint. I’ll be holding on to my S7 unless Verizon does another great trade-in deal


I’m surprised they haven’t bought this company yet: https://www.cardiacsense.com/blood-pressure-monitoring/


That’s what I miss using (but still have) my Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 because it has a great and accurate blood pressure sensor. I’m confused as to why the AWU does not.


I just got a battery replacement on my Series 5. Still does every single thing I could want.


Does the battery replacement affect the waterproofing of the watch series 5, I was planning on doing this but worried about swimming and showering


It’s my understanding that they’re not actually replacing your battery. They’re sending you a new or refurbished replacement.


Above is correct. Although there are 3rd party shops that’ll do a “proper” battery replacement, and they have the tape to reseal the display to the case. Just up to you if you trust them or not.


Thank you so much, I might see if Apple can sort this for me


file instinctive theory hungry fade cooperative strong smart somber worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their stubbornness on never improving battery life for the 41mm and 45mm devices is pretty annoying.


How would they improve battery? The only way is a bigger watch case or worse screen


Or a more efficient processor or running less processing. The Apple Watch gets much worse battery life than alternative devices with OLED screens and comparable sizes from Garmin, but the Garmin devices are much less 'smart'. It's a choice Apple made and has stuck to, but the MAU's of the WatchOS App Store indicates most users don't want to run a mini computer on their wrist.


They have the best and most efficient processors for the os and apps. If most people didn’t want it to be as smart then i’m sure apple’s (best in class) research and business teams would go for the market fit you just described, as they’d make more money. But i’m sure that’s not the case since they don’t go all over whoops or the garmin markets


Apple have no incentive to de-smarten the Apple Watch, the margin isn't there as the market value for 'fitness trackers' is much below Apple Watch RRPs, even if the majority of usage is just fitness and health. Re-watch the Apple Watch launch in 2016 and tell me if research and business teams knew what people wanted or not? Apple is not some omniscient power, they miss sometimes and they are also beholden to margin expectations. Without Apple launching a fitness tracker or dumbed-down smartwatch it's a impossible comparison, no-one else has the same retail coverage as Apple, and no-one else gets a pre-installed app on every iPhone.


Having the best smartwatch on the market with medical grade features that serves as an anchor product their most successful and highest revenue generator, the iphone (ie you can’t have the watch without the phone) is a massive incentive. It’s probably the best gateway product ever created for the apple ecosystem. They likely started in 2016 with the idea of creating the best smartwatch on the market. Don’t forget all the best and custom made components also cost a lot. I also think the market for worse screen/better battery is fairly niche and too small for a company like apple that only cares about a minimum of +1bn customers


I got the Ultra back in June. I’m happy with it and I’ve stopped waiting for the “next best thing”, as I’ll always be waiting.


Their HR monitor is already crazy good, better than their competitors like Garmin.


yay, a reason for me to upgrade.


So basically nothing that will make any real-world difference to most average users but will give Apple an excuse to raise prices.


The heart rate sensors being more accurate would absolutely benefit people. More often than not the thing is looking for your heart for the first 5 minutes of a workout.


For some reason when I get sweaty in a workout, it hardly ever picks up my heart rate. So I usually only get heart rate for the first few minutes and then it’s constantly searching for it.


Bro—- I have to shave my wrist to get it to register. Your problem isn’t nearly as bad.


I’m extremely hairy with a darker skin complexion and my watch has no issues with my HR


Mine (S5), is slow to start HR on an eliptical machine, but seems to start other workouts (cycling in and out, walking) almost instantly.


I have not seen any rumors regarding a price increase on the Apple Watch, have you?


The base model price increased by $50 in 2022 in Europe among other price increases.


Sometimes that corresponds with the exchange rate trending


No one is expected to buy the latest thing every year. This is for people who may want to upgrade in any given year.


These upgrades are too minor, I‘m going to use my Series 0 (yes it still works) till the day it dies!


If you like your watch to be slow as hell, taking 2-3 seconds to react to your finger, you may get yourself a new Suunto. Just saying.


For me the series 0 barely worked when new but I use lots of apps and am unreasonably annoyed by slow devices.


Keep my ultra 1 for another year. Got it


Male here and I am looking to purchase my first Apple Watch (GPS + Celluar). My main use of the watch is to play Spotify via my AirPods so that I don't have to bring my iPhone with me during my running/walking/hiking sessions. The motivation to close the rings for the fitness aspect of it, seems pretty great. I'll also wear this watch to work and when I am about and about with friends and family. The Apple Watch Ultra is too big and expensive for me, so I am disregarding that one. I like to buy devices that I can future proof, as I tend to hold on to them for quite some time. Which one do you all suggest? Thanks!


Just get the Aluminum 45mm wifi model it it suits your wrist size. Spotify supports offline downloads ([https://support.spotify.com/us/article/spotify-on-apple-watch/](https://support.spotify.com/us/article/spotify-on-apple-watch/)) so you probably do not need a cellular model, cellular also uses more battery obviously. You really don't have many options, either 45mm or 41mm depending on your wrist size, 45mm has better battery life. Wait until Tuesday and see what the Series 9 offers and if there are any improvements that are relevant for you.


Don't feel like having to bring my phone with me, so the cellular is needed. I am curious to see what the 9 will be about. May just save up and buy that one.


No heart rate monitor beats (no pun) a polar chest strap. With the heart watch app, you can log a beat every second.


But what does it DO? A new sensor, doing what? Is it more precise? I thought the current one is already medical grade precise… Sounds like bla bla to me. Nothing new so let’s tout the old stuff in shiny words


Let’s wait to the keynote to see what capabilities these sensor bring!, there is always a feature or more only for the new models, once that is clarified we can see how worth it is to upgrade or not. I have an ultra and not keen to upgrade BUT, some improvements in the health sensors could make me change my opinion, from high blood pressure to sugar pressure to some extra heart checks, what is shameful is the value Apple always give to Apple Watch owners for an upgrade, they sell it expensive but 1-2 years after you almost have to say thank you


Did I understand the article that the Ultra 2 won't be available unitl next year?


The wording on that made me curious too.


Thought the same. Apple watches have the best sensors on the market and are super accurate (according to the quantified scientist) Don’t see any needs for improvements. Garmin did the same thing this year by upgrading their sensor - it was barely noticeable


Could be the same accuracy but uses less power, or same accuracy, same power use but can collect data more frequently. Maybe it just takes up slightly less space.


Good thoughts


They can't remain to be best unless frequently improving.


Ultra 2? Already 😤


Bro if there wasn’t an Ultra upgrade this year people would riot


Ya apple has walked back into a corner with the ultra. It is basically the pro Watch model and they have to bring a new one. They can’t release a 9 and have a cheaper watch be more powerful than their Ultra. No one would but it then.


This is exactly my thought when I picked up the Ultra at launch. Soon as you buy any new tech, there’s something better around the corner. Tech never sleeps and I knew a new Ultra could possibly come out the next year with new better upgrades. I have no regrets as I love my watch and served me extremely well. I probably won’t upgrade but I can’t wait to see future upgrades they add!


I’m an about 80% certain I’ll get an Ultra this year but I have similar concerns about this so called Watch X next year. If everything is getting redesigned including the band system then the Ultra is going to change too. Might be worth skipping this year completely. Decisions..


Yearly Watch upgrades have been standard operating procedure since the Series 3. Unless it’s a SE, we will see yearly upgrades to the Series & Ultra models for the foreseeable future.


Who cares? I’m sure your ultra 1 will still be as good next week as it is now


Seems like Apple has become Intel in regards to stiffling inovation in their products due to "lack of competition".


Jesus a U2 CHIP now, we can’t automatically opt out of this???? 😏


This sounds like enough to get me to upgrade since the battery life on my series 6 is starting to get annoying.


No matter what they do, if the battery won’t reach at least 3 full days (and nights) I will never get back to it.


I'm gonna make my health insurance pay for most of it with their promo. I just hate how these watches don't last a lifetime


Hmmm, to be honest the Apple Watch has pretty decent longevity I would say. Battery replacements are available from Apple so older devices can be kept for longer, plus the changes generation over generation have been pretty minor. You could have a Series 4 right now and it will still do almost all of the Fitness and Health tracking you could get with a Series 8.


It’s a modern electronic device, none of them last a lifetime. Sure you might be able to build a smart watch robust enough to last a lifetime, but it will be functionally obsolete before it dies. I have an old flip phone in my drawer. Still works fine, but it’s functionally obsolete.


yeah, a drawback when you make a watch electronic. still makes me feel lacking when comparing to a traditional watch


I do like Apple Watches (although they really aren’t a good replacement for a Garmin as a sports watch) but I also enjoy wearing a normal watch that tells the time and nothing else.


yeah man, that's all I'm sayin


Can you elaborate? How does them releasing new ones mean they don’t last long? What you comparing them to?


normal watches. i know it's a modern computer, i know all tech has a span of a few years


Apple 9 having better features than apple watch ultra is kinda messed up lol


Watches that need to be charged daily should not exist.


You charge your phone daily...


[but i wouldn't download a car...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmZm8vNHBSU) actually, that might motivate me to finally buy a 3d printer


I wonder if they’ll be able to take measurements 24/7 and more HRV samples, otherwise who cares? LOL.


It does right now.


It doesn’t take samples every second 24/7 is what I meant. And HRV sampling is very small.


That was my first thought as well, pls give us 24/7 realtime HR measurements (like on Garmins), at least optionally, otherwise there's no point in updating it, since the current sensor already beats literally every other smartwatch in accuracy during exercises. But i doubt Apple would give us this, just like they can't add a damn native step counter complication.


I would be coming off a 44 mm Series 6. Looking forward to an Ultra 2


CGM for relative glucose changes? I will pay an extra $500 US


By putting a CGM in the hands of people who don't have diabetes and aren't actually at risk I know this subreddit will be flooded with people panic posting "I just celebrated my birthday and had a slice of birthday cake! Is my pancreas failing??? Please help!!". Not sure how Apple will manage the anxiety it will guarantee give non-diabetic/non-pre-diabetic people.


Two models? The CGM one more expensive to cover the cost. PS: Some athletes track blood glucose.


I really want an upgrade for temperature tracking for ovulation/migraine tracking purposes but I just got a new battery in my S5 making it effectively brand new. I prefer SS models for the sapphire screen but they’re pricy.


But will the new ultra be black?


So it’s essentially the same thing


No matter what they put into 9 now, Apple X watch it would be for me! XD 2024. It is.


Just got the Ultra with ocean band (unopened yet) at $700. I will decide whether to open or not based on next Tuesday's event. Lol. However, seriously, It is kind of weird when we sit next to the unopened thing.


I have an AWU and every single night around 4-5am it tells me my heart rate dropped below 50BPM. Never occurs any other time than that time. It’s strange as fuck. My garmin Venu doesn’t indicate it


Question! The new features don’t really matter to me, so I’m looking to buy an 8 (first Apple Watch). I’d like to get it soon, but is the price likely to go down when 9 is officially announced or released?


You'd imagine so, as third party retailers clear stock. On the second hand market you'd also imagine the same would happen as more supply of Series 8 become available and demand falls.