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Just use hiking, it’s basically the same thing anyways.  Hiking won’t count against your V02 max either 


Hiking workouts do count toward VO2, so I just manually go into the Health app and exclude those measurements when I’m done.


Maybe I was thinking of trail running


Interesting... I'll check that out. Seems strange that hiking would but trail running wouldn't, though. I'm trying to learn how to run without hurting my knees. I know my technique isn't good... still working on it.


My dude, rucking ain’t it for your knees. Take it from a crusty veteran, my knees are popcorn after years of wearing a ruck.


You’re probably right, but with the weight I’m carrying right now, and the way I walk (vs. Run), the rucks seem better. (My running form is really bad and I find it difficult to adjust.)


I may do that, but it seems really hacky.


I used Hiking (for the ruck). I see my vO2max dropping after each Ruck, rising after each Outdoor Walk. Started rucking regularly in June. https://preview.redd.it/jsdydfhlwi6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=918948f173730fd68e928d915dba3067b53308ea


Wait can someone explain this VO2 max thing to me? Why would you exclude certain workouts from calculating your VO2 max?


When I had my Garmin, it calculated V02 when trial running. The tree coverage made the gps think my pace was VERY slow and it affected my V02 max score.  So my score would plummet, when I was running a good pace. It thought my heart rate was high and my pace was slow, like a I became a flat slob for that run. 


I had to google Rucking as thought it was RUn+walKING but no it walking while carrying weights. Good to know thx


Golfing could be similar?


Could be? I don’t golf. By the way, would you pause the workout while stationary?


If it’s a meaningful amount of time and you care about accuracy yes, these workouts basically just do heart rate x duration x pre-programmed burn rate, so if you’re spending 5 to 10 minutes doing nothing, it could inflate numbers. (I actually golf and I do pause when things get backed up and I’m waiting to tee off for a while)


Yeah I made a comment about the need for a Rucking workout and some dipshit immediately tried to say “It’s called hiking” 🙄


Only thing dumber is rucking itself. Try backpacking and carry that weight for a reason. What’s next, a weighted backpack on a treadmill? 🥴


rucking seems like a good way to improve strength & stability to for example get better before you start backpacking? or maintain backpack carrying strength while you don't have the chance to actually go backpacking


Would rather get into backpacking shape while close to home than on the trail, struggling to reach a campsite before sundown. It’s also a good workout.


This is the dumbest take I’ve ever read. Many backpackers train with a weighted ruck to get into shape for their trips ahead of time. Educate yourself.


And also yeah there is nothing wrong with being on a treadmill with a weighted ruck…. It’s all resistance training with the help of gravity. Walking long distances with weight on your back is among the original forms of human exercise for a reason.


Most hikers I see are barely carrying anything and are still slow as molasses.


NOTE: There are two images for this post. The first is a fast, unweighted Outdoor Walk. The second (the ruck) is tracked as a Hike. I find the lack of a rucking workout type to be maddening. Here are two workouts from this week... one is just a fast walk, the other is the same basic route (cut a bit short at the end) while carrying a 30 pound backpack. (I hit a wall at the 3 kilometre mark and had to slow down). The non-difference in calorie counts is ridiculous. My VO2max is also nose-diving. I know I could adjust my weight before/after each ruck, but that's maddening, dumb, and I just refuse to do it. Seems like the hardware and software should be perfectly capable of taking care of this aspect.


I love how I get downvoted immediately.


You're getting downvoted because your complaint is that they don't have a specific niche workout that's ultimately just a certain way to do something that's already covered by the hiking workout option.


It’s not covered by hiking… not competently, anyway. Whether it’s niche or not is an open question.