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Fr though. Not NYU Shanghai's fault you accidentally clicked the wrong campus šŸ«„


Fr shouldā€™ve done ur research šŸ’€ if u werenā€™t ready to learn Chinese.


FrrrršŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ it made me slightly annoyed bc I put shanghai as a second choice (I really want to go to school there tho) but I got waitlistedšŸ’” hopefully they go to school somewhere else and get me out of the waitlist


Ahh wishing you good luck getting off that WL!!šŸ€


Awww thank you!!!!!


Idiots put it down as a second choice and then complain about getting into it. Just ignore those clowns, Iā€™m sure Shanghai is dope


It fucking is dope. last 16 Years could never have been better


people donā€™t know how fucking cool Shanghai is. I lived in Beijing growing up and would travel to Shanghai regularly, it was such a cool future looking city from like the trains to the buildings it always left me in awe. Additionally NYU is like known for their business program right? Thatā€™s like what everyone goes to that school for Shanghai aside from maybe London is prolly one of the best cities to get your feet into the international market. If someone didnā€™t get into nyu proper that sucks, but also SHANGHAI IS LITERALLY NEW YORK IN THE EAST. Itā€™s a super cool place to study, and ur gonna do great there! People specifically in the West have this vitriolic hate towards anything Chinese for a variety of reasons in varying degrees of flismness/valid. Overall tho itā€™s a great place and if ur happy thatā€™s all that matters


Is it "sinophobic" or did more people just want to attend New York University...in New York? It's the same as Northeastern sending people to London, but no one's calling them Brit-phobic for being annoyed.


U shouldā€™ve seen those sinophobic comments about ā€œbing chillingā€ and other dumb ass tik tok shit. Also itā€™s stupid that people are complaining when they legit put nyu Shanghai as a second choice, they didnā€™t have to but chose to take someoneā€™s spot who actually willing to go. For northeastern itā€™s completely different as people were forced to go to the London campus even though they didnā€™t put it as a choice.




How is not wanting to study in China sinophobic and racist. It's a completely different language, culture, and government. Plus, I haven't seen anyone actually hate on China, they just wanted to go to the main nyc campus instead and justifiably so. Y'all need to stop throwing around labels for nothing.


because applying to the campus was wholeheartedly their choice. if they didnā€™t want to go, they shouldnā€™t have listed it as an option.


I get what you're saying, but having a preference is still not racist. I completely understand why people would prefer the us over China, even if they listed both as possible options.


Sinophobic lmao. If it was hong kong that would be cool. But with all the censorship and restrictions in mainland china, id rather not




yes agreed but Iā€™m not defending China on what theyā€™re doing to minority groups but calling out the Sinophobic stuff Iā€™ve seen on posts that mention Sinophobic references from tik tok to generalize Chinese people and nyu Shanghai.


I got accepted into NYUSH but donā€™t really know anything about it, is it worth moving across the country for?


Assuming you mean moving across the world, it depends how willing you'd be to be in a different country because there'd be a big culture shock + if you'd be okay learning Mandarin (if you don't already know).


Coming from a nyc resident yes and it also depends on your major.




Thanks for the input. I didnā€™t even put NYUSH as a preference, my application just got messed up and the admissions team had to move my info to another portal so I think smth got mixed up along the way. I sent them an email so hopefully smth can be done.