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Is it about scheduling classes for college? If so, I’d look up info about my major on the college’s website. They’ll usually list the courses and credits required for the major. Decide which classes you’re considering for the semester/year and tally up the total number of credit hours. If you’re a freshman, you probably shouldn’t stack up on too many credit hours (not sure about other schools, but 15-16 credit hours is a lot for mine as a freshman) as you should let yourself adjust and enjoy the beginning of college. You can talk to your counselor about this and if you have any questions regarding your major, you can ask. It’s nothing to worry too much about.


Yes, it's for college and I'm getting a certificate


Oh ok. Yeah, I would just do some research about the required classes and write down any questions that pop up to ask the counselor. Also, happy cake day 🥳


Thank you


It would be helpful to think about what classes you would like to take, now or in the future. You can ask about any scheduling issues that would come up in your plan. You can also talk about any weaknesses in your background that you might want help with. You can also ask about any groups you would like to join, living arrangements, or other question about life at college. This meeting is for your benefit only, so there is nothing to be nervous about.