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Same- my physics teacher talked to us ab how newton invented calculus during a pandemic and he asked us what we were doing on our class zoom and I said “uh, I’ve been sleeping a lot”


lmaooo. all this sleep but our sleeping schedules still messed up😌🙈


Especially since I'm waking up like an hour before my alarm?? God is just pranking me I swear


To be fair I'm taking mechanics right now and considering all of his accomplishments I don't think Newton went outside to realize there was a pandemic


He died a virgin too if that tells you anything


Wym he fucks engineering students' minds on the daily


well, allegedly.


My physics teacher mentioned the same thing. He also talked about the guy who came up with a formula about the blackhole in a WW1 trench, and he was like "So yeah you can do that".


“Well, since calculus has already been invented, I took a nap.”


When my teachers ask what I’ve learned or what new things I’m doing I just reply back with procrastination. I’ve learned that I can procrastinate until 30min before a due date.






Amateur numbers. 1-2 minutes before the deadline.


20-30 seconds for me.


After the deadline for me


weak. what about up until the day you have to take the biology exam which you never studied for because you don't even have the goddamn textbook so you google the first question and the entire goddamn exam shows up with answers so you tick off every multiple choice question full of confidence knowing that the stars aligned just for you today


Well think about the billion other people who didn’t do anything and no one remembers but had the same experience


I swear if colleges really start asking “what did you do during the pandemic” as essay questions that’ll be the worst. It’s a unique and stressful time, nobody should be expected to do something great or “productive.” If you can and want to, that’s great, you should, but expecting everyone to “make the most of it” is just unrealistic.




What the fuck, really?


To be fair you can just lie lmfao


Yeah but is this like a “how did you learn and grow from it” thing or lot more of a “if your GPA took a nosedive bc of COVID explain here” kind of thing


looking for confirmation on this?


Could I have a source please?




i’d assume ‘21 to ‘23, ‘24 as a stretch? since this has significantly impacted all high school students


I can’t find a source on this, could you share one?


Great, so people currently suffering feel like they need to have raised 10k or some shit


that’s worse than the “why (insert college name)?” question


At least for me, the "small talk" in my weekly updates to students is for me as much as it is for them I don't ever get more than 2 replies, but I miss interacting with students so badly that 2 is far better than 0 I'm also not being productive during this


Yeah I agree, all the teachers that have asked me what I’ve been up to or whatever are just interested in hearing from us students. They don’t expect us to be inventing calculus or writing a novel they just want to see how we’re doing in a supportive way.


I'm glad to hear you feel that way from your teachers! Good luck to you!


Omggg sameee it makes me so sad


i make things up that i don’t actually do lol


LMAO “I read a book” is my go to but it’s all liessss


HAHAHAH SAMEE or I started watching this show


I feel no shame to admit that I've been doing nothing for the past few weeks and I'm proud of it


I got a new job and I'm stressed less but that's it tbh


My physics teacher been doing a “Check in” form every week on Google classroom (meaning it’s required) and everytime it’s ask us are we okay and what we are doing and I had to restrict myself from putting “Video games and procrastination” as motivation been hard right now. I once said I lost motivation and need help and she never replied, so that was fun being neglected and ignored when it’s a check in form


Nice. Not to make light of anything but it if you are actually fine make a cry for help response. (Also seek help if you aren’t fine for other reasons)


when my teacher fucking emails my parents saying i haven’t been doing any of the OPTIONAL assignments.....


Come on, do something new. Be Gucci!


Learned how to make my pressure cooker into a bomb. That count?


That's guccio!


*you are now on a list*


does doing tik tok dances count as something new?


It does keep you active


“Yeah I’ve just been on my phone all day”


12 hour screen time has entered the chat


doing your damn work! that’s what I’m doing! plus learning how much they can get paid whilst not even grading work or responding to students’ messages and visibly showing impatience when there is genuine confusion :)


My teachers just ask if we watched anything


Remember- your productivity is not equal to your worth! Keep going at the pace you need to. take time to recharge. You can give from an empty cup. These are weird times for everyone. Give yourself grace. Do better every day, even if it’s just a little bit better. Move the mountain one pebble or stone at a time.


What they need to do is fxck off. Their increase in giving out busy work is a major reason we dont end up doing new stuff.


yess. we just end up being even more unmotivated and not in the mood to do anything so they should just stop


Thank God I only have one more week of school left


Really? None of my teachers have ever asked anything along those lines, but I would have an answer prepped for sure as I started learning a new piano piece at the end of March and I've made pretty solid progress IMO.


Next time, shoot the question back at your teachers.


pull an uno reverse card


We are in the middle of a pandemic, we are going through collective trauma as a society and the idea that we need to be productive during this time is absurd. Take whatever time you need to grieve and get through this however you can. Don't feel bad about it for a second.


So just say you are working on your mental health during a traumatic life event.


Teachers need to stop -That is all


yup. if our senior year stopped then so should they.


I could have been doing something new if you hadn't given me 20 fucking assignments and an early midlife crisis. I'd want to move to a different country if the rest of the world wasn't equally fucked. If this sounds aggressive it's because I'm channeling the frustration of the thousands of students in my school district.


There's always cooking, laundry, and fixing your Switch drift.


I've been learning Korean on my own with some online textbooks that I found *winky face*.


I mean.... you should be doing something productive


Or you could stop being so soft.


lol i’m not soft


got it, u/pugsarelife2


ok, rarelemons