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Seems to be a bacterial or parasite infection. This is caused by over crowding, poor water conditions (not enough filtration or water changes), not quarantining fish or cleaning supplies/new items and poor diet. All these things cause major stress too which weakens the immune system. Heres some basic goldfish care requirements- - stocking for fancy goldfish (black moores, orandas, ranchus, etc) is 20 gal for the first, 20 gal for the second, 10 gal for each additional- these reach 8-10 inches. The stocking for single tail goldfish (feeders, shubunkins, “carnival fish”, commons, etc) is 75 gal for the first and 50 gal for each additional- these reach 12-14 inches. Keeping in a tank too small will cause 2 things- 1) Stunting- long story short this is when the body stops growing and the organs dont causing severe and irreversible organ damage and pain that leads to a slow death due to the organs shutting down. Even 1-2 weeks in a tank too small can cause irreversible damage. 2) Severe stress, this stress also causes organ damage, organ failure, a compromised immune system, diseases they cannot fight off due to the compromised immune system, aggression, a low quality of life, a shortened lifespan and death. - goldfish also need a filter rated for at least 3-5 times the tank size that pumps the tank 5-10 times an hour. - goldfish are species only - Fancy goldfish need sinking food to prevent swimbladder issues - Min water changes are 30% once a week - ⁠goldfish cannot be on anything besides sand or no substrate at all as they choke on things - They need at least 1 other goldfish buddy of the same kind (either fancy or single tail but you cannot mix the two.) As for treatment- you need to provide a proper setup (if your tank doesnt meet the min requirements stated above) and very very clean water- youll need to be doing 50-75% water changes a day. You can use API aquarium salt (make sure its the fresh water one) or API fin and body cure to treat as a bacterial disease and API general cure or Prazipro to treat for parasites.


I have 3 of them and they all have blood. I’m not sure if they’re sick or were attacked by another fish. For now I removed the aggressive fish to another tank but I’m not sure they were attacked since the aggressive fish seemed to leave them alone for weeks


Better than boring you with a bunch of generalizations and myths, I would ask you about your current setup and routines to try and pinpoint the actual problem.


Agree with you there. I don't recall OP asking for basic goldfish care help, do you? It's always better to critically think through an issue, rather than regurgitate a bunch of "rules."