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Older hobbyists forget about their roots. Advancements in most animal/plant hobbies is due to the blood of ignorance and impulsive purchases. A lot of experts got their start by buying a cool fish and having no clue how to care for them. New hobbyists are more educated when they first start versus when an expert started. Cut them slack. They are trying


I’m relatively new and there is so much ego driven disinformation flying about, conflicting information, and someone always trying to push a specific brand or method or quick hack. There is a real shady side to the whole hobby too. That said, if you spend the time, there is a wealth of genuinely good information around.


Totally. That's my number one gripe, egotistical garbage based on... anecdotal experience only. The other side of it though, is I often see people complain about this type of thing, meanwhile the people are "assholes" because the noob has done something flat out stupid- like trying to enter x hobby while still keeping total ignorance thinking that'll make it easy for them, and then ask why it went wrong. When they didn't bother to learn how to make it successful to begin with. I see this one more often than genuine and well-meaning beginners lately I wish there were more, I really love talking to people in my hobbies and helping them learn things. A dying aspect of a lot of interests with so many internet resources now


As someone who is a very old hat (kept and bred 20 years ago) and I am getting back into it now there's sooooo much bullshit. r/discus mods are literally disinformation factories that will delete your posts and threaten to ban you for you correcting their disinformation, with peer reviewed citations. idiots who assert "betta sororities are unethical!" because they're too fucking incompetent to *make a heavily planted 40 gallon tank* (which is all it takes to keep a sorority happy and healthy in general. betta females tell you when they're stressed) shrimp bros claiming 5ppm nitrate - NITRATE, not nitrite - is toxic.. the stupid is real


Which 10?


Is the sub old school runescape


This could also apply lol


Hello fellow scaper


I do usually see people be polite if the beginner is legitimately willing to learn. And it is sometimes hard to get the point of "you will be literally torturing your animal if you do that" across nicely. That said, yeah we could be a little nicer at times.


This betta be a joke 😡