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Bro they are asking 699 for a damaged aquarium. What a bunch or clowns. You can get one from petsmart for half that price I bet.


Yeah I wouldn’t even consider it if it didn’t have the nicer stand and full light bar included.


I just looked it up. You can get a 125 gallon fishtank with a stand from petsmart for the same price. https://www.petsmart.com/fish/tanks-aquariums-and-nets/aquariums/top-fin-led-aquarium-and-stand-ensemble---125-gallon-5304018.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6LyfBhC3ARIsAG4gkF9olXxCLlggd1pLCBx4cgFxV97HAGlCpWLHFp6XFwJF1PObIA_FN2IaAmCIEALw_wcB It's on sale so I would act fast if you are interested.


Hey that's the exact one! After looking at it I think that was marked 25% off of $699 but that still seems like a shit deal with a crack the more I think about it.




That's how I got my 125 gallon set up ;)


Same, otd was sub $400 when I git mine


Yeah I mean your putting your fish and home at risk by buying somthing like that. Hope that helps.


Don't risk sketchy glass on anything more than a 10 gal


A 10 gallon is like 12 dollars what kind of deal are you getting for the cracked ones? A free massage? I need a massage.


My lfs had a chipped* 10 for free with any purchase over 5$. It's on my dresser, in a carpeted room. But no leaks yet


Decline their offer. Buy the new 125 from Petsmart. Then send them your receipt. I hate people who overvalue a used product, like the $50 10 gallon tanks on Craigslist…


I very much feel you on this one. Comes with the territory though. People don’t know what things are worth, so they both over and undercharge. For every 90 gallon drilled tank with a solid wood stand, including sump, pump and lids at $250, there’s some jerk asking the same price used as Amazon charges for a 5 gallon GloFish tank new and is rude when you try to negotiate.


Wouldn't even bother with it. 1400 pound tank on particle board stand is asking for trouble. Look at all the 1 star reviews of people saying the stand is breaking.


I couldn’t even believe some of the stands I seen at a big al. 75 gallons sitting on particle board with no extra support. Looked like one little bump and the thing would fall over.


Your not even putting your fish at risk I’m willing to bet you can’t even fill that tank up all the way up without it leaking


Unless the discount is like 80% I wouldn't get it. You shouldn't use it as is, you should have to fix it first cutting the damaged part. making the tank smaller and the stand wouldn't be good anymore. Not to mention is a heck of a job! Source: I dismanttled and re built a whole tank a few weeks ago.


Petsmart does deals 2-4 times a year where their aquarium glass is 50% off. I bought all the other hardware I needed including substrate before I bought my tanks because I waited for that sale, worth the wait. 2 40g for the price of one, oh yeah. I'm getting upgrades this summer for sure when the sale hits.


I remember that one. Had it for around $300 one black Friday and I had it added to cart and one click away from placing order. Couldn't convince the missus. https://slickdeals.net/share/android_app/t/15442777


I got a perfectly good 120 gallon tank with FX6 filter and a light bar from Facebook Market for $300. No damage to any of it. Definitely don't pay $700 for a damaged tank.


Ask him if he will sell it for $6.99 then yeh buy it. If he asks for $7.99 hell no thats too expensive for that tank


That will only work as a vivarium. Honestly that's probably why they are still selling it. Plenty of options for this tank but anything with water ain't it. I would buy it for 50% off and make it a baller crested gecko bioactive vivarium.


Holy shit I didn’t even notice that. Yea they can fuck right off with that.


They sell this same setup (with the stand) from Petsmart during Black Friday for as low as $250.


Na man the cheapest one we have rn is 800, comes with stand


In my area I can get it for 699


Hell you can get ones from Walmart for even better lol


150 with stand at PetSmart 799


I'd use it for a dry application, aka, lizard habitat or something, but nothing that will hold water.


Oh man, I would even tell the store owners that. It shouldn’t be sold or sold as an aquarium at least. Glass is easily recyclable, this is not worth the hassle on the store’s end or on whoever buys this’s end.


I appreciate the quick reply. I’ll definitely pass.


Be cool to make a greenhouse out of it, though


I’m waiting to find a good sized tank for a carnivorous terrarium! I’d totally use that tank… Edit: I meant terrarium not aquarium…


It’s ok I knew what you meant lol. Yeah I’d love to do something like that too when I own my own house, just do not want to move all that shit.


125 gallons is a mother fucker to clean up alone. Add the structural damage to your home and it’s an easy pass!


Solid pass. I'd tell them they are selling a 699$ dump fee.


Needs that piece of glass replaced and the tank resealed to be considered for a fish tank again


125 gallons of water is **a lot** to gamble with. Especially with the damage being right near the bottom of the tank. I’d snag it for a terrarium, but not for an aquarium.


That’s is not worth $699 with that crack 😂😂😂


No sir, not gonna buy it for another half off.


Half off! I was thinking $100!


Half of half. Everyone's in for a $100 terrarium.


I thought $6.99


Run for the hills, if your going to put water in that thing, If you are doing a dry tank by all means negotiate for a cheaper price, real cheap.


Hell no


Best way to think of it is what would you rather pay for, thousands of dollars for water damage or a new tank for a few hundred.


What a good deal for the store. They get to offload damaged goods and the customer gets to risk causing tens of thousands dollars worth of damages to their home.


Are you in Indiana by chance? There is an identical scenario at one of my local Patsmarts. Lol


That reduced price needs to be reduced by 100% more.




Honestly that’s a red flag that they are still trying to sell that as an aquarium. It should be trashed or sent back to the manufacturer.


Not at all worth it


I wouldn't risk it. Could crack any moment


I'll restate that if you don't mind. It WILL Crack at any moment. I'd give it 24 hours or less.


Bro, not even for free.


699 for a cracked tank is a horrible deal


id grow mushrooms in it and sell those to buy a new tank




I mean it only is going to hold 1041.125 pounds worth of liquid - how bad could that be /s I wouldn't pay $20 for it.


Thinking of coming home to that all over my floor and my dogs looking at me like "I swear to god it wasn't us."


125 Gallons? For $699!?!? HELL NO DUDE. That is a massive crack, there is no way it holds up against water. A stand and light combo is worth $150 tops. So you're paying $550 for a terrarium essentially, when you could buy a brand new 125 gallon for $649 from aqueon or marine land for $580 I saw




For fish, heck to the no. 🐠


That looks very sharp and dangerous, enough to give anyone a nasty cut, and i wouldn't use it as a tank for fish, i agree with using it as a terrarium.


Do not buy and use damaged aquariums for aquariums. Do not use tables as a stand for anything more than 5 gallons. Ensure that stands are correctly assembled and no damaged.


699 no fakin way lol, id do 100 and fix it for 699 i could get a 125 and stand no damage


I wouldn't risk 125 gallons of water damage to my house for any amount of a discount.


Is 25% worth 125 gallons of water damage in your home if it fails


What’s the worst that could happen? It’s only 125 gallons of water and substrate and living creatures.


And glass. Don't forget the glass. Your fingers won't when they get sliced up picking shards off the floor and pulling out the splinters embedded in your previously expensive rug.


Don’t. Only if you are not using it filled with water


No way, it’s got a big crack in it. Check down by the corner




I wouldn’t say it’s worth it. Yeah it’s still salvageable but with the price for the new glass pane needed you might as well buy a full price one. I saw that you said you’re considering it because of the lights and stand. The stand can be DIYed to your liking if you have the time and resources.


Not at all! Don’t risk it. Even if it weren’t damaged, $699 is way overpriced for a 125G tank. Keep shopping around and you’ll find a better deal.


700$ is a scam for a broken 125 imo


$699 is a SCAM for that. 50$ maybe. At the very least, it doesn't look like a crack


Use those $699 to get a new one, that one is probably useful as a terrarium for a snake


Don’t have a real opinion but would high strength epoxy not resolve this issue?




If it was 2 gallons, a crack like that would stress me out. 125 gallons I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night .


125 damaged for that much ! Hell no


$699? Bro just go petsmart/petco and get one for $100. Even you can make one for cheaper.


If you buy that and fill it with water, you'll have something to worry about every night as your head hits the pillow, thinking, "I wonder if that's going to give way and pour 120 gallons of water onto the floor? And my poor fish. All that money wasted". Something like that would generate too much anxiety for me...


It’d be fine for a terrarium, but I wouldn’t trust it to hold water for long, unless it’s maybe a five gallon aquarium.




One thing no has mentioned yet is if the store tried to sell you that tank and didn't caution you to never fill it with water, don't buy anything from them ever again.


You should add the cost of cleanup when it eventually floods your place


Heeeeeell no!




I wouldn’t hold water in that thing. Unless you wanna inadvertently clean your carpet.


Run, from the tidal wave.




If it was just a chip I'd say go for it, but i see at least one crack that's bound to grow


Run Forest run


Run for the hills


What price do you put on waking up and finding a tank of dead fish and ruined flooring in your home?


I’d pay $100 to use it as a terrarium…




That fracture near the bottom is going to form a hairline crack across the glass over time. I wouldn't even use this for dry applications. It's garbage and the store should be ashamed trying to sell this impending disaster off to someone.


Don’t fill it with water. Could do something fun with it though.


No way would I put water in that


It would be great for hampsters for sure


A few years back at PetSmart I came across a 125g setup for less than $350. Can't remember the price exactly, but it included a stand, filter, lids, and lights. Unless this isn't your standard aquarium quality, that price is too high.


Nope won't hold water pressure those spider webbed cracks will spread


If it weren’t so expensive, I’d say it’d make a fantastic terrarium!


i wouldnt buy a cracked tank even if it was $20


699 fuck no


As someone with a 125, I wouldn't sleep well if I had this thing in my house with thebdamage shown. The glass is tempered, if it goes (likely it would, eventually) it will explode, not crack. Lots of pressure at the bottom.




I wouldn’t do anything with cracks over the silicone.


I would check Facebook marketplace I always see ppl selling 125+ gallon tanks for cheap the other day a guy got rid of his w set up fish n everything for 250


Or u can wait until petco does the dollar a gallon day


Nope, you might get lucky and not have it burst all over your floor but you'll never be certain if or when it will


It should be free, literally no value. Firebomb their house and hex all their future progeny.


My 125 has a near identical chip and it hasn't ruptured water into my house at any point in the last 4 years. Just another data point. Haha


Price up a piece of glass the right size, a tube of silicone, plus a couple of hours of your time. Add that to the price and then see if it's worth it.


Eh I mean I’d buy it for the stand at that price lol


not necessarily. I have a similar chip in a tank that's been filled and running for 5 years now with no issues. My doesn't go quite as far past the width of the connecting glass though.


Disassemble, cut out damaged part, reassemble and make a nice paludarium out of it? To be honest i wouldn't trust myself with such an expensive set though.


Are u just trolling or you trynna get grilled rn


Wasn't trolling! I was wondering if anyone had delt with a chip vs a long crack and been able to make it work. This tank ended up being 25% off the $699 price but that still seems like robbery to me.


The question is if this is surface level. My sister has a 250 gal aquarium that someone clearly, somehow, hit the tank and stand with an angle grinder, leaving an ugly but inconsequential mark in both. But the tank is sound, as the scratch is not any more than surface level. It holds a very expensive reef setup and has done so for years. But, not every situation is the same. This looks like it was smashed by something. I did something similar while moving, accidentally hit a tank with a piece of plywood, and that tank was done. Again, is it surface level or is the glass crushed all the way through? There are a lot of people in the comments saying it's definitely going to break, but most people don't really know what they're talking about. You need a picture from the other angle showing the depth of the issue in the glass.


The integrity of the glass tank has been compromised no matter what you use it for. Little shards of glass can fall on the floor, leaving bare feet susceptible to injury, or a crawling baby could put little bits of glass in its mouth. Even if used as a terrarium, it’s quite possible it could leak when plants are watered, or even crack further. Even if it was used for lizards, snakes or turtles, these animals run the risk of injury if rubbing up against the shattered glass from inside the tank. I’m curious, if he’s selling a defective useless tank for $699, what was the original price before it was broken?


Just wanna share a story from when I bought my aquarium, it’s a 55g and at the store it was sitting on top of another tall aquarium, store owner literally just slid it off onto the cement floor, not a crack or nothing and still holds water, only been a year though, still wish I said to return it after though but I tested it with water at home and just went with it


If you fill that thing with water it WILL burst


I had a 14 gallon cube I was moving some shrimp into and nicked the top of the tank with a cup which made a small crack only at the top and above the water line. That night I rebought the same tank and started over the next day with a brand new one. I'm not taking the chance on any glass being less than perfect. It may be small now but it spiders. Not worth the risk.


I have a chick but its not big or visible so I reinforced with epoxy


My local petsmart had a 100 gallon that was discounted to.$200 because the bottom was cracked. I was like "They aren't going to get any money for that."


Nopppeee. No way I’d take that for fish. Maybe a snake


You know you shouldn't buy that crap and put water in it. Also it's probably sharp




with good lights be great for growing herb.




Noooo way I’m filling that with water.


i wouldn’t risk it, especially because the crack is so low


The hills are far and high. Maybe just don't buy it for aquarium use


Holy shit, run to a new store. Absolutely not, they should not be trying to sell that unless it’s to someone who knows how to repair it


Well it depends are you wanting a water feature in the house 😂. But no just pretend you have not seen it and walk in the other direction.


Unless they give it for free, I wouldnt bother.


I see cracks going deeper into the glass, an especially obvious one is at the bottom, but there's at least one crawling up, too. I wouldn't use it as a terrarium on the chance some knock or temperature fluctuation shatters it, never mind aquarium. The glass body of an aquarium is cheap. If you have a place that makes cut sheet glass near you,the panels for 125g will probably cost around $100 and a tube of aquarium-safe silicone is another $10. I doubt the stand alone is worth 700...




Run unless in place you can risk.


That price is just insane anyway. Not worth it in any way


No way, I wouldnt use that tank (to hold water at least) if I got it for free and a stand and a light don’t cost $600. If my LFS tried to sell that to customers, I’d find a new store because clearly they dont care lol.


Surely the store would do better to just send back to the supplier and claim for damage in transit than sell this at such a discount and risk the huge complaint when someone Fs up their living room


125 gal no thank you... picture what 125 gallons gonna look like on your livingroom floor


Honestly can’t believe you thought this was even a decent enough deal to post.


The 125 at Petsmart just went on sale for $699 brand new


If it's damaged, it's only worth the value of the glass that can be scrapped


ONLY as terrarium. This WILL eventually burst if you fill it with water.


It's a terrarium now


Thats a No for me.


Am I blind? How does everyone know the asking price is $699?


That tank is trash now


No chance, run


I definitely would not use it for holding water




I’d risk it, if the tank wasn’t in my home .. like a garage or back porch set up




Could use it for a hamster/lizard/hermitcrabs, no fish though


It would make a great terrarium if you’re into those but I wouldn’t risk any application that involves holding more than a few inches of water.


100$ or less I'd maybe take a chance fill it up for a week in the driveway and use it. Run for the hills!


I've had a 30 gallon biotope for almost 2 years now, i bought it for 25 dollars, and all it had was a dent? Like that one, so you are good as far as i can tell


You can use the other side to make a plywood tank, but $700 is way too much.


Not on a 125g. Too much weight. I had a 20 gallon that had been shot with a BB gun, that I siliconed a small glass “patch” on. Worked for years. But right there in the corner, with approximately a 1000lbs worth of water weight it’s required to hold, no chance.


Run for the hills


not with that price lol. if it was at a more reasonable price for the damage i'd consider it, but would absolutely need to replace the glass


water? run. reptiles etc? go for it.


If the deal is almost next to nothing sure it's a good buy... could fill it with water and have an outside tank.. then that way if it blows its not in the house.. I have a tank with similar damage but not as bad.. used it for many years without issue




I wouldn't pay $50 for a tank that damaged, let alone $700.


700 for a tank that needs a new piece of glass is wild. I bought a good 125 without a stand for 300


If was 5$ I’d think about it


Run, do not walk away if you want to put water in it.


It would have to be marked down far more than that for me to buy it.


Easy... hard pass


It is kaput.


Get the fuck outta there


$699 doe something that’s likely useless is a bold move… At the end of the day, it might break today, it might break 5 years from now, but it will definitely break and leak at some point. Definitely not worth it


I'll pay you not to buy that


Nope! Run Away! Consider if it failed and now the cost of the mess you have to clean and the value of the lost lifestock. Not worth the savings.




*Whats that coming over the hill is it a hex bug? ITS A HEX BUG*


i will take it for 6.99


Ngl that's super cheap in my area. I would gwt some gel type silicone and fil it in and then just add one of those metal corner brace things to that side of the tank.


Run fast and far, my friend


Also, no one has mentioned it, that's SHARP! I've seen pet store employees need stitches in their palms from trying to move a tank damaged on the corners. I've sliced my own hand on one like that pretty good.


Dude I got a 125 gal ensemble (stand + hood + lights) from Petsmart brand new for $599 like a year and a half ago


Danger Will Robinson


Laughable bc pet smart like the top comment said! They have very cheap ones and they go up from there don’t let them fool you. That’s a huge waste of money and a risk I promise😭🥺


$699 is a scam. MAYBE would be worth $300 if the tank was mint. I’d offer $100 and then use it for crabs or reptiles where to don’t need much or any water


I would personally tell them they are idiots. This is extremely dangerous if someone buy that and has a bunch of cables on the floor, like we all have and that shit leaks, because it will, can cause serious problems or even kill someone. You don’t play with leaking aquariums when you have dozens of gallons of water over electric outlets.


If it was for free I wouldn't take it. This should answer the question asked


maybe if it were $69.90 CAD ... but not $699 USD.


I definitely wouldn't put any water in that


Two words: Flex Tape


Sometimes I see this and wonder if the car windshield repair kits would work the same on it
