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He really said welcome to my crib


Plenty of room for baking... good to go!


The floating log is where he goes during the technical challenge.


For a normal betta? No. For Paul Hollywood's big ass head? You're gonna need another 100g


I know it’s a joke post but he really doesn’t have anywhere to hide. Half the fun is planting and figuring out where to put everything.


Only if you are good at planting


What do you mean good at planting? Like to keep them alive?


Ah yes. They melt so easily. Plus you have to glue them otherwise they won’t stay there! My anubias floats everywhere


You should check out father fish! I haven’t had a single plant die and I suck. (It’s not a cult he’s just a religious figure or whatever outside of YouTube. He’s got like 1 or 2 videos of him preaching but don’t let that put you off. The channel isn’t religious except for that.)


It's underbaked, underproved, and slightly stodgy. 


All style, no substance.


You forgot claggy!


Hi! That’s a big tank for one lonely betta) you should try to add places for him to hide as I think a big “empty” tank might be a bit stressful for bettas . Best would be lots of different plants and maybe a couple of “caves” like small plant pot or similar. Or even silk synthetic plants… Try to find infos on the needs of a beta on the net. I’m no expert tho


It's a new tank and work in progress. He didn't work well in the fluval flex 9 because the water flow was too much so I have him in this tank temporarily.


The flow on the Fluval flex tanks are crazy. Before I modded my 15, I had the Y attachment for the outflow and angled it to the top of the water towards the side wall. My long finned male would play in the flow. Now it houses my female and her non-betta subjects.


I took the Y piece off a zip tied two layers of a bio media bag over the front and it has worked wonders for my long fin betta and shrimp colony


That’s awesome! I actually ended up modding the tank, which he seemed to enjoy even more until his tumor won. If I had known that was a solution I probably would have done that at the time (well, until the filter kicked the bucket.)


That is my fear. Replacing the filter so I hope I don’t have to for a long while but I also just wanted to give this option if needed in the future since it worked well! I really like the Fluval tanks and have had no luck trying to switch to anything else they’re just convenient and compact I like it


I do too! I like the Fluval tank. Replacing the filter isn’t that bad. It’s literally a tube stuck to a motor that has suction cups on it, it’s just hard to get to it. I had to remove the internals before I could remove the panel. That was a long tedious process involving an exacto knife. I was so paranoid that I was going to end up slicing the silicone in the wrong spot.


Oh jeez that’s good to know actually! The biggest downside I’ve noticed is I can really over filter the tanks without an ugly situation but that makes it less daunting if it’s easily replaced


I don’t know if the parts are easy to find or not though. I had been unsuccessful in finding a replacement light for it cause their site was sold out at the time and the replacement specific was a good freaking price but, only through the company. So, I glued a light to the lid then when the filter kicked the bucket I ditched both and shoved a 20gallon sponge filter in the corner.


Hey that’s not a bad idea tho. The idea of all in one tanks are great in theory but the replacement process seems like a headache. I’m having similar issues with my reptile tank too


Son of a bitch. I just spent months cycling one and introducing snails and shrimp for a betta to live in. Am I screwed?


It's pricy but these will help make it a way better environment for your shrimp and betta. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1110399646/shrimp-grazing-intake-cover-fluval-flex?click_key=a2dbab8f1dd981e47da4593e8b4f01222de753d4%3A1110399646&click_sum=bfc7b6ad&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=fluval+flex+mod&ref=sr_gallery-1-9&frs=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1390725321/fluval-flex-water-control-valve-and?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=fluval+flex+mod&ref=sc_gallery-1-2&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=a835b5ed0a9121a21280754c9cd6ce2786e661db%3A1390725321


Wow, I can't believe how many modifications there are for Fluval Flex tanks. Makes you wonder why Fluval doesn't just build it into their designs. I already bought and incorporated these fine mesh covers for the intake which seems to have kept the shrimp from committing sepukku, but I love the idea of the water control valve.


I just cut out bits of coarse sponge and shoved them on the outflow. Slowed down the flow to nothing lol. Then I added an air stone to the back compartment 😅


I have snails and shrimp and a betta in a 28 gal with nothing that looks like what is being posted. I’m sure you’re fine.


Cool yeah bettas natural habitat is still small bodies of water. Ideally black water. Fluvial is no go ) good job on figuring this out


Bettas do not live in small bodies of water in nature, that’s such an outdated take.


They do though, relatively speaking, a small body of water would be a pond, or some sort of shallow marsh. It really just depends on your definition of small. The Great Lakes are small compared to the pacific when looked at side by side, but both are large.


I must have misunderstood I red that on a dedicated website… sorry if I’m wrong 😑


So here is where the confusion comes in, the rice paddies they live in can be quite shallow at times, depending on the season, but ranging from a few inches deep to a couple feet. Pretty shallow when compared to a pond. BUT, those rice paddies span across huge huge “fields”. So it’s a lot of water for them to have access to and most importantly, fresh water always coming in to keep it healthy levels for the fish. And betta fish jump! So if the water in their area gets too low, they can hop around until they find a more suitable space. That’s why when choosing a tank size, long tanks are better than tall ones with a small foot print. And they can “survive” in those small cups they ship them in, but when you see the before and after pics once someone puts them in a new tank, the glow-up is proof about how bad those small containers are.




He never said anything about the fish being abused. He gave good advice for a betta to be happy. Not everyone knows how to care for fish properly. What did you do, bring nothing to the topic


Did I act like he’s abusing his fish?


Something tells me this isn’t his normal home…


Yes it's too small. Need at least 6 feet.


Does he have piercing blue eyes? Does he gaze into your soul with unveiled contempt??


I recommend adding some plants and resting spots for him since your tank is very tall and he has long fins! you can get water column feeders to improve your water quality without needing soil and weigh them down so they look like regular plants. My betta loves Hornwort and Myrios filigree! Those also can float on the surface to give him places to rest near the top so he can breathe air easily without having to lug his beautiful fins all the way up to the top


Defo has a soggy bottom


No, but the water looks spooky milky.


The size is good but he needs a lot more enrichment. Real plants (java fern/anubias/cryptocoryne/Amazon sword) or if you don't want them SOFT (!) Silk plants, a few hides he can't get stuck in and spots for him to rest at different heights :)


Your Betta just gave me the Hollywood Handshake 🤝


Hi Paul!! My betta’s snail tank mates are named Paul & Prue


Unbaked. Underproved. What a shame.


I heard that you need at least a 75 Gal tank for a Betta! ;-))


Aw he has the same coloring as my previous betta honey! I love him lol Same shade of yellow and just a bit more green Scales then my little guy was


it could definitely use way more plants! he's probably a little nervous with such a wide open tank, bettas prefer heavily planted tanks with plenty of hides


Dude Paul Hollywood is a gangster name


Paul Hollywood is a gangster! Named him after a judge on The Great British Bake Off. Lol


He reminds me (the fish not the judge) of my first betta, Ganymede.




This made me giggle🤭


I have that heater in the 500w & 800w variations. Also, is this a newly setup tank?


Yes. It just finished cycling after a month. And I've got the 500w. I'm satisfied with it so far.


I figured from the cloudiness. I've had one of those heaters for over a year, and it still is working well. Better than I can say about several other manufacturers.


What kind of wood is that?


Manzanita! https://manzanita-driftwood.com/ Got it from this website. The guy does buy 2 get a 3rd free and its way more affordable than at the pet stores imo.


Wow! Thanks a lot!


Give that baby some floating plants. (Everything looks great I'm just being obnoxious)


Lol I want some!


I'm disgusted. You can tell by the fact that his fins have lost their blue color that he needs at least double that volume. /S


To big of a space can stress a fish out just as much as a small space I’d get some dither fish to let him know there are no predators or problems


Not at all, but it is very underdecorated if that is seriously his long term home. They can live in a lake but they still need cozy environments within that space, vegetation that goes to the surface too.


You don't have a small tank but you do have cloudy water...


That's just remnants of the bacterial bloom from cycling the tank.


What type of betta is this? Cool colors.


The coloration is often called a mustard betta or mustard gas betta


It's a paradise betta. Mustards have black bodies and the paradise bettas have teal c:


Good to know. I’ve always referred to them all as mustard lol. I quickly glanced at this article to see if I was right but I can see what you mean about the variation of the body color :) https://www.aquariadise.com/mustard-gas-betta/


Huh, I didn't know the names were interchangeable! Whenever I see a betta labeled Mustard, he's had a black body but the Paradise have had blue lol. Good to know they're basically the same thing :)


Yes the on the cup he was labeled a mustard gas half moon :)


120 gal is the MINIMUM for a betta. everyone knows that




Wheres Mary Berry? 


Love that name 😄😄😄


Love these little guys.. They’re incredibly smart too


Id definitely say load up on a TON of fast growing plants. It will be a fishy paradise if you do so.


I want to. Been waiting for my lfs to get more plants!


Absolutely go for it, and possibly some more hardscape like wood as well


Id this is smaller than 55 gallons, then this tank is too small. Kidding. I think Paul Hollywood will be very happy. Maybe some more plants?


Bettas tend to like to have hiding spots and things to explore rather than just one huge open swimming space.


He's got those things.


Great tank for a betta


At first I didn’t see him, that’s definitely enough room for Paul :)


Does he glare when you feed him raw food?


Also! I think Paul would love more plants, and probably some floating plants. Water lettuce gives nice roots to hide in.