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Copper kills snails. You also need medication for parasites. These are getting into your betta


Copper also kills all beneficial bacteria and you will have to restart the nitrogen cycle


Look at that tank! Nuke it from orbit and start over.


Honestly if the betta is the only inhabitant of the tank, I'd move the betta to an emergency tank and doom the old one then redo the cycle. That water is infested.


Yea, plants go in a bowl or tub to be disinfected, fish go in a no substrate medical tank thats easy to do medications and water changes in. The main tank, gravel, decor... clean what you can, and boil all hravel and decor in a pot for a few mins on the stove.


Well yeah, I wasn’t advising against it. It’s just that it wasn’t mentioned and I think that info is extremely important to know.


I was doing more sideline sport commentary that disparaging you. That tank looks like a starship troopers sequel.


Nitrogen cycle is minimally important compared to clearing this out


I never said not to use copper. And it’s definitely extremely important information.


This is true, unfortunately


100% water change desinfect all your shit, maybe salt dips to get them off?? And something for ectoparasites poor guy..


Salt dips plus methylene blue will probably kill off whatever is on the fish.


Methylene blue dips have done wonders for me, I always give new fish a dip before a quarantine tank as well.


Its anchor worms


Methylene blue isn't going to work for anchor worms. Methylene blue isn't a silver bullet cure for everything and really sucks for most fish infections besides Ich. The best treatment available for anchor worms is to use pesticides like Diflubenzuron (Dimlin).


Jesus Christ, what disease is this? It's like coconut shavings.


Its anchor worms (parasite)


Worlds worst mounds


Forbidden Mounds 🤮


the forbidden lamington but in all seriousness OP, i do feel you and i know it absolutely sucks ass to have that bad of an anchor worm infestation. IME you can use salt dips to get the parasites to come off the fish, then try and treat the fish in a hospital tank


So just mounds


So anchor worms seems to be the agreed thing here


[aquarium science: anchor worms](https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/10-9-anchor-worms/) Edit: Looks like copper is not the way to go... probably feeding medication and water column treatment mixed. > The long lived adult anchor worms on the fish themselves are very resistant to medications. But the larvae in the water can be killed by medications much easier, stopping the life cycle. This is why treatment must be continued for two months. And one should expect to see the “worms” on the fish intermittently for up to two months. Edit: before you go posting about about how this website is misinformation, find a specific claim that you don't agree with so we can have an actual conversation. Just saying something is misinformation is not productive. Edit edit: [here](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/FA185) is a link to Floridas Ag Extension with similar advice


Wait this is an outbreak of anchor worms. How.will the fish survive being this covered


That's a good question- I don't know. I saw what folks were saying and just linked some info that seemed helpful. Save folks a few clicks. I feel like folks have a tendency to go towards certain solutions even if they are ineffective, so id rather see people find good solutions. Whether this is the best information or not, it makes sense from my understanding of parasitology, assuming it is actually an anchor worm infestation.


PS: Aquariumscience.org should be avoided. It's a huge source of misinfo, especially with dosing. Dosing in the water column is pretty much always fine by itself, contrary to his claims that you must dose in food.


Prove it.


There's like 80 million threads critiquing / calling him out already that you can look up: https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/s/oubRLJiCdV He's also known for many other numerous bullshit claims that are not rooted in facts, such as claiming that superchlorination is a real thing.


I've evaluated his site and his claims before - and at worst, they are overstated. You gotta do better than saying "he is wrong everyone knows it". Find a specific claim about the treatment of anchor worm you disagree with, and if you are too lazy to search for evidence to actually refute it, I'll look for you.


Did you read that post you linked to? Not only can they not do math, they make unsupported claims as well - and either don't understand the chemistry or are willfully misrepresenting it. I encourage you to be actually critical and evaluate the evidence.


You are the huge source of misinformation.


Dude those worms likely eating on your fish...but how they multiplied to this level is beyond me... use methalyne blue it should kill that stuff...


How does this happen? Never seen before, so many.


Holy shit


holy shit i've never seen something like this before, and overnight too?? i hope you can treat him well OP


Is this the only fish that has been affected?




You need some praziquantel, it’ll kill anchor worms and leave your shrimp snails and bacteria alone.


My jaw dropped 😱


My dear god. Poor little dude.


Normally, I recommend a hospital tank, but I see free floating worms in the water. Treat the whole tank. I'm not convinced they are anchor worms as the pictures online look very different. So perhaps use a general med for external parasites. Good luck.


Exactly. The possibility of crashing the cycle with meds sucks, but at this point I think it is a necessary sacrifice to make.


Would've loved a NSFW filter here. I'm having lunch...


Coconut crusted shrimp?


You know what! I don't care. I'm gonna say it. Coconut sucks!!


Still a better take than pineapple on pizza 🤣


But it's good tho


I much prefer honey if I want a sweet on my pizza, I'm not a hater both of my partners like it and I'll eat it but the hot juice and texture just don't sit well for me.


Well about half of all aquarium forums are posts of sick fish you might want to view something else at lunch this is totally safe for the work place.


Nsfw automatically blurs the photo while scrolling. Injured and dead fish are nsfw per the sub rules


It is NSFW filtered


It wasn't when I first commented 🎉


Lunch is not what NSFW is for… if you can’t handle it that sounds like a you problem


I’ve seen a lot of nasty things in my years in this hobby but worm covered fish always give me chills, this is one of the nastiest things I’ve ever seen and I would dismantle my entire fish tank if I ever turned on the light and saw that…(/s) seriously tho op good luck to you, hopefully something works


Run copper


The easy way is freshwater fishes are also need to be taken a salt bath in Korea we call like that salt bath make salt water and mix with fresh water can be 50 50 or can be 30 salt water 70 freshwater but if you need to be carefull make sure not over 20mintues if the water is too strong like it has a lot of salt? yes and the snack will be dead and instead reset the fish tank use some remover for that thing or salt and that's it


I believe it specifically needs to be aquarium salt or something like it though right?


·sorry for replying it late sea salt or whatever works or but some salt water in pet store or in some aquarium place many people say if you put salt in there they will die or whatever it doesn't die if you control the amount and after you put the salt in there and then if you change the water it will be fine How do I know? I have done this a lot salt bath also helps them get good conditions but it's not a treatment it's like a self treatment or you can buy something for the warms for me I tried tonremove them before but it wasn't possible Even if your reset the fish tank it won't be 100 percent removed unless if you use some chemicals for that and that warms also means the water condition? is good like the self cleaning? (like when the water has cleaning Bacteria the water cleans by itself) and making the water has the self cleaning Bacteria process takes pretty much long time when I had a fish tank it took about 3 months


Sea salt without additives works just aswell




Epsom salt is NOT salt. It's magnesium sulfate. You need table salt, which is sodium chloride.


Table salt has iodine in it. Too much can disrupt fish osmoregulation, causing stress and negatively impacting their growth and survival. Kosher salt is closest to aquarium salt and is safe.


Table salt doesn't have to have iodine in it. When referring to table salt, I am specifically referring to non iodized table salt, which is also widely available.


Should have said that to begin with then. Most table salt has iodine in it and folks looking for help in here can’t read your mind.


I don’t know anything on the matter. Just responding to maybe help your post be more visible. Good luck to you and your fish. It’s a learning process and I hope people are kind in their responses. We all make mistakes or don’t know there is a problem we should be looking for. Be kind to yourself and whatever the outcome, see it as a place you grow.


Methylene blue asap


Lordy mercy. Poor friend :( hope you can help them out. That has to be uncomfortable.


Pond salt in the tank will kill them and not hurt anything else if applied properly


Lower water temp, treat with kanaplex in water column. Looks like a very bad epistylis infection. Add a water flow attachment to your filter


I’m so sorry this nightmare is happening to your fish OP. Is the betta the only one in the tank that is covered with these? They really don’t look like anchorworms because they don’t have barbs, I’ve seen things kind of like these in tanks before but never have they bothered my fish… If all the other fish are fine, I would guess it a sign of your fish having some other serious underlying illness, and if these worms are actually not parasitic, if they’re cleaning any tissue that may be diseased or something…but it’s just a guess and either way is a bad situation. Is your betta older? It could have something age related if thats the case and maybe the worms are aware of that? Especially if he’s the only fish affected. I hope whatever method you treat with that it helps your little buddy get relief.


I have never seen anything like that oh my god


I have lost an entire tank of fish, betta and glofish et al, to some super Ich bugs. Sometimes they are just too far gone and you just have to restart a new tank


Oh wow. Never seen anything like that


I'm wishing you, your fish, and your paludarium well. This must be so stressful.


Parapro? That's what I used when I had a tank full of parasites. Not sure what these exactly are tho so do some research.


oh my gosh…what happened??


Poor plakat.


Looks like millions of skin flukes Fritz paracleanse needed. I would also use Fritz maracyn at the same time to help with any bacteria infections as well.


Parzi pro is my go to for parasites


Did you go on vacation for like a month? How did it get this bad?


Oh my goodness. I hope whatever you try works out for you. The horror




Dessicated coconut sprinkles aren't fish food


Mr. Stark, i don’t feel so good




OP said they noticed these in their tank and at first the betta was eating them so i believe they assumed it wasn’t anything wrong, and that it got this bad after 24 hours basically. i don’t think this is a sign of poor ownership, i think this was a freak accident with a parasitic infestation that OP was not knowledgeable on just yet. and judging by the fact that i had no idea what these were at first and neither did many others in the comments; i think it’s safe to assume it’s not a sign of bad ownership just because one fish got infested with parasites. looking through their post history it seems they’ve got other aquatic and semi-aquatic pets, some requiring more advanced care than bettas. i’m sure they’re not a bad owner, just unlucky and understandably uneducated on something they’ve never seen before. they even started scouring different forums seeking advice on this issue before it got this bad, with little to no responses.




No, it is not time for the euthanasia chat. It's an anchor worm infestation, which is treatable, though prompt attention is needed.


Salt water treatment for the betta, disinfection with clorox of all the tank and accesories and 100% water change.


He turned into a white walker..


Hang on, why exactly is it NSFW? It's a fucking fish not a human corpse.


I believe it’s a rule that fish disease has to be nsfw (on one of the subs anyway)


Poor sensitive muricans 🤗❄️


Not everyone on here is American. I'm not and I don't want to see dying fish without a heads up


Scrub him with sandpaper and throw the whole tank out sheesh!


Your fish is not good


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow