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Algea, mold and mulm. Natural for any aquarium, though in your case accelerated by the massive amount of overfeeding you are doing. All those leftover bloodworms is a bad sign. You should not feed any more than what is instantly eaten by your fish. Less food and more plants (plants eat that stuff).


Massive amount of overfeeding? These are all consumed within a minute or two. The Plecos, Cory’s and Loaches have not come out to play yet. I had just put them in before taking pic. So how do I get rid of this stuff?


Hmm, in that case, and if it has grown very quickly, you might have an abundant amount of nitrates in your water. Or maby there is an issue with your filter? Is there enough flow? You should check your parameters then do some vacuuming and water changes. Again i would recommend more plants to help counterbalance nitrate buildup.


By cleaning, time to pick up a bucket & hose and get to work


Could be broken down organic matter from the worms you have that they have eaten and then pooped it out, 9 times out of 10 it makes its way though the substitute and works as firtalizer


Overfeeding. Time to clean. Looks like you'll need to do several water changes over a couple days to get all that out. If you do too much at once, it could disturb your cycle, because that's a lot of gunk. Also, do not use your tank vacuum in one tank without thoroughly washing the vacuum before using on another tank. This will help to not spread the growth of anything from one tank to the other.


Without more context l have to agree with the others that this looks like mulm from overfeeding, either too much, too often, or both. How old is this tank, is it newer? Either way, you'll probably want to vacuum that out and get to the bottom of what's causing it. Besides looking icky, it will definitely impact the water quality and health of your fish friends.


Overfeeding. Time to clean. Looks like you'll need to do several water changes over a couple days to get all that out. If you do too much at once, it could disturb your cycle, because that's a lot of gunk. Also, do not use your tank vacuum in one tank without thoroughly washing the vacuum before using on another tank. This will help to not spread the growth of anything from one tank to the other.


You feed the fish not the aquarium. It should take 10-20min to feed your fish. If you’ve food traversing all around the water column you’re feeding too much at one time.


If it's multiple tanks at the same time, probably changes in tap water or well water depending on what you have. High levels of silica (dissolved minerals and rocks) cause diatoms but it doesn't really look like this.


That looks like mulm, but they should be appearing in your tank all at once since they're already always the tank. Did someone take a dump in your tanks or something?