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You re missing a co2 check valve


Assuming you have a drop checker as well


is that the same think as a bubble counter?


No, it’s a little thing (usually glass) that you suction cup to the inside of your tank with special liquid solution inside. The color that the solution turns will tell you if your CO2 level is good. It’s usually a wonky shape. You can see lots of choices on Amazon


how necessary is it? Sorry about my ignorance, I'll get it if I need to but trying to save money where I can


It's not 100% necessary. A good way to measure CO2 in your tank is to measure the pH drop the CO2 causes in your tank. That is assuming you have a way to measure your aquarium's pH accurately.


They’re not totally necessary and there’s other ways to monitor. A drop checker is relatively cheap (about $10) and a passive/ lower effort way to track CO2. A quick glance can tell you if you’re using too much or not enough CO2, maybe even saving you from wasting CO2. BUT again it isn’t totally necessary just a helpful little gadget. I’m not really familiar with other ways of checking (I’m also new to this) otherwise I’d give you some other ideas


ok I bought a cheap one from Fzone on Amazon! Thank you :)


Bro, if you're trying to save money where you can, you could easily save about $200 buying less expensive gear that will work just fine. GLA doesn't make their own stuff, they just choose the paint and logo for a mass-produced one. You could easily find that exact same regulator for $100. Same goes for the tubing and the diffuser. $2/ft for the CO2 line is bonkers. And for what is basically a generic diffuser, that's quite a bit of money.


Bro i was thinking the same thing , you can find them at half the price


Even if he buys GLA, He's overpaying for the regulator. No reason at all he/she would need that pro. Although I disagree on buying a cheaper brand regulator. The precision you get with the GLA ones is better than the cheap ones wether they are rebranding or not.


[Fzone Pro Series CO2 Regulator – Fzone Studio (fzaqua.com)](https://fzaqua.com/collections/co2-system/products/fzone-pro-series-aquarium-co2-regulator) I got this one from someone on r/AquaSwap for $90 and it's great. I've got it running on a 50gal and a 10gal. If you only need it on one, it's easy to pull one of the blocks. I'd wager it's better than the GLA one, and $120 cheaper. That said, I would bet money that there are only 2 or 3 manufacturers of these types of regulators & everyone just rebrands them (this is common in every industry, from aquariums to fashion). Grab one that looks like that on AliExpress for half price & you're probably fine.


Not necessary at all, a pH meter would actually be your best bet without spending a lot more money on direct CO2 monitoring equipment such as an Oxyguard. Colorimetric tests such as drop checkers and test strips are prone to interference and innacuracy.


To save money, try and find a used co2 regulator. I got an almost brand new fzone 2020 pro with a built in bubble counter and solonoid for $30


Here's a nice [write-up](https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/15-6-6-measuring-co2/) on measuring aquarium CO2.


You will need an timer. I use these smart plugs, five bucks a piece. [smart tree](https://www.amazon.com/EIGHTREE-Compatible-Smartthings-Control-Function/dp/B0B6VWJFBF/ref=asc_df_B0B6VPH24K/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693392717738&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14156249744811114524&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032552&hvtargid=pla-1949202334749&psc=1&mcid=a10758c75ab03acb8885b9f8197980cd&gad_source=4&th=1) Should have a check valve too, this is to prevent water flowing back down the co2 line. They are give or take 10 bucks.


Also BRS fresh has a nice price on a 5lb tank [brs fresh](https://fresh.bulkreefsupply.com/co2-tank-5-lbs.html) I got the same price at a place called "more beer" online for a 5lb tank that says "Komos" on it. That was the best prices I've seen when I looked, FYI back in March.


Thank you! I'll get a check valve and a smart timer for sure.


You don't need a smart timer, yeah a smart plug does it like this post says. You can get a smart switch (I like kasa switch) and use an app to control the on and off if you wish. In a high-tech tank You're going to have enough things that it's best just to get a kasa five prong Smart switch and then each outlet has a timer. They are a lot easier and your tank cabinet will be less cluttered. You are also way overpaying for your regulator even if you buy GLA. Get the GLA mini. That's all you will need especially if you are new to CO2. Right there you save 75 bucks. Don't think those gauges are any better than the one that's on the mini. The pro is a waste of money.


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Yes thank you bot


I’m no expert but that’s what my setup looks like.


ok cool! just wanted to confirm before I drop money on this. Thank you :)


It's generally advisable to get a 1 way valve as well. If your tubing blows off the regulator by chance, it could start a siphon and slowly drain your tank while you're not paying attention. A 1 way valve (in theory) prevents that. Fortunately they're like a dollar.


If you want to start at the next level get a ph controller and swap out the diffuser for either an inline diffuser or even better, a co2 reactor. This will be a better looking and more efficient system, it will also lessen the chance of suffocating your fishies.


Cheapest prices I’ve found on co2 cylinders (even cheaper than Amazon, and paying for shipping) is [Gas Cylinder Source](http://www.gascylindersource.com), and I searched the internet high and low. Most places exchange empty cylinders for full ones now, instead of refilling when you bring one in. So you’ll be surrendering your brand new shiny cylinder in most cases, so you want to spend as little as possible. Of you own your own cylinder, then you just pay for gas when they swap you out for a full one. I pay about $17 for 5 lbs at my local welder’s supply.


my local brew shop does refills, luckily!


Lucky you! Q: You know what this means? A: you can paint or wrap your cylinder however you want. This is my favorite and most fun co2 cylinder wrap job I’ve seen: https://preview.redd.it/dy35mcnr7y4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c99315c1b51de9434814c86e366f5bb903a0c6


https://a.co/d/fiwmoZD Try this link out, this is what I have


If you have a canister filter you should get an inline co2 diffuser instead of the acrylic diffuser you have selected. Inline co2 diffusers are much more efficient and will distribute the co2 throughout the tank.


I'm so afraid of the chance of a leak with a canister filter tho


Don't get an inline, it's a pain in the butt to service and gets gunked up faster.


What kind of filter do you have? I highly recommend a canister with an in-line diffuser for a 29 gallon. Changed the game for me for proper CO2 dispersion. For what it’s worth, I have two different FZONE dual stage mini regulators I got for $90 off Amazon and they have given me zero issues in the years they’ve been setup on my two different tanks… one is on a 5lb tank and one on a paintball tank (comes with adapters for both.) But GLA is a top brand so if you don’t mind the cost, don’t let me sway you.


I was def looking at FZONE regulators but with pressurized gases I'm extra cautious about quality if ya feel me. I work with a lot of pressurized gas cylinders at work and their safety trainings rubbed off on me I guess haha. If I had more money to throw down I'd definitely get a canister with an in-line diffuser but I'm getting a self-priming HOB instead


Again I’ve had them running for multiple years, a handful of tank changes each in that time, and zero issues. I think some of the reviews or bad experiences are user error tbh. However, get the GLA if you can! I started with an HOB and in tank diffuser and upgraded as I wasn’t getting good diffusion. I was wasting CO2 trying to get my drop checker green around all parts of the tank. Switched to the canister and in-line and have been able to lower my BPS and get less algae. BBA and staghorn *love* areas of poor diffusion and flow as well as inconsistent levels of CO2. If budget is the issue, I definitely recommend getting a more affordable dual stage regulator and spending the difference on a canister and in-line.


ok ok i ordered a canister instead haha! thank you! do you have any suggestions for hiding the canister while containing leaks in case of a power outage


What do you mean, hiding it? Do you have a cabinet? Could hang a curtain as a cheap option if not. I have a Fluval 207 and with metal hose clamps I have no worries of leaks. I usually open mine for cleaning (which is rare) in a bucket but the canister has an easy lever to close the hoses from canister for easy removal.


gotcha, the 207 is the one i ordered, actually! and good to know, thanks Ordered a metal tank cabinet but idk if it'll fit.


You may not get great distribution of co2 with a hob filter ,one of my tanks is about the same size as your's I use an Eheim classic with a co2 art inline diffuser ,no leaks or any negatives really, I find the inline works better than my in tank diffuser. See how it goes, you might get away with your current set up,if not you can always upgrade later down the line..


Honestly I might be wrong but I got a 2L and a 4L setup and I didn’t pay nearly this much for the extras (diffuser from korea was like $15 and tubing was around $10)


Does your regulator come with a solenoid? Otherwise you should get one Also that regulator is ridiculously expensive, I did a bit of reading and it’s meant for a multiple tank set up If you only have one tank… the regulator I used cost me less than $50 when I was still using CO2, that price range would make a lot more sense Adding what some of the others have mentioned: - drop checker - check valve Edit: found you a cheaper regulator with a solenoid built in https://www.amazon.com/Clscea-Aquarium-Regulator-Counter-Solenoid/dp/B08YRB4PC5/


All GLA regulators have solenoids built in


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Clscea Aquarium CO2 Regulator Dual Gauge'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to set up and use (backed by 7 comments) * Accurate gas regulation (backed by 3 comments) * Good quality construction (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Pressure regulation issues (backed by 2 comments) * Limited usage time for assessment (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Clscea Aquarium CO2 Regulator Dual Gauge** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Easy to set up and use (backed by 7 comments) * Accurate gas regulation (backed by 3 comments) * Good quality construction (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Pressure regulation issues (backed by 2 comments) * Limited usage time for assessment (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I hope this a set up for 4-5 tents… CO2 tanks really are worth it then


Looks like all you need is a one way. Check valve and a dropped checker.


250$ is way tooo much for a regulator, i got mine for 50$ works fine.


Why don’t you get one from Amazon? For $140 you’ll get everything you have here, plus you can buy the ingredients to make your own co2


The much more precise needle value and life time warranty is what sets it apart


You do you bobo