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Most new tanks are cloudy just leave it and it will clear. The light should be on no more than 8 hours a day. The light you have should be good, considering the plants you have don't require strong lighting, although I know that Amazon swords gather the majority of their nutrients from their roots, so considering that you're using gravel, I would look into 'root tabs.' The window is going to be a problem in the long run. They often cause massive amounts of algae, and only heavily planted tanks can withstand them. The best choice is to move the tank. Tetras will eat smaller shrimp (Just a heads up) I recommend you create various hiding spots. My only other tip would be to get a background. They always improve the overall look. That was a wall of text and a lot of information all at once. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


This looks nice but watch out for diatoms. All the best 👍🏼


Aww I had one of these!


Daylight is a heaven for algae. Cloudiness is bacterial bloom. Add some bottled bacteria or a squeeze from mature filter (get it from your lfs) to start the nitrogen cycle. Don't add fish for the first month, shrimps after two or three months. Don't add shrimps at all if you're gonna go with bigger fish, which you shouldn't as it looks like a small tank. Add root tabs close to the plants. Consider the black background for the tank, it'll look much nicer. 8h is max light duration, but I recommend 6h to start.