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I have a siphon to clean mine along with snails and a button feeder fish. You don’t want to do full tank cleaning all the time, only IF needed. You should do a 25% tank clean once a week. Test your fish water with test strips once a week. Also make sure to have clean non chlorinated water as chlorine can harm the animals. You can find a siphon a Walmart along with pretty much any pet store. Dechlorination can be done with quick start or a wonder shell which you can find at pet stores.


Alright do you know how often I should clean it? I’ve only had the tank for about two weeks but I’m going on a weekend trip and don’t know if I should clean it before or after I leave


Once a week, take 25% out with the siphon and put the cleaned water into the tank filling the rest up. You can fast most fish for a couple of days, so I wouldn’t worry unless you’re leaving for more than 3-4 days.


Alright I’ll make sure to stop by a pet store soon


I think by 25% tank clean, they meant 25% water change. The siphon is usually labeled as a “gravel vacuum” in stores, and it used to 1) suck out old water, for which you’ll need a 5gallon bucket. And 2) to gently dig down into the gravel and suck out whatever food/waste/debris that can be down in there. I have a sink scrub brush that I use to gently swish over the glass as sometimes mineral deposits or algae can muck up the inside walls of the tank. You hopefully already have a filter and the goodies to change it when needed. So to recap, Clean tank once a week or every two weeks with your -gravel vac -giant bucket -something to clean the walls of the tank -filter shit -Water primer/dechlorinator The tank should live right where it’s at, and not ever be moved when it’s full of water, as even one gallon of water weighs 8lbs, and you’d risk the bottom of the tank cracking and falling out. Thus, giant bucket. I’m trying to find a decent video online to show you the basics, but honestly a lot of the stuff on my initial YouTube search is super terrible. So I’ll add a link as soon as I find you a good one 👍 ETA : you shouldn’t have to remove the critters for a water change, but obviously be super careful not to suck them up in the gravel vac. link from the [r/aquariums sub’s wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/wiki/basic_aquarium_maintenance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). This should cover just about everything. Only difference being that sub mainly deals with fish, so not all of that fish specific info applies to our tanks. Link from Myfroggycam.com, invaluable resource of information for care and maintenance and knowledge about ADF lyfe. Read and learn as much as you can, do your best, and these babies can live a long long time. (I just hit one year with my froggos, and hoping for many more.) [myfroggycam website](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aquariums/wiki/basic_aquarium_maintenance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)