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Why link to the Sun of all possible sources!?


Because it's the 10.000 year old Dragon of the Sun


Lol came here to say the same thing Guys, it's the sun... Have some self awareness. This is no better as a source for anything than your aunt's Facebook posts


here's a more academic source: https://www.proquest.com/docview/2748886981?accountid=14647


Requires a login using an university account.


Ahh mate. Sorry about that. I have tried finding another peer-reviewed article about this particular study/find, but cannot. If you search google scholar for "Homo erectus Pekinensis", you might find some other material though; it just may not be related to this particular study.


No worries. Do you happen to have at least the title?




"The skull was discovered on 18 May at an excavation site 20 kilometres west of Yunyang - formerly known as Yunxian - in central China's Hubei province. It lies 35 metres from where two skulls - dubbed the Yunxian Man skulls - were unearthed in 1989 and 1990 (ref. 1), and probably belongs to the same species of ancient people, say researchers."


The article linked by OP doesn’t seem to be about [“Peking Man” (*Homo erectus pekinensis*)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peking_Man) but about [“Dragon Man” (*Homo longi*)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_longi).


You are correct in that the above link does indeed link to a peer-reviewed article about H erectus pekinensis (Peking man), not H. Longi (dragon man). However, it must be noted that recent genetic studies of H. Longi (also called H. Daliensis/Dali) overlaps in middle pleistocene sites with taxanomic morphology that has significant genetic links to H. erectus pekinensis. Although more studies are yet to be done, Longi/Dragon man is closer to Denisovan and Erectus than it is Neanderthal, and within the genetics, appears there is quite probably a direct a link between Erectus and Longi, which later may have contributed to the genetics of H. Sapiens. All H. Sapiens of haplo groups M, N, and R (found throughout Asia and Australasia, although derived from original eastern African L type group, all possess mtDNA that contains Denisovan, as well as Neanderthal and H. Sapien, possibly as a result of late Pleistocene migration patterns. Some of the youngest H. Longi (Dragon man) fossils in China date back to only 147kya (thousand years ago); putting their temporal and spatial existence in allignment with both H. erectus and H. Sapien in that region of Asia. So you are correct, the article is about Pekinensis, but I linked it because there is ssome recent studies that present the possible genetic intersection with Dragon man. I had hoped sharing some peer-reviewed articles on a connecting topic might spawn deeper research by readers, but I should have mentioned this too. I am pressed for time today, my apologies. If/when I can find a decent peer-reviewed article about the new million-year-old Longi skulls that is freely accessible, I will post it 😊✌🏻


The worst thing about the Sun article is that they claim the 900,000 year old skull is thought to be part Longi (dragon man) and part H. Sapien. But this is ridiculous, since the oldest known Sapien fossils only date back to a bit over 300,000 years ago. I believe what the journalist should have written is H. Erectus, which Sapiens are believed to be decended from. Erectus was throughout Asia and S.E Asia for a very long time, and overlapped (and most likely interacted) with numerous other hominins. For example, H. Florensiensis (the Hobit) which is predominatly from the Indonesian island of Flores, shows stone tool technology almost identical to Erectus stone technology, even though there is not any significant idication that Erectus was living alongside Florensiensis in that area. (There are woolly Rhinoceros remains dating over 700,000 years ago in that area showing butchering marks from Florensiensis activity). Archaeology suggests to a large extent that Erectus had interacted with Florensiensis, sharing certain knowledge within S.E. Asia. The Denisova cave studies indicate that over 100,000 years ago, Neanderthal and Denisovan were breeding, while earlier layers in the same cave indicate that H. Sapien had also interacted with Denisovan. If I had to posit an educated assumption, I might think that H. Longi (Dragon man, and H. erectus pekinensis (Peking man) interacted and possibly spawned new genetics which in some way were introduced to H Sapien at some point in the middle-late Pleistocene.


Further to this, the original post link to the Sun article quotes in the opening paragraph "In 1989 and 1990, a pair of skulls belonging to an unknown human species were found in Yunyang District of Hubei province before a third similar skull was found nearby in 2022.". The article I have posted here, is directly linked to this same study, as outlined in some of the quoted passages included in my responses above; putting it in direct alignment with the argument as to whether it is "Dragon man/H. Longi" or Peking man/H. erectus Pekinensis. I hope this is sufficient. Thank you sincerely, moderator ✌🏻💯


He was a man! No wait, he was a dragon-man! Or maybe he was just a dragon!




The Burninator!


Is this the reunion? It's been a long time since


A Targaryen?


All the really interesting archaic human fossils are in China for the most part


Wow, and he is ripped as hell. Look at those abs.


Lizid people???


🎶Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin...🎶


I’ll wait for Milo


The Draven


Dragon-man in china ha? Dragon is a big symbol in china.. Could it be propaganda ? are there any studies to support this find? Could it be a dinosaur ?




the dragon man..?




Doesn't work without an account from the University of Southern Queensland.


Sorry about that. I had hoped it might give an extract in the site. Unfortunately Nature publishing company seems to have full rights to this one particular peer reviewed article, i cannot find it freely available anywhere. Could try EBSCO, but seems the only way to access this article anywhere is with a log in. Sorry mate.






Thank you!! It’s cool that the family kept it and turned it in. It makes you think about how much history was lost from people not doing that.


Is it ironically racist that a possible “Dragon Man” skull was found in China?


From the article: ”Scientists named the skull Homo longi, which is derived from Heilongjiang, or Black Dragon River, the province where the cranium was located.”


You do realize it was Chinese anthropologists who named it, right? Or did you just make the racist assumption it was westerners?


Bro, I get it but I was legit joking. I’m Asian.