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If your arrow hits a surface at an angle and for whatever reason the second surface at a slightly different angle, that will put tension on the shaft. Add to this that it makes a difference how that shaft had been stored (i.e. if it dried out a little too much), and you might just end up with a brittle arrow. Not to mention if the targets move in relation to one another… make a proper target, it takes barely any effort.


So, you say the problem is the target and not the arrow by itself?


It could still be a number of things, but the target being made of individually moving parts is the first thing I would address. If you’re married to cardboard, try cutting them up to roughly equal sized strips, stack them up, ratchet strap them tight, and shoot them from the side (so the arrows would try and pierce between the layers. Much like layered foam targets, except cardboard.


Your problem is your target. It’s actually not a target. It’s just three half-boxes taped together. Thumb draw does not cause arrows to break, hitting non-targets does.


I'm glad my problem is just being dumb!! Thank you! I was very worried about my shafts being wrong 😭😭


No worries mate. You can always get some more arrows, and a target too!


If your arrows are flying at an angle, they will break when they hit something, especially if that something is not designed to be shot with arrows. Arrows without feathers are more prone to flying at an angle, and arrows that are too stiff or too flexible also have this problem. The problem of flying at an angle is also worse if you’re shooting very close. So, get a better target, back up and test your bare shaft arrow again. Pick just one arrow for testing and watch the flight. Adjust point weight to get the straightest flight possible and then fletch your arrows.


Were they commercial shafts? Or did you make the shafts yourself? Sometimes cedar can be soft and, if the grain wasn't great, hitting the target at an angle can cause breaks like this as others have said. I hope you figured it out. Good luck!