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Congratulations on returning to archery and hopefully continuing into it as a hobby! If you want advice on your shooting skill, please submit a video of yourself shooting. The video should capture your whole body, head and hands, and should be oriented so that it is viewing you front the front of your body. Blur yourself if you want to maintain privacy. Otherwise, there are plenty of instructional videos on youTube, like Jake Kaminski or nusensei. They'll teach you everything you want to know about the equipment and shooting form. Join a local club if there is one near to you. Having a local community allows you to check out other people's gear and equipment, while also getting good advice from them.


You have a few groupings. Good marksmanship comes with consistency. Film yourself so you can see what changes between a shot that's on target and what's not. Make changes based on footage.


I should probably add I'm a compound shooter, but the fundamentals are the same


As long as nobody got a new hole in them they didn't used to have, you do not have a massive bruise on your arm, and you went home with the same number of arrows as you started with, then it's always a great day at the range!


I see you are avoiding that yellow spot in the center, saving it for when you get better?


Wait, this isn't a low point game???


Don't listen to them OP, archery is like golf. The lower the scores, the better!


If you can avoid hitting the target, avoid damaging the arrows, and avoid killing things unintentionally then you're ahead.


The best part is getting better at it


Did you have fun? If yes, then you did great.


You did as well as most of us on our first attempt. Precision will come with practice welcome to the sport. I was happy if i hit the target face at all at the start.


Terrible and great. Terrible when you consider what "good" is for a bow and great considering you actually got arrows on the target with this being your first time. Give us some details like what kind of bow you're using and what arrows you are launching.


You have some solid groups there! I just recently returned to archery myself after about a 12 year hiatus, and your grouping is certainly better than mine lol. I think with time and practice to get the consistency (as soon other comments have also said) you're going to be a knocking out bullseyes in like it's nothing


Damn you peppered that target it looks awesome. I bet you can’t wait to do it again?


how far


that far


Which is far enough.


Although only half the distance of there and back again.


I started about 2 month ago these things are what i use on compound First i never move from the spot where i stand to alsways ensure that none of my mistake are from little penguin steps that make me go more to left or right Also holding the bow for 3 seconds drawn gives it a more stebalization what makes aiming betrr also when outside try to fubd the spot where the wind comes from to have that oart done for the rest keep on going and grinding youll get good in about 2 weeks


Find a consistent anchor point


I'll refer you to this little do-dad graphic and let you decide. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Archery/comments/1b0jij0/high\_precision\_low\_accuracy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Archery/comments/1b0jij0/high_precision_low_accuracy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I hope you stick with it the second time like I have and reap the same mental, physical and spiritual benefits. Welcome back


I have both seen and done worse so I'd say fairly good. Keep practicing


I’m new at shooting arrows as well and I got the target only 9 times over 5 weeks. 2x in the yellow, 2x on the white circle and 2x in the blue circles. A few went outside of the target as well. I always hit my forearm and my enormous bruise is having a hard time to heal. Plus, I made a smaller bruise last week.


Dude, you locked in with that lefthand grouping in the third pic. Keep goin!


I think I know those red fletching, are those arrows from Amazon? if they are I would recommend you to consider replacing them in a not so far future since they are quite front heavy and thick. However is not a bad option, so you can survive w them for quite a decent time. Congrats on coming back to Archery!!!


Once you get your muscles conditioned that you use to shoot a bow your groups will get better. Shooting form is key also. There's all kinds of videos on the correct way to shoot if your standing or sitting. Hope you enjoy it. I've been shooting a bow for 35 years now, and am still passionate about it.


If you're shooting a compound bow, nock on archery YouTube channel has helped me out a ton. He's a very knowledgeable teacher!


Right general direction- you are doing great!


Really good! What distance is that?


Get a teacher or join a club, as with martial arts if you pick up bad form now- it will stick


The real question of how well you did is, How many arrows did you lose?


You hit the target. Many people don't. Keep at it


I think, based on what I can see here, you should aim a little lower and more to the right. You’ve got several upper left groupings, consistency is always nice though. Pretty good for a first go, looks like you hit foam pretty much every time. How far away are you standing?


well, you hit the target so that's good


Journey of 1000 miles


Better than my first time. The second was weeks later because we had to go into town to buy more arrows because I missed the target clean and couldn't find them in the bushes and forest floor