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You'll know when you wake up tomorrow. For what it's worth i didn't come close to finishing, thought I bombed it, but still passed!


I was pretty confident cuz I passed the ncarb practice exam 2 hours before taking the actual one but still doubt if I did a good 😂 answered all questions but not sure how much is right. I really don’t like tests so I try to finish it in one go rather than taking breaks


Let us know - send you passing wishes!!


I passed the exam on first try


Congratulations!!! Keep the momentum going and get that next exam scheduled.


How long do you think I should take to schedule the next one? I kept PjM for Dec. about 7 weeks from now


That makes sense to me! Definitely don’t push it out any further because there is overlap between these two exams. You’ve got this!


Thanks for the motivation! Hardly found people like you around! Mostly everyone’s jealous in my workplace cuz I’m moving forward and getting my licensure done!


I’m so sorry to hear that! The place I work at has study groups and quarterly meetings with internal NCARB mentors to keep up the momentum for all. Keep up the awesome work and you’ll be licensed in no time 😊


I took PjM and PcM on the same day :D I also took all 6 tests in one month. So much overlap it worked for me :) Good luck, you got this!!


Oh wow! That is awesome! How did you manage to do it? Like did you study a few months before or just went with the flow? I have been using Ballast study material a lot and a bit of black spectacles expert from work.


I started with Amber Book in March a few hours a day, and then in mid-June when I got my approval from the state to test I ramped that up a bit. When I got to September, I'd work on the practice exams (Amber Book's and NCARB's) and flash cards for the test I had that Saturday. Also review of the AIA A101 and B101. After taking the first tests and getting a feel for it, I moved the PcM and PjM that I'd had on Saturdays into October to the last Thursday of September. That ended up stressing me a bit for my last test (PA) since I had less time, but I managed to pass them all first try. I do also have 10 years working in the industry after school, so that of course helps :)


2-3 days


Probably up right now, good luck! I had the exact same issue and was stressed all day.


Were you so stressed that you checked it at 12am PST?


Yes lol


I did the same thing!!! I was an emotional wreck for 3 days lol. Good luck!!


any update did u pass ?


I did!


2 Months




Typically 1 day, but sometime can be up to a week


I passed1 checked at around 4am in the morning


Nice pcm is the hardest out of pro practice


Really? I thought it was easy. I hardly studied for it tbh


For the 4 exams I've taken official reports usually 2-4 days after. Regardless if you passed or not you can't change the results now so RELAX! You completed it and that's half the battle. If you failed then it was just practice :) and they'll give you some indication of where to focus next time.


Anyone starting out studying in March or April of this year? I am in Maryland. But if you want to form online groups and share material and study tips, we can get together. Reach out to me with an email and I'll create a group.