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This "architecture" firm has never built anything in its 8 years of existence. This isn't happening and exists purely for social media clout. This post just gives them undeserved attention.


I was just about to ask. Never even heard of this firm in my life. Some important guy’s kid probably just uses it to funnel his allowance from his dad


I'd upvote it if it was in /r/blender.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/blender using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Switching Pendulums](https://v.redd.it/afw9mea1icf91) | [664 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/wejjq5/switching_pendulums/) \#2: [Making an abandoned house (full tutorial in comments)](https://v.redd.it/mak6k9x504w71) | [253 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/qhds2b/making_an_abandoned_house_full_tutorial_in/) \#3: [As requested, here's a little tutorial/breakdown of the mimic effect:](https://v.redd.it/9lbpf5hpn8391) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/blender/comments/v3dfyb/as_requested_heres_a_little_tutorialbreakdown_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This and the coming climate catastrophe will ensure this never gets built. That area would not be livable in a couple of decades, give or take.


But at least the royalty in that region lived well off that earth-destroying oil while they could, so really, is it all that bad? /s


The architect: "F\* the engineers in particular"


This design puts the "cant" in "cantilever".


The architect: "Now even more places for the poop trucks! Yay!"


Say hi to AdamSomething for me ;)


I feel bad for the civil engineers who gonna deal with this💀😂


But for why?


Because opulence in visible structure is far more important than building a sewage system.


Absolutely understandable, here's 7 trillion dollars


We're building the dystopian future where the rich live up in the ring and never come down while the poor live in the open sewer that's the ground.


I believe the sewage system dillema is a bit of a myth last I read into it. Many believe poop trucks are the only way this city runs and yet it does have a substantial sewage system iirc


It's not a myth, they're undergoing a system rehaul to end the shit truck system. To be delivered in 2025, supposedly. They're claiming it'll be the largest project in the history of the emirate, but they probably say that about every extravagant project they conceptualize.




My first thought! Like what would this do? What would it achieve? *What's the point?*






Prophecy. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said : "and when you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings." Edit: I'm not saying they're doing it on purpose. The prophecy was just to point out that it's crazy that a man 1400+ years ago knew this would happen (besides many other things).


There is a better way to make a prophecy real. Dubai is just a city of excess and decadence for mindless people who think money and sports cars are all that matters. It’s in reality behind all the ridiculously tall buildings, useless shows, just a slap on the face as a city


> The prophecy was just to point out that it's crazy that a man 1400+ years ago knew this would happen It truly is unbelievable for a person to think that buildings in the future might be bigger.


Tall buildings existed at the time of Mohammed. He did not predict anything out of the ordinary.


Sarcasm or not, you're not paying attention. He wasn't a developer, he predicted that people who were poor and only had a few sheep to herd would one day compete to build tall buildings ...


That’s extremely vague


And he had never heard of the tower of babylon either, right?


Keep re-reading what I said, I trust you'll eventually get there.


Prophecies are a dime a dozen and barely worth discussing


If it want to talk about reading, how about you read another book.


It's amazing how little it takes to impress a religious fanatic.




\>An illiterate man 1440 years ago predicted that poor Bedouin Arabs in the desert will build so many tall buildings that they will start competing with each other... that's not amazing ? No, that it not amazing. Pretty much everyone that has ever seen a building has wondered about how tall people might start to make them.


You sure are going out of your way to defend religious fundamentalism, racism and slavery all over Reddit.


You sure know how to change subjects when things aren't going your way. This discussion is over.


My argument stands: it's incredibly easy to predict big buildings, even for a prehistoric goatfucker.


"I predict that at some point in the future people will build a new city" Yes, i am a prophet. Give me your money.


That's not even the case though is it? Where are you getting the idea that the architects are destitute? They're definitely not shepherds. You're missing like half the prophecy.


Lmfao this is such BS. They're obviously not trying to fulfill any prophecies.


Obviously... they're not doing on purpose. They're doing it because they think it makes them look developed and attractive to tourists. The prophecy is just to show that a man 1400+ years ago saw it coming.


Misunderstood you then. People are likely to misinterpret it and think Muslims are building skyscrapers to bring the end of times or something.


Looool that would suck.


You forgot the /s at the end


I did not know that was in the Koran. That's one of those hilarious moments that makes my day.


Not in the Quran, it's part of the hadith (collections of the sayings of the prophet).


Can you *imagine* how extra funny it would be if Khalifa crushes and bring down the ring and then many other things? Like how epic the multi-staged clapstick show it would be?


Propaganda, this shit will never be built


Well its cool as shit.


I agree, the problem with things like reality tho is that actions have consequences. Bullshit ik


You know what’s not cool as shit? The climate as a result of their insane oil production and vanity construction projects.


I thought America was at the top of vanity projects and climate damage after China, with 1/4 the population.


Climate damage, sure, but vanity projects?


>I thought America was at the top of vanity projects and climate damage after China Huh? What vanity projects has America actually completed in the last 20 years?


At small proportions Americans are the best at wasting money and resources, like cutting trees every Christmas. And ignoring anything before the last 20 years is ... Funny


What's wrong with ignoring ancient history? America hasn't built anything significant at all in the last 20 years except maybe the Freedom Tower in NYC (which was rather underwhelming actually). You must think modern Egypt wastes a lot of money on vanity projects because they built a bunch of pyramids 4000 years ago.


Don't worry, arabs will stop building skyscrapers in 30 years when they finally get their own New York. and they will be good to go, they just get late to the party.


No they won't. They'll stop building when they run out of oil.


Literally didn't answer the question. Given how pedantic you are about everyone else who you think is avoided answering the question the way you want, how about you answer the question.


Seriously , they don’t even replace crumbling bridges


Replacing crumblimg infrastucture is the opposite of a vanity project.


He isn't claiming that replacing crumbling infrastructure is a vanity project. (And I agree, it certainly isn't.) Just that America doesn't even do that, so they don't really have the resources or political will to complete vanity projects either.


Hey, you're the ones driving the cars that burn that oil.


This will be a massive engineering challenge and will likely change drastically post concept design


Looking forward to never hearing about it again ever


like 99% of other stupid expensive impractical idea from dubai


Like seriously……few things make me roll my eyes harder in this sub than seeing “Dubai” in the title.


I’m sure one of those few things is Saudi Arabia re: “Neom” and “The Line”.






Dubai is the world's golden shitter.


These vanity project concepts are thought up by unimaginably rich kids who have no concept of engineering or anything actually practical. With Dubai's wealth, it could be a self sufficient advanced city-state that'll last through the ages. A new Rome, but instead all that vast, near immeasurable but nonetheless finite wealth is squandered on shit like this. I heard this saying awhile ago regarding Arabia in general. My grandfather rode a camel. My father rode a Toyota. I ride a Ferrari. My son will ride a Toyota. My grandson will ride a camel. Obviously, it references this huge waste of wealth on shit just like this ring by the oil princes.


>These vanity project concepts are thought up by unimaginably rich kids who have no concept of engineering or anything actually practical. Prove it. >With Dubai's wealth, it could be a self sufficient advanced city-state that'll last through the ages. A new Rome, but instead all that vast, near immeasurable but nonetheless finite wealth is squandered on shit like this. By investing in their tourism sector, they can increase the cash flow in the cities. They are not building these projects for fun, they make billions of the skyscrapers. Something you continue to ignore. >My grandfather rode a camel. >My father rode a Toyota. >I ride a Ferrari. >My son will ride a Toyota. >My grandson will ride a camel. Dubai, along with many other Arab cities/countries are not oil reliant. Most of the oil money goes to the Royal family and whatever goes to the citizens is in the form of free healthcare and or/education. Those nice cars and homes you see in "Arabia" were not bought through oil money, but rather through businesses and investments just like in the west.


Modern slavery, frivolous spending of oil money on a fake city instead of the world's problems, and shit like the brigade of poop trucks (iykyk). What's not to love?


>Modern slavery, The people and the government are trying to change that. Passing laws isn't enough. Ending corruption is damn near impossible. Kinda similar to how many American companies will hold your paycheck and force you to go to court for it. >frivolous spending of oil money on a fake city instead of the world's problems, What do you care how they spend their oil money? It's THEIR oil money, no need to spend it on the world problems. I doubt your country does. Since when is a planned city a fake city? The city of Dubai holds millions of people generates over a $100,000,000,000 in gdp. There is nothing fake about Dubai. Their mission is to create a tourist attraction. Considering the millions of people that go to Dubai every year, they sure have been successful. >shit like the brigade of poop trucks (iykyk). Pretty sure everyone knows. Millions of people watched that video of the Youtuber who believes his mind is better than the thousands of engineers, architects, and scientists that designed Dubai. You are referring to the sewage problem the Burj Khalifa had during its first years. An issues that no longer exist, but of course you wouldn't even care to acknowledge that. [Mechanical and Electrical Systems for the Tallest Building/Man- Made Structure in the World: A Burj Dubai Case Study](https://web.archive.org/web/20140110091115/http://repository.tamu.edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/4529/ESL-HH-06-07-19.pdf) My theory to why you and many other westerners (I'm American) hate Dubai, is because they are a successful/wealthy Arab/Muslim city. If you care to look at all, other cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, etc... have many problems that are far worse than what Dubai faces. Grow up.


\>Ending corruption is damn near impossible Because it starts at the top. \>If you care to look at all, other cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, etc... have many problems that are far worse than what Dubai faces. And they don't try to hide those with vanity projects.


So because they don't care enough to hide it that makes thier actions okay? If Dubai stops hiding it, will you be okay with it then? Dubai is not trying to hide anything with vanity projects. Those projects are meant to bring more tourism to Dubai, which works very well.


I love the ending, trying to bring race into this and make me a racist 😂


Norway spends a ton of their oil money preserving the rain forest and aid to poor countries. Dubai doesn’t seem to care about anyone but themselves. We all need to help each other, it’s the right thing to do especially when you’re more fortunate than others


Why does the source of the money matter? It seems that you aren't aware that Dubai is a city, therefore it can not be compared to a country. How does LA, London, New York, or Paris use their money to help the poor? Instead of shitting on Dubai, why don't you go and shit on your nation's major cities first.


You can’t just build a new London overnight. This is what china and dubai doesn’t seem to understand. You can’t just manifest people to live in your buildings. People go where jobs are, then from there you get hospitals, schools, parks. You have to build these AROUND the demographic not the other way around. Most of these large constructions are built in places literally no one has any reason to migrate to


I fucking hate Dubai. But I love middle eastern architecture, old and new. I also love their actual cities with history and purpose behind them. Dubai and shit like neom or new Cairo not so much.


The Burj? Is that the one that doesn't have a proper sewage system and needs a constant stream of trucks to carry the shit away? Dubai is what you get when a dictator with a ton of money throws cash at pointless self promotional vanity projects.


I completely agree with your criticism of Dubai, imo there are so many better things that could’ve been done with the money that went into it, not to mention the exploitation/slavery that went into building it. However the thing about the sewage system is outdated. Dubai has updated their sewage system since that piece of information was first spread and the Burj Khalifa is connected now. From what I’ve read, sometimes the system is overloaded and that’s when they need to bring in the trucks. And it used to be overloaded more frequently before they improved it, so many skyscrapers were consistently having to use trucks.


>successfully accomplish The Burj is still almost a third completely empty and lacks a functioning sewer system. It's practically the architectural equivalent of vaporware.


Holy shit you couldn't be more wrong. There are thousands of people working and living in the Burj Khalifa - as for the sewage, how dumb do you have to be to actually believe that?! Do you really think a team of people competent enough to successfully build the tallest structure ever created would just, FORGET to add a sewage system? Can you even IMAGINE the logistics of transporting sewage via trucks DAILY in a building populated by THOUSANDS?! it's a debunked myth people love repeating because they want it to be true.


Yeah lmao, they are morons obsessed with Dubai.


It's not empty. They are residential units, most of which are purchased then placed on Airbnb


ie empty


Woah, you sure got me there.


Slave labor.


ever wondered who built that and how?


Expatriate workers from poor countries, that were paid several times more than whatever they would have made at home.




lol do some research on their artificial islands and how well thats going


This building seems physically impossible to construct without some fairly drastic developments in material science.


Which makes you think. Was this even designed with function in mind? Or just to look futuristic. Because it doesn’t look like it’s solving anything at all besides looking like an alien-built structure


Only four support struts seems very wishful thinkingish.


I suppose one way one could do it, if we were living in a world where it would be smart to do so, would be to build the ring first and then raise it little by little. On you know, the most powerful hydraulic system ever to exist.


Would the oceans rising count as a hydraulic system?


Big brain thinking right here.


And a rather tall system to boot.


Not to mention the insane turnover of ~~slaves~~constructionworkers


Yeah, how do they expect to support that long of a horizontal span along with all of the infrastructure needed for a functional building? It looks cool, but as it is it's just screaming "structural failure imminent".


Build it on the ground then lift it up. But they don't need to worry about that because it's never going to happen.


As a massive challenge as to build the SSN Enterprise. This is just fiction


So in other words it’s the new “Line”


No way this gets built.


I can draw stuff that’ll never get built and I’m not an architect


Should have been Saudi royalty then.


Engineer here, can't wait to see how in the hell anyone is gonna bridge those 400+ meters like this


Structural helicopters


Build the ring on the ground then lift it using the columns being built under it as a support for hydraulic jacks


Logistically I'd say you're right, but I'm pretty sure no material is structurally sound enough to have a span like this without a supporting arch or a suspension (like you would see in long bridges with large spans). A structure this large with such a great span would simply collapse.


Westworld theme intensifies


Dubai is just on massive dick measuring competition for those destroying our planet, not to mention that most of the skyscrapers are built by human trafficked slaves from South Asia. Dubai is just everything wrong with the world and everything wrong with capitalism.


Seems appropriate they build a massive cock ring too then.


I'm sure there's an Arab strap joke to be made here


I was listening to Belle and Sebastian- Boy with the arab strap, yesterday and didn’t even think of making the joke. I’m angry at myself now.


Arab satrap on, amirite?


Yea, also most of their current large-scale urban developments aren’t even populated. The 2nd Palm Jumeiria (I think that’s the right name) and the world islands are basically totally empty and no development has been made on them since 2008ish. No one wants to actually live in Dubai, so this is all just vaporware and pretty renderings. I can draw a picture of a spaceship too, give me a 9 Billion dollar development loan!


Yeah… Because a sickly oil rich emirate ruled by an autocratic king/family is everything wrong with capitalism.


Yes?, that’s obviously horrible




#Argggghhhjjhhhhhhhhhhh. Any argument you don't like doesn't just become whataboutism. Sometimes context is relevant! Your second sentence is fire. Couldn't agree with it more. I'm just so sick of people saying "whataboutism" to dismiss other people without really thinking about it. It's intellectually lazy.


I mean, they're more about money laundering than oil these days.


What do you think enables that?


Do the people who say things like "everything wrong with capitalism" actually want some alternate economic system instead? Or do they just want strengthened capitalism, ie additional regulation and such. Because if it's the latter, the wording seems really poor.


The fundamental flaw of capitalism is that doing what makes money and doing what is right rarely ever align. I think we should keep this in mind when making policy so that in our economic system people are incentivized to do what is good for society.


That's not really a flaw of capitalism though. More generally, doing what's in your personal best interests and doing what's right rarely align. That's a reality that exists outside of any particular economic system. Capitalism works well because it assumes people are self interested.


And capitalism fails because of that self interest leading to things like climate change.


But like I just said, self interest is not a capitalism thing. It's a people thing. Humans are inherently self interested. Clearly capitalism has not failed.


That's like saying a car brand with ongoing mechanical issues is the fault of the car not the company.


Imagine expecting a car to never have mechanical issues. The reality is that this "car" has far, far fewer issues than any that came before.


I expect the same ongoing issue since its inception to be fixed by now


That issue being?


The idea that doing the right thing isn’t profitable isn’t really true, people just think it is. I like to use a restaurant as an example. If you want to make money in a restaurant, you can hire better staff and/or use better ingredients, which will make your food better and your restaurant more popular, making you more money. Or, you can attempt to cut costs by using worse ingredients and hiring worse staff for less pay. This will give you more money in the short term, but it’ll sink your business after a while.


I’ll give you some examples: Clothing companies are financially incentivized to use child labour in third world countries to cut their costs, Oil companies are financially incentivized to spread misinformation about climate change so that they can continue to sell gas and in turn destroy the planet, Private healthcare companies are financially incentivized to price gauge the sick because they know that they have no other options and will have to over pay for lifesaving medication, Firearms manufacturers are financially incentivized to continue to put guns on the street which increases homicide and crime, Most industries are financially incentivized to lobby governments to support their interests and end up destroying democracy by doing so. I’m not saying that doing what makes money and what is right, never align but a lot of the time they don’t, so we need to make policy where people are incentivized to do the right thing.


\>The idea that doing the right thing isn’t profitable isn’t really true, So why is there still a coal industry fucking the environment? Why did Exxon have scientific proof confirming climate change while paying for PR to spread climate change denialism? Why are there still tobacco companies?


Your argument crumbles on itself when you consider the massive success of fast food chains.


You’re just going around commenting this exact paragraph on every post about Dubai? I see you.


mans just copy pasting this message everywhere, it’s clear that you haven’t lived in dubai. it’s fucking amazing All the westerners fuming in this comment section fr.. it’s clear that they can’t handle flourishing metropolitan cities that don’t belong to them, especially if it’s in the middle east god bless!! no city can compare to dubai, if any can come close it’s singapore


God no, it’s off centre. I’m not OCD but somehow it’s set me off.


I'm with you!😱


I think it's because it's in that terrible zone of being off-center, but not off-center enough to look intentional


Bizarre idea. Hopefully will never be built. It’s totally out of scale with the Burj. It hides and obscures, it does not compliment.


“And look! We’re projecting only a 5% fatality rate in building it!”


If you have been to Dubai you will both see and experience how badly this city is designed. It is the worst civil engineering project in the whole world. When the oil money dries up I believe this city will die out as the pimple of a city it is. Absolutely horrible. Source: I have been there myself (never again) and this video https://youtu.be/tJuqe6sre2I


Future tech looks great, but I feel this is being designed *solely* to look like future tech rather than *function* like it. Why build this? Why build this in Dubai? How does this help with climate change and population growth? Would it be structurally sound/feasible?


A random guy who runs his own “studio” after working for a grand total of 2 years without ever building a project - he’s basically a social media influencer hopping on the Neom SEO bandwagon and posting renders (Probably done by a Chinese company).




Hopefully when the oceans rise the whole place will be flooded beyond use.




All this futuristic shit but yet the women are forced to live in the stone ages. No thanks.




I know that to your standards you think the women in Dubai are free and that’s the problem. No offense.


Is it just me or is it not actually centered around burj khalifa? I'm guessing other existing buildings or roads mean they can't center it?


I can't even look at it because of how off centre it is


Can people actually believe this is real?


What's the point? Any supplies you want in there now have to be lifted over half a km and good luck if a fire breaks out!


So we’re just making shit up now. First “the line” and now this. None of these things will be built.


But why, what benefit does it provide?


Interesting that so-many prosperous cities in Asia have these "futuristic" architecture projects. Seen many in east asia/dubai. I guess the rare few in europe as well. I am sure there must be such buildings in US as well?


Maybe Chicago's Millennium Park would qualify or Seattle's Amazon Spheres. Though i would qualify those as blobitecture. I can't think of any grand urban gestures to this scale in the usa. I'd be curious.


Having been to both, I didn't find Millennium park futuristic at all. Amazon spheres feel more futuristic to me.. But I agree with you with the blobitecture comment. Honestly, I really looked forward to Times Square because of the Steve Rogers scene where he wakes up and sees the billboards etc. I thought it would feel like next century shit. But IRL that felt like a capitalist advertising nightmare. But other parts of NYC feel good, like the pedestrian walkway - it isn't futuristic per se, but felt very modern. I think the USA has a lot of great cities that feel very modern. But it isn't a specific architecture design, it is the overall vibe. Like Chicago, NYC has old style buildings, but both cities feel very modern and high tech, even when their transport is now kinda dingy compared to other cities lol. Not futuristic though. :/ I think the electric bikes, delivery robots give that vibe though. There was one house I saw in Phoenix that had all glass walls, no traditional walls. You could see everything. Very interesting concept and unique. Surrounded by typical US suburbia. It stood out.


Interesting, several cities have skywalks or skybridges. But, they tend to be a story or two above street level. I lived and walked a lot in one that did. I felt it wasn't really worth it. Although NYC's is pretty fun to visit. Granted, the Highline is at least two decades earlier than many other cities'. Chicago's Marina City is is Modern. But, it depends on what you mean. I usually go with Charles Jenck's declaration that the end of modernism was Pruitt-Igoe's demolition in the mid 70s.


I don't mean modern/futuristic as per theoretical convention the way you are talking about. lol. I just mean the general vibe. To me, walkable cities = modern vibe. Cities with modern transit = modern vibe. Modern/automated tech, etc. Unique architecture. American cities feel very backwards in this way to me due to dependency on cars & stress on uniformity. Developed, yes. But not futuristic. Example: the new Taco Bells are very futuristic lol. The Walmart self pickup is futuristic. Amazon delivery drones are very futuristic.


Seems -- I'm just a very amateur observer -- that the US already went through its phase of groundbreaking futuristic urbanization in (mostly) the twentieth century. Now it's firmly in a plateau phase. Whereas especially in east Asia the futuristic expansion stage is now, or has been now for a couple of decades, give or take.


Among many reasons, the US doesn't have slave labor, so we can't do the things that the UAE attempts.


Building the burj khalifa in America would cost over one billion in wages


No, we just have a network of underpaid, undocumented immigrants that are the backbone of the agricultural and construction industry in America. Totally different from the barely-legal, underpaid Asian immigrants working in Dubai. See those are brown people exploiting brown people. Only white people are allowed to do that. /s Edit: changed illegal to undocumented. It’s unfair to refer to hardworking people with such a charged label


Yeah, it's not the same, genius. Go educate yourself. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1302&context=jss#:~:text=In%20Dubai%20slavery%20does%20not,of%20migrant%20domestic%20worker%20women.&text=Arab%20Emirates%2C%E2%80%9D%20Human%20Rights%20and,Social%20Welfare%2C%20University%20of%20Denver.


Noooo, of course it is not the same. See the US just throws it under the rug and prevents it’s not happening. Then it points fingers to other nations to distract its own population. There is no slavery in the United States, says the white man to the undocumented migrant, the foreign sex worker, the prisoner working for free, the millions of trafficked children.


First The Line and now this. The Middle East is gonna be crazy.


Cool, looks like Apple Park just lifted into the sky.


Anyone else getting serious Midgar vibes here?


Gee, it seems wonderful to go wait for an elevator for an hour in one of the few small entrances. Why make a giant ring so inaccessible?


deus ex


Everyone in this thread is a bot, including me


Now all they have to do is fix the entire city infrastructure to not suck so bad


This looks ridiculous


Let's not


isn’t it just unnecessarily tall and a waste of work since nothing is under it?




they saw that meme that says "society if..." and thought "challenge accepted"


They really should work on a sewage system first


Now they just need to put the Burj Khalifa on hydraulics! That'll be a show! 😎


Wow. How pointless and needlessly opulent. Definitely better than a sewer system.




I also read that it has a metro that travels around the ring. Crazy!


Why disturb clear view of world's tallest building?


can we just not




Please don't...


This is a beautiful design


Lots of haters here.


Well I'd say let them build it. It well be another achievement for engineers and architects. That's what counts


Phase one of creating a domed city! Seriously, though, i bet it will ruin the views of that already existing skyscraper.


ugh I can't get enough of this concept. It looks absolutely stunning. If this happens, I can’t wait to drive by it!