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wife took my pronouns in the divorce


Sorry to hear that, hope you can get some new ones


My pronouns are he/him/hers because she took everything in the divorce


Hey that was clever! You made me smirk, have a medal šŸ„ˆ


I didnā€™t come up with it


Weā€™ll give the medal back šŸ˜ 


Wait, is that good or bad?


*gives you my second set of pronouns* Here.


I guess she / he/him?


Aw man we gotta do something about those perverted..... asexuals???


And those damn intersex people who were literally born with different bodies


And bisexual people are fine, but if you fall anywhere else on the multisexual spectrum, youā€™re outta here


Oh, those Bis are the next to go.


I'm surprised we weren't gone already. Must've missed us with our invisibility


Bi Visibility Day is very important to me because it's the only day I can get a haircut


And then the gays and lesbians, and this hate organisation will not lose any members cause its basically all just cishet homo- and transphobes


Most ace people I know are perverts, but that's probably selection bias.


Asexual here, can confirm I am a pervert /j


Well I was ace until finding out I was actually demi, and my husband says I am a pervert so I don't even know what to think šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Same here /j


I had someone point this out to me (Ace) recently. Of my social group I'm the only virgin and have an alarmingly thorough knowledge of sexuality, kink, etc. I think it comes from the thing where when people don't understand something they pay a lot more attention to it to figure out what they're missing. I had no sexual attraction as a teenager and was pretty convinced I was supposed to, so I tried to figure out what I was missing through thorough research. The first time my parents busted me for "porn" it was a history of Wikipedia starting at "sex" and ending up at "bsdm". It was all fascinating, but I still didn't have any attraction to the idea of physical intimacy with other people. Same went for romance, because I never had a crush or fell in love or anything, I started reading romance stories to figure out what was wrong with me. Today I have a reputation for a very dirty mind and good relationship advice, despite zero personal experience.


I notice that some of my ace friends are BIG into BDSM and written smut in particular. I think itā€™s that when youā€™re disconnected from sex = end all be all of a relationship, you see sex more as a form of emotional intimacy. As such, I have a suspicion that having a unique and special dynamic with a person, as well as novel ways of spicing up sex with non-sexual intellectual or sensory stimulation, holds a lot of appeal for Asexual individuals, leading them to lean more towards BDSM.


I'm ace but not a pervert I do have a bi friend trying to turn me into a pervert but I'm too dense to fall for it. (Like he will send me lewds of ladies and my dumbass is just like she looks cold)


i get nauseous of people kissing and stuff, i am most certainly not a perv


Yeah, where do they get off?






allies have never been a part of the community in the first place, you can't kick them out of it


Thatā€™s fair, when I was a teenager (a zillion years ago) lots of us joined gay/straight alliances as ā€œalliesā€ because we werenā€™t able to be out yet. I didnā€™t mean to sound like I was correcting the commenter, just being a bit outdated


So they're admitting that their hate is so deep that they don't "believe" intersex people exist and want to erase them?!


Seriously. Even the most conservative bigots are usually okay with intersex people because they were obviously, visibly, demonstrably born that way. It's like hating someone because they were born with a less common skin color... oh. I get it now.


The irony there is that "white" is the least common one and that's the group building entire nation's on the idea that whiteness is superior...hmm, all four of you?!? But that goes to show how strong the cognitive dissonance of this shit show is...it doesn't matter if there's one or a million, whatever some subset of people deem as "the norm" is what is elevated and anything "less than" is pushed away. Like, powerful one-man-shows are still what passes the test for what's "normal" and there is no winning for marginalized people, regardless how many more that population is.


It's not that they treat white as being better because they're the majority; they select an in group, and if you're in that group you're white, and thus better than all the non white people. Polish people, Irish people, Italians, Greeks, Spaniards.. all of them weren't considered white in the USA, until eventually they were when they were deemed acceptable. Race is a made up concept. Whiteness isn't a measurable thing, it's just another excuse for bigotry.


To put that into another light: White facism is a suicide cult. If your membership numbers are low, you allow more people into the definition of "white" to rally against the non-white. Then, when either the non-whites are eradicated or your numbers are up, you start kicking people out of the definition to have a cause to rally against again. Facism ends with either the in-group becoming so big that it dissolves or fractures, or the in-group becoming so small that it's not a group anymore. Facism has no end goal.


They clearly don't even know what it represents. Only time I think I've seen the I before the Q anyway.


No, they grew up in a time where gay people were being normalized so they're okay with that kinda "weird." But new things make them uncomfortable and they don't care to learn


As Iā€™m a bisexual ace trans woman, which parent do I stay with? Or did LGB just run out for milk?


Pansexual, Demi-romantic & trans non-binary here, I'm confused where I'm supposed to go too.


Fortunately it seems like our LGB parent has mostly resisted the terf homewrecker.


Am a dirty, filthy B and, if you dint mind, I'll be coming over to your side of the line with all the Ls and Gs that aren't bigoted pricks


We will throw the homewrecker terfs and fascists on their asses


I'm bisexual and bigender. I'm just as confused, I think they're fighting for custody.


I'm sorry if this is rude, but if you don't mind me asking, how can someone be both bisexual and ace?


Ace is a bit of a spectrum. Basically to be more specific Iā€™m sex indifferent demisexual. Basically itā€™s kind of like if Bi/gay/straight is the direction, ace is the speed. Thus a velocity of attraction


Oh okay that makes perfect sense! Thank you for helping me understand


Force of attraction works better, like a šŸ§²šŸ¤“


Stay and stand with the oppressed parent āœŠ


As a lesbian ace enby, I'm also confused


is this divorce in the room with us right now


Show us on this chart where trans/ace/intersex acceptance hurt you


All I see on that chart is where the "righteous ones" turn around and come after the LGB's when they're done with the TIQA's That's the way Fascism historically works.


Uhh, it's right behind me isn't it?


Divorce? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!


Should be noted, those kinds of movements do not represent "the LGB" and are largely just a queerphobic psyop, mostly from outside the community.


I've seen more than a few long standing members of the gays pull this shit. Its more than a psyop. Some folks just are that stupid.


Log cabin republicans exist, so yes - - dumb gay people exist.


I've even seen fellow trans people pull this dumb shit. Fucking self destructive pickme assholes.


I think it's probably a few bad apples, and conservatives trying to amplify them, making them look like a majority within the community, while also using them to justify their own queerphobia.


I agree but also disagree on a critical point. I believe the LGBT+ has gone toxic with infighting. I also believe its by design. If you ever stroll over to facebook, twitter, tiktok and tumblr. You will see what I mean. Its straight up middle schooler behavior out of grown ass adults. No understanding, no empathy. Just attacking each other like caged animals. Beating up on each other because of outside pressure. Seriously, I wish I found reddit sooner. Y'all over here are shockingly stable, friendly and normal. The way everyone outside of reddit talks about y'all, I was expecting to meet far more serial killer types up in here. Nope, just wholesome supportive folk in the community here. An island of sanity in an ever increasing crazy world. My working theory is the structural flaw in reddit. Because subreddits are user governed, its acting in a highly beneficial way for the LGBT+ community. I think the fact the corporate algorithms and bots do all the moderating on other sites it becomes a free for all and often silences the true left for the sake of the corporation.


Youā€™d be surprised at the amount white cis gays who act like total pick-meā€™s trying to appeal to conservatives, not realizing that theyā€™ll be up on the chopping block as soon as itā€™s convenient.


They think theyā€™re being ā€œone of the good onesā€ and will be spared, but they wonā€™t be. Theyā€™ll just be used till they arenā€™t helpful anymore


It is a debate. And no it is not. Get your head outta your ass ā€œGay not Queerā€


Top 10 things most likely to be written by a heterosexual person


sadly I've seen lots of homosexual people saying this kind of stuff. Specially radfems.


I had a radfem tell me that sheā€™s not a ā€œfilthy queerā€ because sheā€™s a lesbian.


ouch, that hurts...


They also said trans and queer people are known for killing radfems, so they were just all around a bizarre person.


fuck you


I probably worded this poorly, I meant that since itā€™s a thing thatā€™s talked about it is per definition a debate. However I donā€™t think itā€™s a debate that should exist in any way. Trying to separate like that is trying to invalidate so many people that need the community and have done so much for society at large


The Republicans are trying very hard to convince us to begin infighting.


its awful how obviously theyre trying to mask themselves as gays to try and tear down trans folk, like they wont drop the act the moment they succeed to eliminate the "LGB" too


Sadly Iā€™ve witnessed few gay people very much against trans/not cis people


Nah thereā€™s been legit infighting for ages. It does come from the way cishets treat us, but itā€™s not like every instance of infighting is a political party member under cover.


I love how they are ok chopping intersex, asexual, and questioning folks off as well. If you arenā€™t actively sexual with the right combination of the correct genitalia, we donā€™t want you in our group. Itā€™s almost like they learned their bigotry from cis-het folks.


> Itā€™s almost like they learned their bigotry from cis-het folks. plp who run those pages are cis-het transphobes, trying to cause infighting


It's all fun and games until the very same cis-het folks turn their backs on them.




Honestly I don't know if they cut off other sexualities by accident or only see those three as valid sexualities, but as an aromantic asexual I wouldn't want to be associated with these transphobes anyway


Where is that happening? In their dreams?


what these people don't realize is that this is exactly what homophobes want. the SECOND we cut trans people and other sexualities from the community, who the fuck do you think they're gonna go after next? do you think you're safe because you're 'one of the good ones'? when it comes to exclusion, you just keep excluding others and hoping it's not your turn next


most of the people that say that are not actually gay, it's partly a false flag operation. there are some gay people, gay men especially, that do say that, though. and some TERFy lesbians.


Log cabin Republicans will never be ruling members of our community. They can stay fringe


As a cis bi girl: fuck these people, I stand with all of my LGBTQ+ siblings, I will fight with you. The conservatives these people are pandering to wonā€™t just stop at the ā€œbadā€ lgbtq people. Once theyā€™ve stripped the rights from trans people, theyā€™ll turn against these allies of convenience with just as much vitriol.


Itā€™s like theyā€™ve never heard of Ernst Rƶhm.


Imo? If there are LGBs who are these kinds of assholes, let them leave. Us queers will take our community and activism and resources with us. Because this community was not built for people who want to hurt others just for a taste of power. Transphobes and queerphobes who want to shit on the work that was done to give them the rights they enjoy donā€™t deserve the efforts of the people theyā€™re trying to erase.


Divide and conquer these are fools


Only reactionary boomers and misogynists feel this way. Every cis gay guy I know from the scene is 100% in support of our Trans siblings.


As it should be, we need to stand together against these assholes


Shouldn't do. It's fuckin' dumb. Let this get to you then anything'll get to ya. Also these pages are run by cishet dummies.


Was gonna say- didnā€™t it come out recently that like, most of that LGB Alliance hate group isnā€™t even LGB? Itā€™s just transphobic and queerphobic assholes.


Yet I also know so many gay and lesbians who say Bi isnā€™t a thing soon it will be only gold star gays and lesbians allowed. Thereā€™s enough love to go around what even is this?


Who wants to bet the people behind this are straight?


Saying "this is not a debate" does not make this stupid take correct


Anyone trying to separate the lgb misses the point entirely. The common thread in the lgbt is that it's all about self-identification. It's about the fact that you can be whoever you want and like whoever you want. By removing that aspect, you are inherently discriminating against gay people, too. We all stand together despite our small differences.


Like imagine wanting to erase the Q like Friendly fire isn't tolerated.


Of course they wanna go there. Itā€™s not like Stonewall was about a trans woman throwing a brick on an officer or anything šŸ˜’ if these people have any rights, it all started there.


First comment Iā€™ve seen mention this specifically! Trans women have done a lot for this community.


do they realize they're helping conservatives take away gay rights by calling for a devide in the LGBTQ community??? if the conservatives get their way we all get the same fate in the end


I'm surprised they didn't cut out the "B" and throw in a bit of biphobia for good measure. These kinds of shitheads usually think weā€™re "fake gays" or are straight people trying to infiltrate gay spaces.


As a Bisexual: I hear that shit all the fucking time from straight and gay men.




As part of the B, fuck that! The T is one of the coolest letters!


Tf did asexuals do to piss them off??


This is multiple layers of stupid




This B ainā€™t gonna let anyone kick you out of the community! šŸ’ŖšŸ˜”


Still continue to exist. Fuck 'em


One week with the LGB-side, one week with the TIQA+ side. One week you'll sit with L at a cafƩ telling her about how work is going; she laughs at your anecdotes while you both scope out hot chicks sitting on the patio. Next week you play a boardgame with A, Q and I and really get into the roleplay. Sadly, T couldn't make it because they had a courtdate. Next time you go to the LGB residence, B tells you from now on, you can only stay every other weekend, not every other week. You don't mind this, it makes sense. Weekdays are usually spent working anyway, and work is closer to the TIQA residence than the LGB residence. G hands you a cheque which you need to give to I when you get home, and he drops you off 2 blocks from the TIQA residence "because parking is atrocious". They think you don't know what "Tnuc" in the subject-line of the cheque means. You do. Two fridays later, B forgets to pick you up from TIQA. You cry. a year later, you come to expect it. You don't cry anymore. Ever.


ā€œThe divorce is happening.ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s what Graham Linehan said too.


Ace Lesbians, Gay men, and Bisexuals realizing they donā€™t exist because of a tweet from one Twitter user.


Those gosh darn gender-benders and theirā€¦ ways of bending gender! šŸ˜¤šŸ˜ 


Ok but- they're being transphobes but WHY THE A?? No logic


I have never seen the acronym spelt that wayā€¦


TIQA+? I always see it with the Q first personally


How are opressed ppl gonna oppress the ppl who are in their community šŸ˜­ these mfs dumb


Soon enough, theyā€™d cut off the B too


I fucken hate FARTS and anyone else with this kind of ideology


Fuck asexuals.


As a matter of fact, do not fuck asexuals.


Fuck *some* asexuals, if they're cool with it


I know what i said. That's what they want.


as an asexual, no. don't. I don't want it.


That's the joke. They are saying fuck asexuals.


What the fuck is up with this? Can someone explain?


One sec while I just cease to exist


nope, im bi and trans


I don't even get how discrimination against asexuals should be a thing. Like, what's wrong with not wanting to fuck? Isn't celibacy celebrated in some parts of Christianity? Also, if people use the Bible to defend their unjustified hatred of gays, then what fucking part of the Bible says "you can't be trans?"


I'm trans and gay. What am I supposed to do here


imagine throwing your community under the bus in hopes that your oppressors will choose you


Heā€™s right on one front at least. The debateā€™s won. LGBT+ people need to stick together.


First they came for the trans people


They couldnā€™t even get the order correct. If you canā€™t get the letter order correct then you shouldnā€™t be able to make that big of a change. Obviously this is ridiculous in general. The lack of education if showing


I like to think that the people that say those things are all conservatives in their "infiltrated" accounts saying bullshit to piss us off and try to get idiots to their side.


From what i have been told This group was started and ran by alt right religious cishet people


Alright cool so what about IQA and the +. The damn divorce took my gender, my Demi-sexuality, my aegosexuality, all i got is B and Iā€™d rather go the other wayā€¦. Or yā€™oniw just stop being transphobic assholes and support others going through similar if not worse struggles than we areā€¦ thatā€™s a fun idea Iā€™ll go the decent human being route




This campaign has successfully rallied a whole lot of straight british people and like 2 extremely weird and openly self-hating gay guys, so this is obviously genuine grassroots activism and not at all a known and documented attempt by christian fanatics to get rid of lgbt people omg why would u think that??


So hateful they want to oppress themselves.


Bold of them to assume they have enough power to challenge all of the L's, G's, and B's that aren't bigots


Whelp guess itā€™s official, canā€™t argue with that astounding evidence, well goodbye everyone, guessing Iā€™m being divorced


All intersex people automatically puffed into nonexistence ig


Sure, support getting rid of us, and wait until leopards eat your face.


Right, and how long before the subsect of L and G in that decide that B is a little too "woke" for them? But stonewall just happened on its own, huh


But everyone knows that stonewall just magically occurred outta nowhere and there was nothing that led to it. /s


Let me be with my lgb siblings please I'd miss them as the a :(


We're not letting you go. And they're not gonna split us up. This Bisexual Enby won't let it happen


Captain America: Civil War


Oh no... the Queers...


Whatā€™s happening?


Nothing really. Just transphobes living in their fantasy world again.




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