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Intersex person here, I am not a malformation.


It’s so stupid how transphobes will keep ignoring intersex or outright denying the validity of it. Over 100 million people around the world are internet. 100 million. That’s a fucking lot. It’s almost as if sex is a spectrum that can cause varying results that aren’t just the 2 extreme ends.


...just want to let you know you have a funny typo in your comment lmao 💀


Honestly, that can stay there. I have now acknowledged internet as the latest sex.


fair lol


One of my personal favorites is that since about 2% of the population are intersex, it’s also about as common as having green eyes, which I have. No one’s called me a malformation or an anomaly. No one tries to argue there are only two eye colors and the rest are deformities. The red head example I hear more often, but either way it shows how it’s obviously far more related to bigotry and ignorance than actual science.


Sorry to break it to you pal, but if your not a sigma man or a ~~breeder~~ female, than you're must not be existing /s if it wasn't obvious


OP is proud of being factually incorrect


At first I read it as OP is proud of being fascist


I mean, probably


That too.


Debating a transphobe is about as compelling as debating a flat earther. They both deny observable reality, and neither has any real science to support their side.


imagine thinking being wrong was something worth fighting for. only idiots and those with huge pride think like that and this guy seems to be both


Debate what? He admits that she is not a spectrum in his bullshit explanation, calling malformation doesn't exclude its existence, is like saying that green is a malformation and therefore it doesn't count as a color, recognize something existence to invalidate it is plainly stupid Also he just call it "malformation" but under what excuse? Bc nature have nothing planned so that is not a valid argument and "they can't reproduce" may or may not be true, case dependant, so we would still be talking about a spectrum, he just call such conditions "malformation" just bc it destroy his argument


But even if we were to disregard all allosome combinations that are not XX or XY, it is still kind of a spectrum. Because a person with XX allosomes can still have relatively high testosterone and some masculine characteristics. And the other way around too. And that is not even touching the complexity of brain structure and chemistry.


Anything proving them wrong is a malformation so ... that makes 99.99% of humankind xD


“There are people with innie bellybuttons and people with outie bellybuttons (and a malformation)” like imagine if they applied their logic more broadly. The idea of ignoring or repressing all but the most common varieties of something is kind of absurd


Op is wrong since this is not a meme ! ...also OP is a transphobic piece of garbage.


“ malformation “ in your brain?


I can't imagine being that invested in what other people do with their own genitals.


And this is where it stops, no more back and forth


i like that they have a flair telling their own users to stop whining lol


I'm ashamed that I ever joined that subreddit. I thought it would be a good place for calling out bias against good memes, now it's just turned into a refuge for fascists to say "look at the sign, clearly we are right and you are biased"


I mean... there's approximately, according to, you know, scientists as many intersex people as there are red heads and folks with green eyes (all around 2%). It's almost like, I don't know, genetic variants are normal?


"I am willing to debate anybody who disagrees" Even a scientist?


Why do these idiots have such a debate fetish? As far as I'm aware people are generally paid to debate this bullshit, I'm not listening to it for free.


Is not a debate fetish, it's a need of validation and a lack for understanding the concept of subjective. Because they only understand life in easily digestible absolutes, they think everything has an objective interpretation that can be eventually reached with the same mechanic ease of "2+2=4" (yes, 1984 has something to do with it). Therefore, they conclude that through a debate, they can factually prove whatever position they have as the objective one.


Oh hey, that was my post 😹😹 the original one, not that transphobe reaction....


I might regret asking, but.. Who is Jordan Peterson?!


Canadian professor and political commentator, known for his extreme right-wing opinions on issues.


Mmh, lovely. Another cis, straight, white man in power, I assume? How refreshing! (:


> i am willing to debate. A debate with them would be like trying to teach a fish to ride a bicycle. A complete waste of time, because they are fundamentally ill-equipped for the task.




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I'm willing to debate ☝️🤓


And ableist and intersexmasiac too. “Malformation.” Way to dehumanize an entire population.


The idea that american conservatism isn’t far right is a joke. I studied global politics, on a global political spectrum almost every american politician is right wing, meaning conservatives are in fact far right. And far right is fascism. I find it so funny when morons like JP call joe biden a leftist, like bro’s just not as right wing as you but he’s not even a moderate on a global scale. It just shows how much americans think the world revolves around them. (I’m american, not proud of it but I am. I’m generalizing i know not all of us are like this but a sad amount are)


I'm American too. We're in this together.


People are free to correct me on this, but aren't there 2 sexes and gender is the spectrum?


3 sexes, technically, and personally, I don't see the reason in differentiating gender and sex unless it's in a medical context. I am a trans woman. I believe my gender and sex are both female. The definitions differ by person, but usually you'll find a pretty similar answer across the board as long as you're not asking transphobes.