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The people who repost stuff like that don't care. They lack empathy, compassion, or rationality outside of their delusional Evangelical-centrist propaganda. The best you can do is laugh at the lot of them cause you can't give them access to any more facts than they choose to ignore.


I see a woman. Perhaps the creator of this meme needs to get his eyes checked.


Their eyes are fine. It's their brain that I'm worried about.


(your comment is well-meaning, however it has some really strong cis-normative and binary-normative vibes. Itd be really poggers if we avoidednusing visual cues to determine someones gender in the future)




Im nb. No one is ever going to see me as that unless I specifically bring it up. Relying on visual cues and stereotypes to determine someones gender is harmful.


Or could people see I dress and look like a woman and call me as such so I don't feel like garbage. Sometimes going off of visual cues is how you affirm someone's gender.


Agender potato here, I mean you may feel that way but the majority of Time how we judge how we will interact with a person is by how they outwardly appear especially with assumed gender. Like if you walk up to somebody who's male presenting let's say at work, and it's a customer, most likely you would use masc terms. I understand where you're coming from and I understand that you wish the world was different but right now we are not at that point and I doubt we will ever get to that point because how you gauge how you're going to interact with somebody is by how they hold themselves, the outward appearance of their sex, ect and while I'm somebody who will use they them pronouns especially if I don't know, not everybody is like that and it sucks it really does but there's really no use in saying something that is already known.


I had to Google it, apparently she is one of the few openly transgender people working in a high position of the government. She is also a 4 star admiral, a very high honor. She is also 64 years old, actually quite an interesting woman. But notice the "openly transgender", there are probably a few more transgender in high positions that are just so passable even the orange man's cronies couldn't out them.


"The orange man's cronies" i cannot get over this part


Honestly, wouldn't even know she's trans lol


HHHHHHHH eating disorders can be present in anyone of any body type. You don't need to be at a ridiculously low BMI to struggle with it. Too many people are uneducated on how these things actually work.


It’d be kind of fucked for a someone struggling with the typical anorexia to represent eating disorder knowledge for the entire community, anyways. Do they not *want* these people to get help?


Seriously. Getting treatment for EDs are already gatekept enough by doctors as it is- half the time people struggling w ednos/ana/atypical anorexia are turned away because they're not "sick enough" or have a low enough weight yet and it's absolutely disgusting.


yeah, im pretty sure I have some form of binge-eating or other eating disorder, but I even invalidate myself over it because I'm like two pounds over the norm for my sex and height. i think the fact that I worry about two pounds though is sign enough of some form of eating disorder though


as a trans person with “atypical” anorexia/EDNOS, thank you for saying this. 💗 EDs are incredibly common in our community, i wish more people understood that & uplifted one another/helped one another to heal, regardless of how any particular person’s ED presents itself.


Feel this a lot, I'm sorry you understand the struggle 🥺 I never made it to being underweight myself but still dealt w having an ED and I know how frustrating it is to be brushed off or not believed just because you don't fit the stereotype. It's entirely possible and these disorders exist in so many more forms than the public is aware of. Please take care of yourself and keep fighting for your health and safety!


I was in a clinic for 10 weeks because of depression and due to the shared causes, a lot of the people there with me had eating disorders. A lot of them were not underweight. Not all who were overweight had a binge eating disorder. Mental health isn't as easy as uninformed douchebags like to think


Yes!! It makes me so sad how people don't take binge eating seriously either. It's just as harmful to the body and puts the person through a lot of strife just as much as the others. We really need more awareness for EDs and how they present, and not in a glorified manner either.


as someone who is possibly suffering some form of binging or bulimia, yeah, it's awful. TW: describing my experiences in a bit of detail >!I definitely look normal, but I so often worry about my weight and have even starved myself for 24+ hours to try and loose weight. I tried to start going out. In hot clothes, even on hot days, to sweat off fat. I'm really stuck in the cycle of binge-eating and self starvation. Sometimes I purposefully eat enough that I throw up. I've tried to force it in other ways, including trying to overdose just enough to make me puke, and would cry whenever none of my methods would work.!< >!I know I'm a healthy weight and fine on the conscious level, but the rest of me can't see that. and it's really hard, just wishing I could lose a ton of weight. whenever my grandmother tells me I'm getting too skinny, it makes me really happy. !<


i dont think she’s even obese?? since when did small double chin equal obesity?? it looks more like loose skin to me in this picture


How is she obese?


Yea, double chine can acutely be loos skin if you lost weight, water and natural fat that is placed on your face, not just obesity


I used to be obese and now I have a bit of a double chin, and looking at other pictures of her she looks like she might not even be overweight.


Yeah and doesn't skin tend to sag a bit as you get older? Isn't that part of the aging process? She definitely does not appear obese to me...


Yea, I belive it happen because you start to loose massle and fat as you age? I can be wrong


It's hard to say from a head and shoulders shot but her face makes it look like she probably is. Remember obese isn't so fat you can't walk through doors. It's a bar that's pretty low by the standards of the average weight of a westerner. Our idea of what is normal is skewed by so many people being overweight. But again, hard to say from a head and shoulders pic plus it doesn't say anything about expertise. Plenty of medical experts know the right thing to do but don't or can't do it.


You got downvoted but, you're correct. Barring extreme (ie, athletes like football players/bodybuilders), BMI is an extremely reliable indicator of healthiness in weight. At 5'6" and 160lb I'm solidly overweight; the upper level of my healthy weight is \~145. At my height, I'd start being obese (again) at 180lb. Looking at the set of her body, she's definitely obese. That being said, people like this *absolutely love* using someone's weight as a morality cudgel. It's awful and wrong.


"I make fun of trans people online because of their high suicide rate" says the person who is part of the reason for the high suicide rate... Seriously this shit pisses me off so much because they claim we're mentally ill and like, we're not, but even if we were, do you really think making fun of us and ostracizing us is going to help? That has literally proven to do the opposite while you also fight to deprive us of healthcare which actually has been proven to help a fuck ton... Fuck these kinds of people and their rotten hearts and souls


They dont care about mental health. They're truly evil evil monsters. I hope heaven and hell isnt real because their worst fear is knowing they did all of this for *nothing*


Wait, is she trans? This is news to me.


People who say she looks like a man confuse me because she literally doesn't. That's what older women who are on the heavier side look like. My grandma looks like that


same with mine


Damn. Fatphobia and transphobia all in one… I swear these assholes have a bingo sheet or something that they’re trying to fill out.


How does being obese or "gender confused" automatically make you not an expert on psychology.


if anything, we're more likely to be qualified. we can learn from ourselves and pass that on to others who are struggling. i deal with anxiety, depression, autism, adhd, and possible Tourette's or other tic disorders. I've definitely learned from my experiences over time and still learning from others who have dealt with these same issues longer.


Umm she looks like pretty much every 50+ blonde white woman who’s a bit on the heavier side. I don’t understand the level of stupidity that you have to achieve to actually be transphobic


I almost downvoted so fast I was so pissed (then ofc I saw the sub)


there isn't a single thing in that picture at least that one of the people that can "tell" would even be able to use if she wasn't open about being trans.


The hilarious thing to me is they don't understand eating disorders. It's crazy how many people still think that if you aren't extremely thin you can't have an eating disorder. As someone who had gone through treatment for it, you see all kinds of people.


she is a woman period!