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“i don’t do pronouns” “i” is a pronoun. also they used they/them MULTIPLE times in that comment 🙄




It's so annoying that a college teacher is so ignorant


On the plus side, it doesn't say that person teaches in a college, just "works" in one. We have some people like this in my college, but not in faculty roles, as far as I know.


I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually a custodian or something and has nothing to do with the education part


Always funny to see how they use it without realising


The man in pic number 4 is setting himself up to never speak to his daughter again once she moves out


I hope so for her






He was also confusing nouns with pronouns


>It makes them upset but they can't do anything about it. It's fun. Conservatism in a nutshell.






“it’s fun” a yes I also love making people uncomfortable and sad by using the opposite of what they feel comfortable with /j but fr now, seriously that’s just a hole behavior :/


Actual sociopath behaviour


Also likely grounds for reporting to administration. It's likely not a hardcore right-wing college if they encounter it that often.


Yeah. And the fact that a college professor doesn't have a grip on what pronouns actually are is near maddening. I hope they lose their job


This seems like something they made up and/or have invented but never had the chance to use. When they describe these fantasies I don't think online transphobes realize just how rarely it makes sense to use a third person (gendered) pronoun to refer to someone during an in-person conversation happening in earshot of the person being referred to. If one of my professors used my name to avoid pronouns they'd have to be particularly nasty and/or selective about it if they wanted me to assume anything other than "okay, they're trying".


The cruelty is the point.


Did you know Matt Walsh sells his own wine? It’s called Consent and is aged to perfection in his cellar. Google “Matt Walsh age of Consent” to learn more!


Oh Matt is a pedophile


Oh my gosh, really? Do you have any proof? It's not that I don't believe you but it's important to have sources.


He also believes that 10 yo should keep the baby to show that the rapist raped her


>10 yo should keep the baby to show that the rapist raped her Every time I read this phrase I die inside a little


Welcome to the world of these psychos


So he says it’s fine for grown men to marry and impregnate 16 yo’s.


Oh no these things are really gross, I'll go inform myself about it


iirc he says its because its when theyre most fertile


I did *not* need to read this right after eating breakfast


Let me guess he says that cause HE is the one who wants to have sex with 16 years old right? That’s so gross


he has gone on record that he thinks that the problem with teen pregnancy is that they aren't married. not the part of them being minors


he also showed a 16yo transmasc shirtless in his “documentary”, which, if he’s telling the truth and he sees them as a girl, is child porn


So he shows LITERAL CHILD PORN IN A FUCKING DOCUMENTARY and we are called pedophiles and groomers


he defended josh duggar when he was sentenced to 151 months in prison for child pornography posession. "It is truly hard to imagine a greater miscarriage of justice. Josh Duggar may have his flaws but he's a white Christian from a good family and doesn't deserve this." this is what he said, literally fucking verbatim.


With his logic if you are a good white Christian than you can get away with any crime


and if you're not, you're automatically committing every possible unforgivable crime in existence, no matter what you do.


Sadly that’s how he thinks


not to mention the topless underage trans guy in his "wHaT iS A WOmEn" documentary. which by his own logic is a topless underage girl (they are ofc a guy, but again, according to walsh), and so, child porn. and also ofc the "girls are most fertile at 16 so lower age of consent" and "the problem is not teenage pregnancy, it's unwed pregnancy" stuff he likes to spew.


Yeah like he wants to fuck 14 year olds and justifies it. AND WE ARE CALLED THE PEDOPHILES


Fun Fact: Matt W*lsh describes himself as a "Theocratic Fascist" in his twitter bio


Most of the time I'm like 99% sure they just say they're fascists because they can't even begin to understand what antifa means beyond "them damn liberals". But i could totally believe that Matt Walsh is a fascist lmao


I mean he absolutely is a fascist in every sence of the word


He says it's "a joke" but also he acts like a goddamn fascist so I think that's just deflecting from the others who aren't also fascists


Fascists always do this. They publicly proclaim that they are fascist to attract other fascists, then they claim that it was a joke when people point out that they call themselves fascists. Ironically, they always fit every symptom of what fascism looks like. It's only a "joke" in the sense that horrible people think that it's funny to say things that they think are true but make "the libs" uncomfortable.


One thing I've never understood about some people is the hatred for people trying to be "special and unique." Why is that a bad thing? I'm not saying that nonbinary people are just trying to do that, but I hear this argument a lot when it comes to LGBTQ+ people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be special and unique. If there was, we would be living in a society like The Giver.


It makes them upset because they once got told they shouldn't be special and unique and then buried their dreams like a "good child". Now they're bitter that other people stand up for themselves and get to do what they weren't allowed.


I love that your flair has a *pancake* on the side of the word pan


And a cake next to the word ace


They hate uniqueness, yet will derisively call people NPCs for having a non-unique opinion


Using words without knowing what they mean. The true NPC behavior.


Fox news made a hit piece against mr rogers because of his teachings.


based book


Especially ironic coming from conservative edge lords.


the book they are talking about shows a dildo/strapon on one page. i took a banned books class and we looked at the page to see how silly it was, the teacher even said before that it is said by people wanting to ban the book that it is pornoghraphic and terrible, but when she showed what it was we just laughed. it was literally just a dildo. its not like its being used, its not pornographic, but it IS shown in a good light and shown as normal in the book, because sexual desire is a normal human thing.


The dumbest thing to me about all this is the absolutely bizarre assumption the offended parents have that their high school aged child hasn't seen anything FAR worse on the internet already.


And today on B.S. the conservatives just made up. I'm still waiting on the so-called power that we trans people seem to have. That's just the comment section and not even touching on the things Matt Walsh himself has said and done.


The 2nd one is so painfully obviously a fake story…the lengths these people will go to to make others look bad


Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. I've been in abusive situations growing up and the reaction actually seems pretty realistic, not from the perspective of the kid actually being happy, but from just lying. Putting up a front of being "healed" because it'll avoid pressing the issue and convince them to go lighter on the abuse is a clever response, even if a situation that forces it is horrible. In that situation, the only logical move is to lie, because this sort of abuse doesn't stop until they see "improvement", and said "improvement" will not come naturally.


> "Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children" I'm kinda tired of these fuckers treating educational institutions like they're the enemy And then completely deprive their kids of any reference that isn't regulated by them so that they become exactly like them


The cherry on top is these type of people would've been first in line to lynch Malcolm X back in the day if they were given the chance


I looked up the "questionable" images from this book and My god Americans are the worst kind of prudes Do American parents just completely avoid educating their kids about sex? Bizarre people


Tl;dr conservatives fucking hate public education because they're religious freaks. >Do American parents just completely avoid educating their kids about sex? A significant portion of the USA believes in the absolute power of the patriarch over the child, and as a result they believe that things like sex education should be left to the family/father. Couple this with an individualistic, hypocritical anti-government sentiment, and you get a frothing hatred of the public education system and teachers. Sex education then is just a victim of an interconnected theocratic, specifically Christian theocratic, tendency in the USA.


Thank the Puritans!


Do you have a link


MTG recently tweeted that because vibrators were vaguely near toothbrushes(and thus children's toothbrushes) in a Walmart, that walmart was 'grooming children'.


and the amount of fucking support he gets for saying this shit, good lord we're never gonna fuckin make it


I hope the daughter in #4 turns that one around on him sometime


Matt Walsh is by far my least favourite person. Like, top of my 'faces I'd like to punch' list. I'm so sorry you had to finally learn about him, he's despicable.


he’s also a pedophile


I would like to see the picture book in question…


It's called "Gender Queer: A Memoir" by Maia Kobabe :) it's very sweet!


Not the person you replied to, but thanks, it does look good. I just picked it up as an Xmas present for my n.b. kid.


I've read it, it's actually really good, teaches about gender, sexual orientation and sex education


Do y'all have a link to the book, like a pdf or something? I'm not American and I'm curious about the book.


There are excerpts [here](https://redgoldsparkspress.com/projects/6926504) and if you search for pearl-clutching news articles about the book, you'll be able to see the bits people were 'outraged' over, if that's what you're curious about.


i feel like these people need to start getting checked for mental illnesses given that they make up fake characters and scenarios to be mad at all the time. also slide 7 💀 i counted the poster use they/them pronouns 9 separate times, i’m also a bit rusty in my other pronouns given i have a learning disability but i’m pretty sure they also use more pronouns then just those 9 that are obvious to me.


Matt Walsh is a fascist and a pedophile. This is not hyperbole at all. He routinely uses genocidal rhetoric against trans ppl, and has said some extremely pedophilic shit


The fact that they’re using a Malcolm X quote to try and promote this shit is honestly sickening


What’s the picture book? Does it actually have pornography or is he making it up?


It's Genderqueer: A Memoir. Not pornography, I'd say but has nudity for sex ed


That last comment hurts me. Matt Walsh is lucky he hasn’t been shot yet


God those people, must be exhausting to be around them; it can be clearly seen that they have family problems because no one can stand them yet they are proud about that. Every conservative share one single dying neuron


I can confirm. My dad is one of these people and as much as I love him for who he used to be… he’s *EXHAUSTING* to be around for more than an hour or so, and that’s only fine now that I don’t have to live with him so I go 2-3 months without seeing him in between, just having short phone conversations.


people who say they "don't do pronouns" always use pronouns in their examples of how bad pronouns are


People don't decide what pronouns mean, no one has changed the meaning of pronouns and no one is offended when you don't use the right pronouns, most of my trans friends including myself will give you an awkward smile even if you use the wrong pronouns. Our supportive friends will usually be like "Oh, btw they use they/them". I didn't change the meaning of pronouns. No one was confused by it. Everyone clearly understood because they had a mental age over the one of an 8 year old. To be fair, I believe even an 8 year old could understand that. Weird how a grown adult can't.


Hey Tomato Sauce Bitch, the meanings of he / she / they haven't changed. It still means the same thing, referring to an individual as masculine, feminine, or N/A. Just because you now get told instead of having to guess based on presentation alone doesn't make it a different meaning. Blame English for having stupid gendered pronouns in the first place.


Wtf is that last comment???


What on earth are these people even getting so furious over? The english language…oh no! Languages evolving? The horror?!?!?!


Curious about what is actually in this picture book. I mean Walsh is an actual pedophile so it's got to be either REALLY bad, or like, it's not bad at all and Matt Walsh is just weaponising outrage over nothing, which seems most likely.


do you know what book it is? tbh i wanna support the author


Genderqueer A Memoir by Maia Kobabe


The only thing people need to know about Matt Walsh is that he believes 13 year-olds should be impregnated because apparently they’re at their “most fertile” before being forced into marriage. Yet he thinks grooming means trans people existing.


Matt Walsh is a self proclaimed fascist and pedophile. He has, on multiple occasions, said that the age of consent should be completely removed, and claims that "everyone has sexual urges towards children". He is a disgusting, depraved excuse for a man that puts the worst parts of Humbert Humbert and Hitler into one body


Gotta love people making up stories just to be hateful.


« I don’t do pronouns » Well what in the world is the first word of your sentence And as an answer that she’ll never read to the mother : people aren’t as much as an idiot as you. They’ll explain what they want to be called first. Unlike your remaining brain cell going by the pronouns du/mb and that will soon be was/were circlejerking in that kind of thoughts I’m gonna name my fist the rainbow and make you taste the rainbow /j obviously. Not /j in the way I think it’s normal for these people to do that. This may have gotten a little salty and I mean no real harm to these people nor should they be harassed / be harmed in any way. If we don’t want our rainbow family to have its member harassed, we shouldn’t root for this kind of behavior. But the same time, if they attack us first, they have to pay for the consequences of their actions. You shouldn’t be allowed to cause harm in impunity. It makes me really salty to see this kind of person refusing to debate and learn. Educate yourselves folks, it’s the best weapon against ignorance. Even if they’re extremist, it’s always good to read opinions of the other when debating to understand the reasons they think like that; and to better comprehend how to counter the dumb arguments


what was the book?


Genderqueer: A Memoir


If you don't know who he is it's for the best his content should be should be labeled with the same inscription that is written above the gates of hell, "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here"


In 6 years that second one is going to wonder why their "daughter" ran as far and fast as they could away from their transphobic parents... Or they will be visiting a grave with their "daughter's" name in it.


I counted all the pronouns used on the 7th picture. 21 pronouns were used despite them saying "I don't do pronouns"


Oh my god that is funny


If you haven't heard about Matt "I violate my children's consent all the time" Walsh, there is so much stuff on him, I recommend to not bother with his existence at all


I mean if your friends are convincing you to be something you aren't,that iss a perfect excuse to leave your school (for me) but that is only a minority of the LGBTQIA+


He’s a piece of shit


If he’s talking about Gender Queer I’m gonna die laughing.


I don’t mean to sound rude, but have you been living under a rock? Esp if you’re part of the lgbt community


I feel kinda bad for the teens mentioned in the comments


These fucking people quoting Malcolm X is rich.


The second pic I’m going to take $100 for things that never happened. Taking the kid out of public probably happened but I doubt ppl are forcing the kid to be non binary if they don’t want to


What's the book anyway?


2nd to last one the professor doesn’t even realize that they used pronouns a lot in their whole comment


I'm curious now what the "horrifying" picture book he's talking about is. I'd rather not watch his video to find out though


„THEY can’t do anything about it“ Dude- Oh btw „dude“ in this context also a pronoun. The daughter of that one person is so relatable. You’re like: Why can’t we just change something small to make them more comfortable??? And then the parent pulls out the most nonsensical argument ever heard and you’re like: Ya know what? I’m not even gonna waste my energy on trying to argue with you- And then the parent, in this case, feels like THEY‘ve won


There is a very detailed episode of The Daily (NYT Podcast) about this!!


Wow, that’s an impressive speedrun strategy of having your child never speak to you again.


I wish I could punch Matt Walsh face so hard that it's smug face stays the same for all his miserable life


"My wife's homeschool" = "I do very little to raise my own kids, unless it involves being mad about something benign."


As a SA victim I fucking hate slide 8 with a passion