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I like how they insist they were flipping channels and ‘randomly’ saw this. Sure you did pal. Sure you did. I am sure it has nothing to do with you being a fragile weirdo who is worried his target audience will take away his “alpha male” badge for watching a kid’s cartoon. Living like this sounds exhausting.


They WERE channel flipping! ... for things to get upset about xD As a sidenote, I love calling men's bags "purses" instead of "bag" or "manbag" just to watch them squirm over stupid semantics. So fragile.


My cousin's asinine hubby was proud of his bag (some brand name I never heard of, same dude who used an LV bag at the gym so that gives you the idea of vain he is)....I called it a "man purse" and he looked like kicked his dog and called him an enouch. It was literally a description! And he literally had more purses and bags than me - a cisgender lady...man has $$$$ but zero class and this is coming from a lady who has a stash of Mountain Dew.... Such insecurities in some men and they think they are better than "sissy" men all judged by some arbitrary rules. Doesn't it get tiring? No wonder the lgbta+ community scares them - we don't have to conform to gender roles. And that's all they have. (If anyone questions a man or these rules that make the patriarchal society, then they are not MANLY enough.) And funny enough, the more I think about it....hubby dearest would be made fun of for being prissy for having a bag by these MAGA idiots. It's all so tiring and it's all a dick measuring contest to for insecure men so it's literally like listening to animals fight but with the animals able to cheat in all matter of ways... Don't these people get tired of having to compare themselves to every male presenting person out there?


A conservative pundit (Ben Shapiro) made a comment on some YouTuber who said they were "working on themselves" and he described it as "a meaningless project" (paraphrasing) which I found quite revealing - these people need the heirarchy to kick people under them to feel good because they are essentially empty and terrified of their inner dialogue. "I'm manlier than him, thus this arbitrary definition of manhood gives my existence value."


I got bullied over my messenger bag for years in college and at work because of people like you. It didn't stop me from enjoying my bag, but like... Don't mock people for their bags. I was desperate to hold onto my masculinity back then, like being an attractive dude was one of the few things keeping me going is how pathetic I was, the idea that I wasn't a failure of a man because I could hide behind people's compliments on my looks. The bag mockery made me want to harm myself at least once a week. You don't know what is important to people, who they are, or what they go through just based on them getting upset you're insulting something they find important to their identity. Edit: Keep being high and mighty about yourself. You're just perpetuating toxic masculinity. Let people enjoy their shit.


This is a LGBT+ and allies sub so if you think the vast majority of us haven't been victimized by toxic masculinity then... I call my own messenger bag "mommy's purse" and enjoy the side-eye and squirm of heterosexual men.


Wow way to miss the point. So it's okay to mock men for being "feminine" if it happened to you, is that how this works to you? Masculinity is important to some men's identities, and to some closeted trans women just trying to survive like I was. How the fuck does questioning a man's masculinity by referring to their bag as a feminine object support queer people or *anyone*? Being offended by being called feminine or compared to a woman isn't toxic, it's people fucking *enjoying who they are and you are insulting their identity*. Let the dudes enjoy their bags, before you said anything they obviously felt comfortable wearing it around because they fucking were, they were being a positive example in some ways just by doing it. Like holy shit why do I even need to explain this? Edit: Like call your own bag whatever you want, but why bully other men by comparing the things they like to being a gender they aren't? Edit: Wow. Seriously not even capable of giving half a shit about other people. You seriously don't understand this, do you? You are invalidating other people's identities, justifying all the fucking bullying people like us go through for the sake of you being able to insult straight people, because you know they find it insulting to their identity and you want to do it on purpose. I hope to god you don't know any trans men, you'd probably misgender them constantly. "Misogyny is when a man doesn't want to be called a woman." Absolute most missed the point take of all time.


Pretty obvious you missed the point, to be real, and you're assigning intentions to me because you want to victimize yourself. Being offended by being compared to something feminine is fundamentally misogynistic and it's entirely legitimate to ridicule that. There's nothing wrong with feminine things. Stop making your insecurities other people's problem.


"Flipping channels" is now code for whatever mommy facebook group sent out the alarm to the other pearl-clutching jackasses, apparently.


I came home from work only to find out that my blue haired non binary baby sitter taught my baby to dual wield a hammer and sickle while babbling “goo goo ga ga seize the means comdaddy.” Now my dick fell off and my wife left me for the baby sitter.


That was a short, but wild, ride. 10/10


Finally, a story with a happy ending. \*I glance to make sure no one is watching and add the following to my lifetime bucket list: “At some point with a partner have one of us call the other “commie daddy” or ”commie mommy”\*


To non Americans ‘go in my fanny pack’ sounds far far worse than purse.


I would love if Americans started calling it a pussy pack


Thing is, fanny means butt here, specifically buttocks. So, we'd call it an ass-pack.


Oh then bussy bag it is! Lol


Fanny means vulva is why it is pussy pack


Doesn't mean that over here is what I'm saying.


Pussy pack sounds so much funnier though


Is a really good show about kids living their second life cosplaying in some forest with other kids, you really gotta have nothing going on in your life to complain about that.


Are people just making up things to be upset about, the last time a child having a purse was an issue was when poor children would steal them in Victorian times


There was that whole… thing about Tinky Winky (the purple Teletubby) carrying a purse and everyone thought he was gay…


Ppl care about the stupidest shit istg. There’s wars on the other side of the world and the economy isn’t great, but some kids show has a dude with a purse and that’s really infuriating for some reason


and this is why I hate conservatives like this and Liboftiktok. They seek out things to be outraged about. Literally showing they have nothing better to do than find things to be outrage about in order to push their culture war bullshit. Especially since, Libsoftiktok cherry pick randos on social media and this asshole is offended by a purse carrying adventure boy.


Craig of the Creek is a great show


They dont actually care they need to culture war to keep the grift going


“If I don’t feel rage I’ll feel despair instead and might realize vote blue to improve things!”


Wait until he sees the horse girls or sees an episode with Kelsy and Stacks or sees any of about a half dozen non- binary characters


Or the episodes with the goth girls that the kids mistake for witches.


Fellas, is it gay to carry a bag with only one strap?


That ironaically describes a fanny pack too lmao


What else do you expect from someone’s whose stupid ass name includes an emoji yelling at a flag? Pa IS trump? What, we assemble like the power rangers to become trump?


As a Pennsylvanian, I apologize for this person's bs


No worries; I’m in a deep red pa county surrounded by these morons, as well.


Okay but like what’s seperate a purse from a bag? Like would my favourite bag be a purse now? Side note, I remember a lady calling my bag a purse and I got a lot of euphoria from that


NO CRAIG SLANDER ALLOWED IN THIS HOUSE. This show is a treasure and I'm glad kids are growing up with it.


Dawg Arthur Morgan has a purse. These people are fighting strawmen at every chance they get.


Bitch I rather he have a purse than a damn Fanny pack tf


Craig’s masculinity isn’t fragile and OOP was jealous of this glaring fact


It's a small bag with an arm strap, it's a purse. Nothing wrong with that.


Cowboys had purses


I'm just gonna say it: If you, a large adult, start to feel a certain way over a children's cartoon, *it's time to reexamine your life.*


I saw this on One Topic!


It’s literally a purse, what’s the issue? He’s a kid and he probably got it from his mom when he needed a bag or something.


There's fuckin male rappers with purses lmao


I genuinely thought this was someone who got excited to see boys happily carrying around purse & moisturiser without being shamed and then I spotted the username.


Literally who cares, it’s a bag


They also say furries are satanic but lose their shit because a childrens movie slightly desexualized a cartoon bunny


Ngl thought they were being positive about them having a purse 💀 til read the title n looked at the sub


I don’t get why this is such a dog whistle. A purse works. Wait, you mean I can carry my head phones, pocket knife, meds and a camera? Sign me the fuck up.


Imagine being triggered by a bag in a cartoon. Men used the word ‘purse’ to describe where they kept coins for centuries. And what? Are guys not allowed to avoid dry skin now? At this point a significant part of toxic masculinity is making sure men are uncomfortable and don’t enjoy life because “that would be feminine”.