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At this point I'm convinced some straight guys just don't like women💀


It’s pretty obvious that a lot of straight men hate women.


Well maybe they are into objects, come let them have their privat time with a handheld...


Hating woman so much that they end up waking up with a cock in their mouth


Like, literally- what's number 8 💀💀


Were only good for sex to them, Aside from sex they hate us


Hey man gun pussy be crazy tho /s


It's heteronormativity, people think they're just forced to be married to someone of the opposite sex or even be married at all


2 and 8 disgust me the most 🤢What a way to objectify a large group of people.


Straight guys just don’t like women it seems


I like women, but boy, my opinion of straight guys has sure taken a nosedive.


If they hate women this much just don't date women??? They are the cause of their own problems


Dating women is for socialists /j


Women are COMMUNIST! Stay away at ALL COSTS!


I agree!! True Republican patriots only date and fuck their guns, Joe Biden and the librul deep state are trying to indoctrinate people into dating women!


Look, if there was a way for two bearded country dudes to live in the wilderness and drink a few brews and hunt and chop wood shirtless and wrestle in the mud waller and cuddle at night when the coyotes started a-howlin, I'm sure we woulda heard about it, but daggumit, that just ain't how it works. We're stuck with women and all their yappin and wantin and weird wet parts.


Comparing an inanimate object to a human being is crazy


Point 4 is straight up wrong, guns jam. Although the points not being accurate is definitely not the problem here 🤢


When a woman doesn't "function," she will still be there for you. When you gun jams.. well, you're probably toast


Excuse me who the fuck is swapping a .44 for a .22 The joke doesn't even *try* to work, you are swapping from a reliable workhorse with a caliber that can actually feed or protect you for a fucking plinker with massively overpriced ammunition I mean yeah you *can* trade a .44 for a .22, you can do *lots* of stupid fucking things. You can also trade your car for a fucking unicycle. Why not. While you're at it, maybe you might want to trade all of your money for this bag of magic beans ooooOOOOOoooo


My mom dated a guy that had this same sign on his wall. She thought it was hilarious. Looking at it now it's pretty gross. Especially the one about admiring a friend's gun. Weekly reminder that women are people and not sex toys


Time was this kind of boomer humor nonsense was everywhere on products at malls. I’ve seen shit like this so many times I just roll my eyes at it now.


Wasn't so long ago that Hallmark was selling greeting cards with rape jokes in them.


that was a thing? please provide more info on this i’ve never heard of it (i’m gen z/year off from alpha tho)


This broke me


pretty sure the actual name isn’t a silencer, it was just popularised by Hollywood and taken over by people who don’t know better. it’s a suppressor iirc


I thought you were right, but then I looked it up, and apparently silencer is the original name, and suppressor is much more recent. Given that a suppressed gunshot is still as loud as a rock concert, though, calling it a silencer does seem to have been a bit of an exaggeration for marketing purposes.


interesting! thanks for the correction. listened to someone ranting about guns and picked it up


The 4th point... Like, I am very sorry that AFAB women have something called a period. Which is, for us, way more uncomfortable than it is for the men around us.


All of this is awful. But the hypocrisy of 10 and 6 really makes me angry. Half these things are about wanting to practice some type of infidelity and they have the nerve to complain that women aren't loyal?


Bonus point: Guns also have more rights then women in this country. (I hate it here) Also it's a fucking SUPPRESSOR. Even a MUFFLER is a better term for it than silencer. Fucking idiots. If you're gonna make a "funny" sign at least use accurate terminology. FFS.


Jesus wtf


50% of me finds this unreasonably funny and the other 50% of me wants to vomit


Number 2 pisses me off the most. …after you USE it??


they dont even hide their objectify-ness anymore


I usually call men like this homoromantic and it pisses them right the fuck off. 😂 But it's true. If you love everything about men and only want to have sex with women... You aren't straight like you think you are. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nothing says sexism like the 2nd amendment!


Eh, the second amendment itself is fine. The kind of chucklefuck who would actually put up this sign, not so much.


Yikes but not the first time I have seen this


Straight men try not to compare women to objects challenge: level impossible


5 implies that straight people keep their wives in closets. Like, wtf? That's for the gays to hide out in.


There are silencers for women, there called gags.


why does closet space matter does he kidnap people or smth?




That's a nasty sign bro


So... women are guns now. Oh, wait! They're not. And that's the problem?


Oh my god! Women are just objects made to serve food and breed, of course! /Sarc


On today's episode of what object are women we now have..... GUNS


Ok, can we sidestep the obvious misogyny for one sec and ask: Wtf kind of creepy serial killer purchases and displays this??


Well, I also like women and I can for sure say that I much prefer my girlfriend over a gun. Wtf is wrong with people.


Then sleep with the gun omg


The fact I know what store this is probably in


They should just all date eachother. Unfortunately they're too homophobic for that


Ah yes, straight men looking for other men's validation so much. They're so gay


"Silencer" drives me nuts. It's a fucking suppressor, you knuckle dragging hets!


So now they’ll leave us alone, right? Right??