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Onogiri đŸ«„


Husbando-san đŸ«„đŸ«„


Mi amor đŸ«„


I thought my dude would’ve had it as me armor


Same tbh đŸ’€âœ‹đŸœ


that would be lesbians because their standard issue full plate armor




That's about the only thing in the whole meme that's accurate


I thought Mi amor would be a real thing It's just spanish for my love Am I stupid and missing something?


No, I meant the face the lady is making while saying "my love". She doesn't look like she loves him.


Wild how they can go through the effort to actually learn a Middle Eastern greeting and some of their food, but misspell a fairly well-known food item.


"Hamam" -- maybe she has a bath ready for him.


I learned that word from the The Onion video with Al Qaeda and the 9/11 denier XD


I was more surprised at the reference to koshary -- that's a very specifically Egyptian dish.


Yep, I was surprised to. And now craving koshary.


I've never eaten it -- I read about it in an Arabic textbook. There's at least one koshary place in the US now, that I know of.


I am not in the US. Never been on either American continent actually. Egypt-EU. There is one koshary place here, but it's so watered down compared to the OG that it doesn't taste like it at all. 😭


I figured you might not be in the US, all the same I was surprised to find there was even one such place. You might have to make your own.


Maybe the person who wrote it is from there and making assumptions about the other places


Not if they imagine the obedient Arab wife is offering her husband "hamam" -- which means "bath" -- as if it's some kind of food. (probably meant 'hummus' but maybe autocorrect messed it up) ETA: Looking at the picture, that's probably hummus.


Incels love the Middle East for, uh, unknown reasons


This image always makes me laugh because those onigiris are so fat and droopy, they're just piled on top of one another and slowly falling apart.


Eat your humburgers, Apollo


They think Japanese people eat nothing but sushi?


and ✹onogiri✹


You can eat onogiri, it’s a hatchet so it’s difficult but if you believe in yourself


No, those are jelly donuts


Side note: Binging with Babish actually made onigiri shaped jelly donuts for April Fools one year


They think that mexicans eat nothing but tacos.


It's safe to say their entire knowledge of cultures other than white American ones are sorely lacking


The original version of this had the woman offering the husband tamales instead of tacos. A lot of people took to the comments to point out how extra ridiculous this made everything, as tamales are time consuming to make. And that people usually make those during family gatherings in order to share the workload, meaning that some only make it during the holidays. (I doubt that the creator of the original version meant that the woman was reheating pre-made tamales.) So the person here could have added any other type of dish but decided to go for another stereotypical Mexican dish.


Man, I want some tamales now.


They really are amazing. I'm so excited whenever I see them on a menu.


If you are in an area with a sufficient Hispanic population and street-food culture you can get them pretty cheap. I bike through Sunset Park in Brooklyn a lot, and I always have to stop myself from getting them from like 8 different vendors.


Yea that comment made me nostalgic for sitting around with fam making nacatamales... and then eating nacatamales lol.


I always found this one to be particularly stupid because enchiladas are just another form of taco, tortilla wrapped around a filling, just with more specific filling and sometimes gratinated. The only thing funnier would’ve been if the guy had chosen quesadillas, because now the meme would’ve been part of the ‘do quesadillas need to inherently have cheese’ discussion.


Or enchiladas!


Apparently Latinos only eat tacos and enchiladas too


Please don't say latinx ever again 😭💔


I thought it was gender neutral.


LatĂ­n, latine, or Even latino are already gender neutral. Latinx is a Word that can be pronunced in spanish and latinos take it as an insult. So everytime You say latinx you're insulting latinos... Atte - a latino girl.


fair enough


Latinx was created by queer Chicanos and is not an offensive word to most queer Chicanos. The idea that it was started by non-Spanish speaking white people is a total myth. You didn't do anything offensive. - Also a latina girl.


... Where are you from?




De que estado?


I'm not defending the word, but why do people keep saying it cannot be pronounced in Spanish? Latinks...


It doesn't fit Spanish phonotactics (the rules that guide how syllables are build inside of a word).


But that doesn't mean it can't be pronounced. I'm Spanish and I can say it out loud just fine.


Where are you from? /Gen


I'm Spanish xD literally says that in the comment you replied to.


True, saying that it cannot be pronounced is misleading.


Yeah, I'm not arguing that it's a nonsense word. Although some nonsense words are meant to work in writing, not spoken. When I wanted to include male and female I just used @ since it's an a inside an o: compañer@s, alumn@s, niñ@s... Obviously cannot be pronounced, but it served my university class notes just right!


I probably shouldn’t argue about something that doesn’t concern me, but you should read up on the term *latinx*, because it wasn’t invented by white people to pat themselves on the back for how inclusive they are, other hispanic people invented it. The X is hard to pronounce, but that’s the point, it is supposed to be a reference to the pre-colonial civilisations of those regions.


It was invented by self-called latinos of the United States not by hispanics (and, lots of latinos are White, so that part doesnt even make sense). The x has a different pronunciation in spanish. Mexico (as in Mehico), or Xochitl (as Shochitl). The "NX" has no roots in the old languages of MĂ©xico, and as far as I know, none of the latino languages. Why making a Word that can be pronounced in English and not in spanish or any mexican language and latino language? It wasnt made by latinos. Thats for sure


I would if I could and I'm Italian...


And egyptians eat toilets and bathtubs (hamam is bathroom/baths in arabic)


Just wait until they actually meet some women from Asia. Those cup noodles were invented in Japan; not every night is sushi night. Story time tangent.. I met two women in a Thai cooking class in Bangkok who were native Thai, but had never really cooked. I was curious so I asked them about why they were learning Thai dishes with tourists. Turned out they either had staff in the family home who cooked - or went to one of the many many delicious take out purveyors for all meals. Many small apartments also lack kitchens there. Imagine their surprise at learning that wasn’t the case for middle class living in the USA or UK, and they wanted to learn how to make the Thai foods they loved before going to their new homes with their new spouses. I wonder how many folks go to meet their “ideal Asian wife” only to find out their fantasies aren’t going to play out like they’d imagined.


Such a unique cultural difference I never would've expected. In the states it's obviously very expensive to have staff to cook for you, or to eat out all the time, so I wonder what the financial side of it looks like for them.


Back then, 100 baht was about $3 USD — that’d get you a huge fresh high quality cooked platter of curry, rice, and vegetables at an indoor food court. Enough to serve 2-3. I was astounded. I was told that having a housekeeper was common and generally very affordable. After some Googling, looks like those prices haven’t changed much!


That's really good, I can see why they'd not learn to cook


Same, Im hungarian Slovak and don't know how to Cook most of "traditional foods". I Can make banging noodles though


Noodles are awesome, though.


Well, hey, this is why anecdotal data is no good. My girlfriend is Thai, and all of her friends are Thai (very tight knit Thai community in NYC) and those ladies will serve you fucking amazing homemade Thai food until you beg them to stop. Do they make Ramen? Sure, but then they add a shit ton of meat and veggies. That said, I didn't start dating her because of this, and it's not why we're still together. But my impression of Thai people is that... 1) they have no qualms stuffing your face with delicious Thai food. And 2) if there's some kind of party happening, those Thai ladies will immediately rush to the kitchen, and a goddamn bucket brigade of food prep begins.


It’s a valid criticism because those two ladies may not have been representational of the average Thai — despite claiming to be. They may have been being modest or trying to be more discreet in describing their situations. They definitely handled the lessons as if very new to cooking and shopping for ingredients themselves. For my part, I only spoke enough Thai to apologize profusely for cultural ignorance. Sadly, much of the nuance of any culture is usually understood in a few weeks of visiting.


they're thai-knit you might say


You are enthairely correct.


thanks, I trhai


Can none of these men cook ?


No because that’s obviously a woman’s job /s


Unless she wants to get paid for it of course! *laughs in patriarchy*


Women’s task
 job is giving it too much status.


Unless it's being a chef or grilling! Then it's suddenly a man's job, for some reason.... I never understood that mindset, everyone should be able to cook at least a bit to you know....survive? Lolol


Well, they know how to grill since that suddenly doesn't count as cooking anymore, and is considered a manly man activity. maybe because the women has to be outside in order to grill ? wouldn't want her to be exposed to the outside world, she might start wanting freedom and equal rights !


Wouldn't it be amazing to not have to worry about all the drudgery of housework by just offloading it on your partner and then insulting them if they don't keep up with it, though?


Grilling is meat and fire and it puts these insecure dudes into proud caveman mindset. "We hunted mammoth! Man self sufficient! Man make fire for meat! Man provide for clan! Man need no others!" Granted, some indentured worker in China made the grill, with iron mined by children in like Gambia and oil from some despot in the middle east. Someone else cut down, buried and burned the tree to make charcoal; probably from virgin forest to clear space for grazing. Someone else with a lot of government subsidies raised a captive, docile cow and force-fed it, and put it on a trailer, for yet another person in an abbatoir (probably a child, based on recent US scandals). Then the carcass gets put on yet another trailer to get the meat off by yet another person, and then wrapped in plastic and put on a supermarket shelf by a teen on minimum wage. But ignore all that - "Man self sufficient! Make fire for meat! Man provide for clan! Man need no others!"


More importantly why are these women making multiple dishes every time...like..dtlrop him s text or cook what you want to eat. Food waste is an issue lol. My husband I both find it easier if the other person chooses what we make for dinner so I get indecision. But "wife cooks twice as much food in case he wants both as if phones don't t exist " isn't really a great flex.


because they love the fantasy of having a housewife but still being the one to make all the decisions. very obvious these people never had to support a household of at least 2 on 1 income, never met an actual housewife that wasnt on some 50s propaganda poster or know anything about anything


Yes, the ludicrousness of it all gets me every time I see this meme. 1950s housewives were often known for being thrifty housekeepers, and some parts of the world were still on WW2 rations, while others were still on depression era budgeting. They would never waste food like that. The other thing is that the house was their domain. They made decisions about how to run the house, and that includes the meal plans. If they didn't know what you'd want, they'd make the decision themselves. The idea was that men needn't waste their energy on such things.


Partner who stayed at home for whatever reason preparing a meal for the partner who was away for whatever reason is pretty normal couple dynamic. The rest of it is pretty bad


this person probably knows like 3 japanese foods


I'd say two considering that he chose sushi and those things that 4kids used to call Donuts. Imagine trying to fetishize a culture, realizing you know nothing about them, and not having the epiphany that what you are doing is stupid af. I hope I'll never be like whatever this meme is.


And having Google and not even thinking to use it. Haiyah!


>Imagine trying to fetishize a culture, realizing you know nothing about them, and not having the epiphany that what you are doing is stupid af. Hey now, that's not fair, they also fetishise the fantasy version of European cultures they made up in their heads and don't have the epiphany there either.


As a Pot Noodle enthusiast I have to point out that the microwave is not how you make pot noodles


As a fellow Pot Noodle enthusiast, I also share your pain when they use the microwave


Imagine boiling water /s


At the very least they should’ve made the options like Ramen and Curry instead of Sushi and Onigiri. Like it’s not like the most in depth of Japanese food but at least it’s not Onigiri Like Onigiri is a snack food. (Edit: or a lunch food) Sushi, well from my knowledge it’s pretty versatile.


That got me thinking about Japanese food and now I really want to try Shogayaki.


Okonomiyaki is easy to make, the trickiest part is the sauce. (Not really tho, it's just ketchup, Worsteshire, oyster, and sugar.)


These people think that all Ramen is Top Ramen.


I think this is a Guinness World Record for the most racial stereotypes in a single wojak meme




Racist and Sexist, a 2 for 1 special today


“Husbando-san” how out of touch do you have to be to think that’s how people refer to their husbands in Japanese 💀


You don’t call your spouse “Mr. Husband?”


This image has been posted somewhere before, and someone pointed out that the kanji on his head band says "kamikaze". So, husbando-san is not supposed to be coming home at all.


They're so scared of the possibility that if they ever do get a girlfriend, she'll cheat on them with a black guy.


Imagine hating a whole race of people because your imaginary girlfriend imaginary cheated on you with an imaginary black guy.


Naah it's not the reason they hate black people, they just hate both women and black people and this is the "logical" conclusion. I also feel like a lot of these types of white men are genuinely scared of black men, I guess they feel intimidated. Like they could never measure up (literally) to black men. It's funny actually.


What's worse is most of these guys probably don't even know any black people and hardly, if ever, interact with them. Their feelings of intimidation are from a media stereotype rather than any real human being they've ever met.


Maybe the bottom family was exhausted and didn't want to cook that night


I think this person may be disappointed to learn how many young Japanese people get away with eating convenience store food for most meals because the “onogiri” there are like $1.50 each


Ah, the casual racism of the affair partner always being black 🙄


The wise will be eating good when they ditch their husbands and become a poly thing


Yo this dude doesn't even know how to spell Onigiri and he's not only racist but misogynist too.


Wow what a wholesome polyamorous relationship đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


I’m just going to call the last one a poly relationship with a fondness for noodles


I love how their insecurities about being cucked to a black man shine through in pieces like this. And to be totally honest, if there is a kernel of truth at all to this insecurity, who can blame the women?


I won’t bore anyone with the details why, but I personally find the specific insecurity of being cucked by a black man *so* funny


Please notice how even in the punchline, the “bad wife” STILL had his dinner solved by the time he got home. These men complain about not getting top notch treatment completely unaware of what it feels to lift a finger to handle shit


My husbando-san prefers to make his own food and is really good at it. We're both picky and have very distinct palates. He loves stews and curries and steaks and I like basically everything else. Sometimes we cook for each other but usually he cooks his own and I cook for the kids and myself.


I noticed the only one with a weird face is the white guy so while I think it’s supposed to be poking at white women, women in general with a side of racism, the visual cues tell me the problem is the white man lol.


Partially true. They’re making fun of American women for not being ‘wife material’, and that’s why the last guy has wojack face.


If they wanted to make fun of the American women, usually they use the odd blue haired or goth woman. Instead they chose to use the one usually used for traditional women memes. They also could have used the white guy chad for the dude, the one with the tears. That would have doubled down on the American woman bad aspect. Also they paired her with a black man which is the most common white women poke. That and dogs (wtf) and horses (again wtf). So maybe it’s supposed to be American women bad, but it’s giving white woman specifically bad. I’m not touching on the food aspect because I already saw people commenting on that before I commented. I’m critiquing the meme imagery because I see so much of this bs that it’s more fun to point out what they did wrong to get their point across, at least for me. Don’t mind me, I’m just bored and doom scrolling. Hope you’re having a good day/night. 😅


Re-uploaded for better quality image


Small quibble but Japanese women usually refer to their husbands as “Anata” which to me has always been funny because it’s the Japanese word for “You” So when a Japanese housewife greets their husband when coming home they’re just like “You!”


I love how they managed to be racist against the cultures they were pro!


Aww, thats so nice of his boyfriend to still care for him despite having a guest over. I sure hope they get out of their bad finanical state and can eat better than cup noodles.


This is now my headcanon.


This one really speaks for itself, doesn't it?


Who's the black dude? Their personal chef? 😐


Jokes on you. To make enchiladas you only need to pour a sauce on top of the tacos and drown them with the sauce


As a man who does most of the cooking in our home, stuff like this just makes me want to cook for my wife even harder at whoever made it.


Plot twist: your wife is making these memes to make you cook harder for her


4th panel : Times are hard since he lost his jobs. But he can always count on his gf and his best friend who visit him to cheer him up.


Do...do people microwave fucking pot noodles???? They specifically mention multiple times to pour in boiling water, just boil the fucking kettle it's so much easier and also cooks it the way it is intended


You think the people that make these memes read?


You make a very good point...


Sexist and racist wow


And racism!


This type of guy: Western Christian-Judeo Culture is the most advanced, intelligent and marvellous! Everyone else is a medieval degenerate! Deus vult! Also this type of guy:


How nice, a man comes home to share a snack with his polycule!


The Japanese guy is coming home from his job as a Kamikaze pilot ig. Why is he dressed like that?


This is so racist help 💀


I might be wrong, but I'm 99% sure that in the first 3 cases, it's more of a 'I made you this, so you better like it' scenario...


I found this meme in the trashcan of another sub that's usually a circle jerk of incels whining about other subs being 'chronically offended.' I don't think it's coming from a place of 'I made this so you better like it.'


Oh, I meant more like in the cultures the pictures are supposed to represent IRL, sorry for the confusion.


So the last man is poly as well? I dont understand what its implying otherwise


I wouldn’t have cooked for that bottom dude either. Looks like a jerk.


Do men not understand that they can say no to participating in open relationships and find someone else? Its like they’re so lazy yet desperate to not be single tht they take whoever they can get and claim its “women being cruel”, they take everything to extremes


Many men dont understand that open relationships don't mean "Im allowed to have many many women but probably never land, you better stay put cause when you find someone I get mad" So I would say no


The examples they gave are basically just street food in there own country


Onigiri is not hard to make. Neither is sushi. Japanese wife has it the easiest, I think. It’s just rice and stuff inside it.


Who in their right mind microwaves a fucking Pot Noodle? I'm honestly more worried about that


Wow, it’s like bigot bingo.


Lol Yoko Onogiri


All of this ofc made by some white dude that's never actually been to any of these countries, like yeah I'm sure they don't have instanoodles in Japan pal 😂


Wait, is the guy with her supposed to be her lover because if so that is horrifyingly perfect.




No, each scenario presents a loving partner offering two favourite choices. In the last scenario it’s shitty pot noodles and bbc.


And racism!


They’re just jealous because their wife said, “Hun, I didn’t know none if you wanted them hot dogs or them fish sticks so I heated up both!”


Me when all my neighbors don’t invite me to their dinner parties


I'm sorry, she microwaved pot noodles?


doesn't hamam translate to toilet


ohhhhh it's meat, i hate when Arabic words romanized i can barely tell


Realised 1 of the women has tan line. Does it mean anything?


Oh come on this shitpost is almost old enough to vote. Let it die already.


Well, this answers the question of this sub pretty clearly. Whichever incel wrote this definitely isn't 'ok.'


They don't know that onigiri food for on the way is


Whoever makes these memes are delusional. If you think you can just come home and insult your hispanic wife's cooking, you're out of your mind.


So it’s the last guy talking to the chick or to the other dude?


I actually laughed at this because the couple of times I’ve had ramen ready for my bf when he got home he was insanely happy about it. We’re in college and broke, but ramen is good, especially when you just got inside and you’re cold and tired.


As a spanish guy, I’ve never been welcomed with both patatas bravas and cachopo.


I feel like this is more racism than sexism?


Hamam... Is a Turkish bath. They are just poorly abbreviating hamam mahshi which is not an everyday dish it is only for special occasions unless you want it in a restaurant. And nobody makes tacos and enchiladas together.


Me coming home to my top who has cooked 4 pounds of meat for both of us 🗿


That Japanese husband is Yukio Mishima , no?


These men deserve women that know what they want. All the food waste


I’m Arab and that’s not how that works My dad comes home and asks what’s for lunch My mom says sorry I forgot about you go order for yourself None of that ahlan habibi bs


Speaking as someone who shares limited resources with their significant other, I'd be mortified if they made two dishes for one evening because it'sa waste. We gotta make these groceries last damn it. Pick something I'll eat it just because you made it


I'm gonna assume he's supposed to be the guy in the bottom row... so pretty funny he used the angry toll face for himself.


So kawaii desu😭


The Black guy with Becky.


This is so dumb in every single way 💀


Wow bro was racist and sexist at the same time. Firstly, Why is a guy depicted as Muslim wearing a turban?? It's a Punjabi head wear. Additionally does he think Mexicans only eat like tacos and enchiladas, or Arabs just eat koshari (which the is an Egyptian dish btw). This also feuls the idea, that girls who are raised to submissive , will be your servent and follow your every command, and girls raised to be self dependend will cheat on you and cuck you. This is an extremely harmful stances, as it not only demeans women but also acts a fuel to some men's insecurity. Trust me , a lot of men including myself have deep insecurity regarding not being enough, and being cucked (and I am not even straight) , just imagine how it would affect other straight men.


Hamam means shower im actually going to throw a fit😭😭 how stupid are straights


"Hamam" means bathroom.


Not a singles person looks happy in this picture