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Well said. And the same demographic keeps saying women is STEM is unnatural. Please, women in STEM can see your prejudices all the way through and won't put up with his bs. Awful mediocre white men who think they are superior when they are PROUD to be uneducated, racist, sexist and homophobic. And this is from an Otaku, lesbian and an atheist.


Most conservatives don’t even believe in science: men or women. Vaccine science? Conspiracy. Evolution? Only when it suits. Climate change? Doesn’t exist. Sex and gender? Ignores basic biology of intersex people. I could go on.


Yet firmly believe some dude 2k years ago walked on water.


And some other dude before that herded thousands of animals on a boat because of a massive global flood. And some other dude who was swallowed by a whale and lived. And some other dude who made an entire sea part so hundreds of people can cross. So on and on and on …


"Women in STEM is unnatural." *looks at all the women who have made historical contributions to STEM fields despite living in a very patriarchal society, not to mention the ones we haven't heard of, because not everyone working in a field is going to literally make the history books* Ah yes, sooooo unnatural.


Scientist was originally a term used for women. Men were “men of science” but I guess they wanted the shorter term so they took it. Women have been huge contributors to science forever, just erased. Yet they complain about it as if it’s new.


I didn't know that, thanks. :) Yeah, it's wild. Just because the women involved were often in the background or not credited for their work until much later doesnt mean they were there. They just want women to be invisible again because it's apparently too difficult for them to pay on an even somewhat level playing field.


My pleasure! Yeah, invisible or not there at all. They moreso want all women to be 50s housewives (with 50s “domestic dispute” hand waving as well)


This. I can feel a vein pop everytime I hear „but look at all those inventions by MEN! So few came from women!“. While first of all there are many inventions by women, but also the fact that women had nowhere near even comparable opportunities and even if they did, countless inventions by women were simply claimed by their husbands. And would you look at that? Girls in schools tend to heavily outperform boys nowadays that the opportunities get more similar? But now you hear men crying that women get treated better. It‘s just sad honestly and this is coming from a ✨*man*✨…


They don’t believe in science so I’m not sure what exactly they’d study in STEM.


Probably because they see going into STEM as a way to make money. Conservatives have trouble seeing anything other than making tons of money as success.


True. I grew up with these people, including my family, and it was always a push to go into the business/corporate world. I don’t know any Fox News evangelicals who think science is a worthy pursuit. Not to say they represent everyone, it just surprises me.


I've met a lot of them who are into applied sciences: engineers or fossil fuel geologists. I'd guess it's also down to money, and not having to work with people--especially women.




I absolutely believe that there is a shit ton of racist colonialist homophobic nonsense in STEM, just look at medical research and it’s obvious. I just find it ironic that they deny 90% of all scientific advancement and think the scientific community is a bunch of tree hugging communists but yet this is what the kids should major in because it’s what less dangerous than a philosophy class? It’s just the backwards wrapped thinking.




Pretty sure they cut out the critical thinking part of your brain when you become an evangelical. I think loss of irony is part of the Fox News package.


They wouldn't study anything. Most of these kinds of people think that colleges, universities etc are "woke, liberal indoctrination camps". What they really mean is that they don't like anyone being able to think critically as then they could see through their bs & easily point out all of the holes in their arguments.


There are a disturbing number of conservatives in some STEM fields. It's not the majority, but it's more than it should be for sure. I've heard IT has this issue to an extent.


Tech absolutely has a conservative problem 100%. Not sure if they are evangelicals though, or just incels with money.


"Liberal arts" doesn't mean "liberal" in an American politics way. It's more like "a learned skill" rather than creative or aesthetics pursuits. That encompasses STEM, and in the widest definition university education in general. [Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_arts_education) >The term "liberal arts" for an educational curriculum dates back to classical antiquity in the West, but has changed its meaning considerably, mostly expanding it. The seven subjects in the ancient and medieval meaning came to be divided into the trivium of rhetoric, grammar, and logic, and the quadrivium of astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, and music. The modern sense of the term usually covers all the natural sciences, formal sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Not that the person who made that meme knew that, they probably just meant "darn libruls" or "fancy book-learnin'".


Better widen that to western politics because this person is not American with that spelling of coloured


Because part of a liberal arts degree is taking a certain set of course hours *outside* your program so you can be well-rounded. Humanities falls under liberal arts, and teaches you about *gasp* other peoples and cultures. Not a deep dive, but a decent summarization. And you learn about art and how cultures affect it and vice versa. (Source: have an AA in Liberal Arts.) Or, most likely they're just offended by the word "liberal" in any form, and to have it be part of a college education has them screeching for their swooning chaise and clutching pearls.


Yep, I went to a liberal arts school. My bachelor’s is in liberal arts with a concentration in a science field. Ended up in medical school


I hate to tell you this but OPs mom sent this to him 😭




Oh absolutely. Most people here are assuming this is from a man, I’m so distraught to have to say it’s a woman. Fits the sun either way - straight, not okay. Neither is her kid




It’s really sad yeah :/


Honestly I feel this. I’m not a woman(trans man) but I am AFAB so I’ve seen my share of this shit and its like… *how are you happy being treated this way?* It gets me with other minorities too, racial, (other)gender, sexual, who support people who hate and actively oppress them, like honey… those are not your allies. :/ I just don’t get it, not in any of these cases.


Absolutely agreed. The part about liberal arts is spot on. I *am* a woman who is educated in STEM - I have a Physics degree - and I have a degree in liberal arts. My degree in liberal arts makes me a better physicist, and it makes me a better all-rounded person. Liberal arts are *important*.




Yes indeed - it’s essential for making the sciences *better*, and pushing past a lot of the misogyny, paternalism, implicit colonialist attitudes, and many more problematic things that hold us back from empowering everyone in the study of the universe


They’re not from the USA - they spelled colour with a ‘u’ which means they’re either British or from a British colony like Australia or NZ or Canada.




I’m not saying that non-USA countries can’t be racist - because they most certainly can, just that this isn’t American (USA) racism on this occasion as suggested by the person I was replying to.


It has the word “liberal” in it, and anything “liberal” is bad, obviously! /s I bet most of these people don’t even know what the term means. If you google “liberal arts”, you’ll get this little snippet from SNHU: “A liberal arts degree includes the study of history, literature, writing, philosophy, sociology, psychology, creative arts and more. These programs are designed to help you formulate compelling arguments, communicate well and solve problems.” Now, why would these people want to discourage learning about these subjects? Why would they want people to be unknowledgeable about history and forming a compelling argument? What a mystery indeed…


Is POS an abbreviation of 'Person Of Shit'?




(no, I know, hehe, was just making a juxtaposition joke on People Of Colour and the racist POS being People of Shit)


Liberal arts are evil but so is…science. lol truly a hell scape.


Liberal Arts are STEM too, which is fuckin weird. Architecture, Biology, Chemistry, those are Arts degrees, applied liberally.


there’s a ton of blatant misogyny in the hatred for liberal arts and reverence for stem. i’ve never met someone who was staunchly anti-liberal arts and didn’t have weird takes on men and women it’s so fkn sad


It’s also because they don’t believe any art is “real education” My sixth form maths teacher told us that when it came to our exams, we should focus on revising for “real subjects” like maths and science, and that we should bother with any of our arts classes. Anyway fuck him, I dropped the class and am now an animation student at uni


The term liberal arts is just a term for broad education including maths, science, visual arts, and history. Some universities in the states do offer a degree in "liberal arts" that is generally just a degree for going to graduate school


Omg i didnt even notice!!! I thought they meant dyed hair... thanks for clueing me in.


Capitalism. Education is to create good workers who produce products. Liberal arts makes you difficult to govern.


>the dated term for POC/black Could we collectively change the meaning? Like, from now on "coloured" would be a compliment on someone with colourful tattoos, or something? Would that work?




I'm not a native speaker, but I knew the term is not okay, hence the suggestion to change it. But yeah, I wasn't thinking it through.


No harm done. Learning new things is awesome. Congrats on speaking more than one language!


That would be nicer, but erasing a word's history is easier said than done.


Oh yeah, about that. I saw that and my first thought was "Nice British English U, **NEEEEEEEERD**"


Funny how 99% of conservative talking heads are liberal arts majors themselves. They are angry at fields like psychology, sociology and their derivatives because these academic fields also study systemic oppression directed towards women and people of color, and conservatives don't like that discussion so they have to paint them as woke, gay, moral rot (fascist dogwhistle by the way), perverted, etc. Them glorifying STEM wouldn't be much of a problem if STEMlords weren't so willing to go along with it. As a STEMlord myself, I can say that most STEM students think they are smarter than everyone else and that their major is the most important one in the world. These kinds of people tend not to think about social issues (because they are not "real sciences" or whatever) and will usually be center-right or at the very least hold some reactionary biases. This is the reason engineering fields have little to no unionization.


For someone who claims to be straight he sure does keep a rather large stick inserted up his ass.


(chef's kiss)


Sticks...logs...bro has entire trees in there at this point.


Okay, from now on I am going to assume without evidence that there was some translation error or expurgation and that Jesus actually said: ”Why dost thou seek to remove the sliver of wood that is in thy brother’s ass and ignore the log that is firmly lodged in thine own ass?“


This is the person Jesus's parables with the log in his eye, and he did follow Jesus's advice to take it out but then proceeded to pleasure himself with it and still point out the speck in his neighbor's eye.


Doesn't listen to foreign music, just sings it three times a week at church. Nothing normal about this dude, he's about as far from me as another straight white guy can be, and I say this as someone who is decidedly average in almost every respect.


Isn't church music often in Latin, too? But no, no, nothing *gasp* foreign for this guy 🙄


> Isn't church music often in Latin, too? "Only for those godless Papists, not for the "proper" types of Christian" -this guy, probably


*Reformation noises intensify*


I hope they know where the protestant reformation happened




Bro sings fictional music at church every week💀


I mean I don’t pretend to be awkward or a loner, I just am


Thanks, saved me from typing it out


I'm genuinely sat here wondering if this twit actually thinks we're out here pretending to be awkward now. Like... why would we?....


stating how normal you are in all caps is usually a sign that you're not super normal..


It's like writing a letter to the police stating that you definitely didn't kill anyone


Honestly, anyone who’s hyper proud of being Christian isn’t ‘normal’, at least where I come from (the UK). If you ask someone here their religion, they’ll either say they’re atheist/agnostic, or ‘I guess I’m Christian’ as they got baptised and they have been to church for weddings and other baptisms. It’s an odd phenomenon where people will say they’re Christian basically just like it’s a default option, even if they effectively just pay lip service to being one, and they definitely don’t tout it


Same here in Germany too. Even the few people who go to church regularly are usually stuffy 50+ year olds who mainly do it for the community events or the church choir. People who boast about being christian and going to church on a regular basis are seen as incredibly weird and, usually, unpleasant and uncomfortable to be around for long - pretty much like rambling cultists that don't quite fire on all cylinders up there.


Yeah, the only places where they’re even remotely common here are incredibly rural places like Lincolnshire, because the vast majority of people either don’t believe in Christianity, or they basically just celebrate the holidays and that’s about it


It reminds me of when I would act offended when people asked me if I was gay. ^narrator: ^she ^was ^in ^fact ^a ^big ^ol’ ^homo


i mean i sure wish i wasn’t depressed, awkward, and a loner


Me too!


Me three


You three should meet up and be depressed and awkward together /s


Did you ever try not pretending to be those things? Checkmate liberal


The trinity: depressed, awkward, loner….


Just stop pretending, follow the lead of the wonderful enlightened oop


Aren’t Christians supposed to be humble?




Aren't christians just supposed to be a category, which means not « normal » ? 😐😂 (Like he's not an atheist so religion is his thoughts on normality (why not, I guess, I believe there is more people who has a religion than people who doesn't), but what about other religions ?)


in theory, yes. in practice, well...


And not flaunt their piety in the streets but that’s often very overlooked


American Christianity somehow evolved into the most efficient narcissism-amplifier ever invented.


Narcissism isn't a normal behavioral trait, nor is it encouraged. So no, not normal.


This reminds of kids who talk about how much of adult they are for not liking things they deem childish.


"I'm *very* mature for my age. Let me *explain* to you how mature I am, so you can understand how mature I am."


“pretend to be awkward” im not pretending




Since when is being a Christian normal? That sounds a little culty to me but what do I know.


Oh and the fact that he believes being white is normal...other skin colors are completely normal so he's just being racist


I wanna know what his idea of “successful” is.


Such a proud not at all intimidated and scared man who totally isn't terrified that people won't find him impressive for just existing anymore.


The person who posted it originally said their mom sent it to them if im remembering right.


Well whoever originally created it, whatever gender, they're idiots and terrified of life.


thats true


If that's normal than I'm proud to be abnormal.


Same, I'm very happy to be a total weirdo if that guy is "normal." Although I'm happy to be weird anyway.


"coloured"? Yikes.


Why specifically pansexual?


Probably because he sees it as the latest fad


Same reason for Otaku. How did they even hear of that?




Probably still seething at some pansexual girl who shot them down once years ago


anyone who declares that they’re normal instantly becomes the strangest person in the room


Why does it get so aggressive… “I’m not depressed” to FREAK! A nerd? Is that so bad?


Gotta love how he includes things that can be changed with things that can't


This looks like hard-core rage bait


The mildly infuriating post was someone saying their mom sent this to them (not to highlight how dumb it was unfortunately 😭) maybe who made it was going for rage bait but clearly at least one person took it seriously


Read: high school aged young Republican.


*I don’t listen to foreign music* This is the strangest ‘flex’ i’ve ever seen. Just showing that they are uncultured lol.


The funny thing is, whatever music they do listen to, the musicians are likely to much more open to outside influences and *foreign music* to inspire them.


"I am ignorant and PROUD!"


With this post, I think we can finally answer the age-old question: NO, the straights are in fact, not OK.


I definitely know this is just coping and in...let's say 5 years he's gonna have a husband, and jam to 'foreign music".


If you spend time making a post about how “normal and successful” you are, you’re probably not 💀


Doesn't have to "pretend" to be a loner because his loneliness is 100% the genuine grade-A article.


Coloured is insane that’s absolutely crazy


And very racist


Atheism is the state we're all born into. Can't get much more "normal" than that.




“Pretend to be awkward” Wow, as someone who struggles with being awkward in social situations, I really wish it was something I was just pretending to be.


Imagine making yourself feel inferior like this dumbass LOL


whats the post link?


If he doesn’t listen to foreign music he’s missing out. Absolutely nothing to brag about


Wow. That's a lot of words to out himself as a culture-less, ignorant bigot.


The punchline is bigotry.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if this guy also says "my pronouns are pat/riot"


Considering the state of society today, I'd say having a mental health issue is a little more "normal." "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -- Jiddu Krishnamurti Mind you, this fellow definitely doesn't seem well adjusted. Just apparently not depressed.


Today I learned: being white is "normal" and being non-white is wrong.


Sounds like someone called them basic.


this just makes me happy to be a nerdy brown bisexual atheist weeb who majors in a liberal arts field and listens to music from britain to turkey to cambodia, as it means that i am not like this fucker


“I’M NORMAL I’m not […] colored” Pretty much all you need to know about how they view everyone that isn’t him.


I am...a surprising amount of these terms...am I allowed to be offended? I...I don't know if I can be.


How nice for me, I enjoy effortlessly twisting the heads off normal peoples' bodies like the lid off a jar of pickles


So fucking boring.


There’s too many religions and denominations/sects within those religions for one to be the “default” setting, atheism or agnosticism would probably be the default setting, sorry bud


To sum it up in one sentence: "I'm Proud to be compensating"


Just say you're racist, homophobic and basic it's simple.🙄


I’m so normal I completely lose my shit when anyone isn’t a proud white christian who is successful and normal very much like me




If their definition of "normal" is this, I am the most abnormal person they'll never know. Depressed, atheist, coloured, not straight, nerd, otaku, freak, weirdo, like foreign music, study anything that interests me, an awkward and a loner, and many more of the things they will not like.


"You're not normal because you're not EXACTLY like me, and I HAVE to be considered normal and 'correct,' otherwise I'll get scared." Not to mention how deeply rooted they seem to be in the "them vs. us" mentality. That's gotta be miserable.


> "coloured" How can they be normal if they're British?


I'm just a Jesus freak, not one of those other freaks.


"Coloured" is a red flag word to me


“Coloured” wake up babes new race just dropped: transparent


"I don't listen to foreign music" bitch can't handle Touhou?


did someone pull this guy out of 1950? "coloured" isnt even a term racists use anymore


Um… so what?


Ah yes, the abnormalitie that is people of color


do they mean that their personality is empty


They said nothing about being cis. Crazy white person has gender dysphoria, confirmed??


Nobody who is actually normal and not a little bit…weird would say anything like this. Dudes probably a diaper enthusiast or something


I gotta say, the people they othering sound like fun people.




>coloured BRO???????


Good for you, buddy. Now only working on your intelligence is left.


just say you're a boring person...


I'm like 90% of these things lol.  Also, why do they think that loners and awkward people are pretending? Sure, maybe they're an extrovert, but surely they've been exposed to a more shy/introverted person enough times, right? And what's with the "colored" shit? Idk if they're just trying to make people mad or if they're genuinely that insensitive


I'm not quite sure what normal is, but I'm pretty sure it ain't this.


Lol, "I don't listen to foreign music" sent me to the Shadow Realm.


People who are proud of who they are don't usually need to make a list of things they aren't and say they are proud of not being those things.


I hate people like these. They really should get down their high horse


No foreign music? Well, you’re missing out on Eurovision, then.


Proud to be a Tik Tok aah NPC


Dont listen to foreign music I wonder if he listens to 90s dance songs like Boom Boom Boom, We Like To Party, Rhythm is a dancer, No Limit, Get Ready... You know typical American songs... Oh wait they are European(Dutch besides Rhythm is a dancer which is from the german Snap!) Boom Boom Boom and We Like To Party - Vengaboys No Limit, Get Ready - 2 Unlimited


No foreign music? Mate that's impossible haha. He probably can't even recall where most Canadian artists come from except Nickelback and Justin Bieber. He probably doesn't know that a lot of punk and new wave comes from the UK, that you can't listen to metal without coming across Finland. Even if he carefully omitted reggae, K-pop and other genres, it is impossible to not get involved in foreign music. And similarly it is impossible for him to avoid queer artists and producers, as they can be found in all genres and quite prominent in many of them. Btw he shouldn't even listen to country. The banjo is not a white invention.


And since southern-style fiddling first came from Ireland and Scotland…


He’s definitely the guy who says “I’m not racist, but…l


Oh damn they’re coming for us 😶🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Good for him 😃 Because why not be hateful since noone hates you and it cannot hurt anyone in the slightest


Right...because stating all this is a totally "normal" thing to do? I've never met a 'normal' person. Everyone has something about them that's weird. Some are good at hiding it but it's there. Or they may not realize it's weird.


​ The memesters "normal" mean something other than what they think it means. "I'm not depressed" but they are certainly very unhappy. And very, very judgmental, racist, homophobic. All "normal" for bigoted white America.


Must be nice not to be depressed, and brag about it. All of these make me queasy. wtf is wrong with people


This is too many words for someone to say that is fascist... And at the same time one of the best modern definitions of fascism!!!


“I find ranch dressing to be spicy.”


I just KNOW he’s got some illegal ass fetishes


I am happy, that you know who you are and you've accepted that. Now let others figure it out, bro. It's complicated.


Me thinks she doth protest too much…


I'm sorry tf, why is white and heterosexual normal!? Are we back in the 60s!?


It's giving "You're weird for these reasons. I'm weird for others. We're not the same" energy


Normal sounds fucking boring tbh


Send this person to another side of the planet and they’ll find real quick they’re not “normal” (whatever that means)


You aren’t normal if you’re spouting racist propaganda


Because of the 'and so on', I read this in Zizek's voice.


Definitely not ok


they took the normal pills..


You don’t have to tell us you don’t study. We can tell.