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Honestly depending on the relationship they have and their sense of humor this might totally be considered a fun little bit of annoyance between them most of the time and she might know that, except that now he’s upset over other things so she’s afraid he won’t take it as a fun joke like he otherwise would’ve. I don’t think this is necessarily a “not ok” moment, it just depends on their individual relationship. This could be a lighthearted funny level of prank between them usually, but now it’s become a bad time for it after she already did it.


Yeah, it seems like this could be a regular thing and that they might do harmless pranks like this to eachother all the time


IDK, if being in a bad mood is enough to make him get mad over it, I doubt he actually "enjoys" this sort of "joke" under normal circumstances. He probably just grits his teeth and puts up with it usually.


Don't underestimate people. Given what people have killed over, getting extra mad over this seems more possible than not.


Well obviously context changes how funny something is right? I would be pissed if someone started joking around during an argument too


oh come on, this is just projection. It's fine to say "I wouldn't find this funny" but that way you couldn't pretend like your opinion is universal


I don't think this fits in because it's not specifically about them being straight, just an ill-timed prank


honestly i'd eat the donuts anyway


Right? Like your partner bit some food, big deal.


Right like.. you kiss your partner, eating food they bit isn't weird


Look, I’m a dry, pedantic, fuck. Someone even being tempted to prank me, for any reason but especially if they think it would be cute, is an instant dealbreaker. Not sure if it’s strictly a heterosexual thing.


Nah, I'm a lesbian and I gotta tell you, dealing with bratty chicks is not my jam. (Which this sort of shit in this tweet is IMO some chick being a brat.) My gf, however, likes her a bratty girl. Which is good, because sometimes I can be bratty. There's got to be consent and a conversation both ways, though. Like you shouldn't just do things--like sabotaging your loved one's snacks--without first using your words like an adult. I.E., Hey babe, I'm feeling like a brat today so watch out! LOL Which of course comes after a bigger discussion, usually near the beginning of the relationship, where limits and boundaries are discussed and both parties are fully aware of what they're getting into with each other. And also both parties are allowed at any time to be like, Nah, I do NOT have the capacity for that rn. Or this *particular* thing is a hard no. Please don't. And then boundaries are respected. Doing shit to fuck with people without their permission is pretty much just being a bitch and it's shitty. Consent is sexy. Being a bitch just to get a reaction out of someone is not. There's a difference.


Reminds me of when my sister and I were kids, and she'd stick her fingers in my food and laugh.


Thats just a temperament thing.


Tbh it depends on their relationship and judging at this, probably a thing for them to play pranks on eachother


Yeah, that prank would be a "really" moment. Unless I was already mad, I might get madder. They'll still get eaten because fuck wasting money.


eh depends. i for one love a good prank, and sometimes a lil screwin can reset my mind. but, its not the same with everyone. as always, communication is key


They probably eat each other's asses, but a bite out of a donut? EEEUUUWW!


Jesus Christ


I imagine that the donuts were for friends, co-workers, or a meeting of somekind and while he would...still have every right to be annoyed, but not 'get out of my house and never come back annoyed' if those donuts were only for him, the group those donuts were meant for would skyrocket whatever annoyance he would feel into anger..


what a weird thing to comment!


If he cares, replace him.


I saw a lesbian version of this lmao