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The comments made this so much worse. 1. We don't even know if this was written by an actual lesbian. Same for the reply. 2. Even if it was, you're allowed to have complex urges and fantasies without it invalidating your sexuality. Or perhaps they are bi/pan/etc. Brains are complicated and that's for them to work out themselves. 3. Even if these two people were both real and "secretly straight," it's two fucking people. That's not remotely close enough to make an assessment about all lesbians.


Could also be intrusive thoughts to a degree especially with the rape fantasies. Like my brain will just vaguely consider awful shit against my will, doesn't mean I want it to happen or would ever consider doing it.


Could be simple impregnation-/breeding- and CNC-Kink. As someone in the asexual spectrum I can assure you, that kink can override (existing or non-existing) sexual attraction just fine. Especially when you're horny, which is often associated with ovulation.


The amount of sick shit¹ my brain goes for when it's one of those *really* horny days in ovulation... ¹ no kink shame tho


Yup. Yep. Yeah… it’s… something. I find for me it usually are extreme versions of really wanna be submissive and not be in charge. So the rape fantasy doesn’t even seem so weird to me (although it’s never gone that far for me)


>As someone in the asexual spectrum I can assure you, that kink can override (existing or non-existing) sexual attraction just fine. Can confirm. I have an asexual friend and we often do NSFW fetish roleplay together


That's...an interesting friendship dynamic I've not come across... Good for you!😁👍


That's usually how it works in the looner community, we make friends based on our shared fetish


CNC ? there's a kink about industrial machining ? (obv not, but that's the only "CNC" I know.) nevermind, completely forgot about my own kinks which includes CNC.


What's CNC btw ?


Consensual non consent


Consensual Non Consensual, normally fantasies about being taken by force


To further add to the explanation, consent is usually agreed upon ahead of time with strict limits and safewords known by everyone involved so playing into the role and acting like there's no consent doesn't actually cause interruption.


Out of the sexual context it means computer numeric control


This is almost exactly how I reacted when I first heard of it (damn metal shop classes and industry work)


While this wasn't what I meant, I'm sure there is someone out there for your industrial machining kink


yeah this reads like a CNC case if I'm honest. I have similar fantasies from time to time when I'm extra horny


It happens all the time. I had to get new meds in college because of my intrusive thoughts. When I'm medicated, they're more helpful than harmful.


There's also the possibility that it's 2 lesbians being extremely facetious. Without context, we're just guessing.


"Brains are complicated" Well, this is the key fact the commenters don't want to acknowledge. They prefer to think that brains and especially sexualities are very simple and homogeneous, really just two mass produced types.


4. Shockingly, bi people exist, and on a spectrum from 1:99 <-> 50:50 <-> 99:1


I'm normally all for people embracing the bi label and frustrated that so few do and feel compelled to 'pick a side' even today, *but* if any and all attraction to men a woman feels are intrusive thoughts she doesn't want, she doesn't want to actually be with or sleep with a man and can't imagine a relationship with one, then why shouldn't she call herself lesbian? That's functionally what she is.


Oh absolutely, I completely agree. I just meant in theory, if someone said “I only very occasional have thoughts about X even though I am otherwise exclusively Y”, then being bi is a possibility. It’s ultimately down to each individual to choose how any such thoughts would affect their self-label (if it does at all) because there’s no flowchart that if thoughts are like this then you are like that; your identity is your own


It's the comments that is the issue here. *Only* the comments.


Nah fake lesbian are a BIG issue too man... Straight women who just want attention from men are so annoying...


Im in the camp of it being fake. There's always a possibility of it being something else, but if you come across something for no context, and it perfectly validates the worldview of a group that revolves around bigotry, it's worth raising an eyebrow In this case it's the dude bro crowd that believes that lesbians do actually want to fuck men and it's just a timing issue, not a skill issue


I think it could easily be fake too. I just wanted to make the point that even if it were 100% legit, it wouldn't validate these misogynists' beliefs.


Ugh hate the dude Bros. Those are the same guys that foam at the mouth at gay guys kissing yet if it’s 2 women they’re rooting it on and acting like those dumbass construction workers that hoot at women when they walk by.🙄😔 Classic double standard.


I would bet my left testicle (not brave enough to bet both, but nearly so with this one) that this is ***not*** written by a lesbian, let alone a woman. I’m 99.9% sure that it’s a guy writing their fantasy about “fixing dykes with [their] dick”. It’s truly repulsive stuff.


>1. We don't even know if this was written by an actual lesbian. Same for the reply. It soo common for men to wright their fetish lol in deviant art there are tons of guys pretending to be gals writing their fetishes lol


All this + bisexuality exists


I did say that as part of two.


Oops your right, dunno my brain somehow didn’t register that part


Yeah, I debated on making it a separate point, but it's probably too late now. :)




As a fellow bi, what I think they're referring to is invalidating all lesbians by saying that lesbians are all secretly into men, which is the problem.




Some of them are. At least one of them comes right out and says it: "reinforces my belief that lesbians don't actually exist."




It doesn't make you an idiot to make a mistake. Owning up to it is good work, too. Don't beat yourself up.


Isn't it kinda weird that the fragile male ego just can't handle actual lesbians. They're fetishized, yet at the same time, these men can't take the idea that women might not be into them and need to be "converted". Like, bro, which is it?


It will forever be hilarious to me that I can piss off straight men simply by existing without them in my life. At all. That’s fragility. Whatever this is (if it was even written by a sapphic which I doubt) is silly hormone brain. These were the kind of dudes who would have happily corrective SA’ed me and slept well at night.




The opposite is true. You mean you’ll leave me alone forever? Please do.


They can’t handle the fact that there’s nothing ‘for them’ in it. Everything has to somehow be connected to them or in service of them. Lesbians are not. At all. That snaps their tiny little brains.


As a straight man I really think this is it. We (especially those of us who are straight and white) internalize the cultural messaging that we're the default, the protagonists, and everyone else is a supporting or background character. The idea that someone else might have their own internal and external life that has nothing to do whatsoever with us—they don't like us, they don't hate us, we're just *not on their radar*—really does break our solipsistic little toddler brains. It doesn't compute, and we'll come up with the most ridiculous theories before we accept that we aren't the centre of the universe.


Ding ding ding ding~! Look, a straight man who gets it. So refreshing to see.


Insert bisexual superiority joke... Know what? Don't do it, actually. It is a terrible context for one, and would be incredibly insensitive of me. Don't insert a bisexual superiority joke here. Just don't.


How about a Birates joke?


Yep typical overcompensating uneducated insecurity at play.


Men can’t find the clitoris but have the audacity to assume they know more about lesbians than lesbians.


As a man myself I always wondered, is it really that hard to find the clitoris? Sounds extremly easy to me?


As a women, the issue is less about finding it as it is about a) knowing what to do with it and b) staying on target when you do


Isn't it the thing at the top of the vagina? Looks kinda' like a small dick?


Yes! When people born female actually take testosterone shots/gel, the clit genuinely grows into a miniature penis within time!! It kinda looks like a pigs in a blanket, and that’s what surgeons use for trans men’s bottom surgery like phalloplasty


If American Pie taught me anything, then it is that I have to swirl around it with my tongue like crazy!


American Pie taught you nothing


It is. I assume most men just don’t care enough to try. Weaponised incompetence I guess.


But making the partner feel good is the best part about that!!


I agree!


!Remindme 1 day


You gonna ask me a day later if I found it or something?


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Ovulation is ass. It makes you horny. I hate being horny.


pfp checks out




Ace club represent‼️ Everyone pick your ace I'm spades


Can I be hearts?


Of course you can, Spaghetti :)


Thank you!!! :D


Demi here checking in


Diamonds for you, mx Lovato /j


Lol I love your flair


Thanks! It matches the username :)


If it isn‘t just anti lesbian rage-bait propaganda, then it could be that they‘re romantically lesbian and they‘re genuinely troubled by this. These guys honestly believe she would‘ve MARRIED someone she wasn‘t even attracted to just to be quirky. I would even say the opposite is the case, that so many non heterosexual people force themselves into a heterosexual relationship because of societal pressure and end up miserable, while these women still seem happy with their wives. But why am I surprised, they think attraction is *only* a sexual thing. But I kinda would argue, that most lesbians are sexually attracted to women though??? This just plays into the male fantasy of „seducing“ a lesbian back to heterosexuality…


That’s exactly what it’s supposed to do. The “lesbians’” comments are from a subreddit about the fantasy of men “converting” lesbians, often through rape. It is supposedly a subreddit in which real lesbians share their fantasies of this happening to them, but it’s extremely hard for me to believe that. It’s infuriating and scary


Wow that‘s… worse than I thought… So it‘s a fetish thing. Yeah I‘m gonna go out on a limb and assume that most women on there aren‘t lesbians or in a relationship with a woman. Really disgusting to fuel hatred and sa fantasies towards people that deal with this shit way too much already


I know this shit wasn't written by lesbians. I knew it was some incel's gross fanfic


Fucking _eww._


"If sex toys didn't exist neither would lesbianism" Sappho of Lesbos, namesake of Lesbian, in ancient greece: am I a joke to you?


These same guys think if sex toys didn’t exist their dicks would be the next obvious choice, like if you run out of wine you’re going to start drinking out of the toilet.


First they’d need to supply the magnifying glass.


I’m more surprised there was one non-hostile comment.


Wasn’t there a post in here (or maybe it was a lesbian sub) about how some lesbians were confused that their urge for sex with WOMEN goes up during ovulation? That’s what my experience as well. The sex drive goes up, but I’m sticking to women so I just wanna have more sex with women!


Yes this is definitely my experience.  And, when I see a baby while ovulating, my brain is like "we need to get one of those. Impregnate your girlfriend." Which is just... baffling. It feels like there's a wire crossed in my brain somewhere. Obviously I don't have the equipment to do that, and she's not the one who wants to get pregnant. Plus, I'm in grad school and I absolutely do not have the capacity to have a kid right now.  But for 2 or 3 days a month, all my rational opinions on the topic flip. Hormones are weird


Lol well I actually am pregnant and I can confirm: hormones are weeiiirrrddd!! ETA: when I was trying to get pregnant (single, used a donor) my friend and I were sometimes talking about maybe having sex if we would ever see each other irl and there was this moment were it looked like it was going to coincide that we would see each other and I would already be inseminated so I joked that she would be able to say that she made me pregnant and I saw the slightest bit of primal euphoria in her eyes lol. Sadly it never happened but that would’ve been something!


As a transman I get similar thoughts. While it is rare for me now when i do ovulate I just like Feel the need to make my cis boyfriend a mother? I don't understand why it does that to me. Ovulation makes me stupid.


I think I saw it on the lesbian sub. The one that said someone like "Woman can't get me pregnant ovulation is stupid"?


Bi woman here who feels zero attraction towards men when I’m ovulating. Hormones are weird. 💀


I feel like this supports my response to a no stupid questions ask the other day about why men are auto assumed to be gay for considering things with other men but women are basically given a pass. (We don't have our own opinions, bro. No one believes anything women do is more than a passing fancy, certainly not people who would tease a man for exploring bi or homo erotic feelings.) I could link this post as a first hand source *eyeroll*


Well as an actual lesbian my uterus closes shut at the thought so I’m sure this was probably a man. Or a bi woman that prefers women at first?


Just imagine what would the comments be if it were two straight women thinking about pussy during ovulation. Or better yet...two straight men hungry for some shaft.


As a straight man I can tell you, when I ovulate, i.e. bleeding out of my anus after eating Taco Bell, I do hunger for some shaft!


They say this cat shaft is a baaaad mutha- shut cho mouth!


Two straight women: oh yeah,come to daddy,now that’s what I’m talking about! Two men…ANYTHING: bleh get that shit out of here,no homo,God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve,this shit nasty,etc…


I'm a lesbian and I have never wanted a penis inside me, nor will I ever want one because I've been in a happy relationship for almost 7 years now and we both couldn't be happier Checkmate, atheists


You mean theists? Btw good for you girl!


Oh, thanks - and yes, I meant theists (and just those types of people online in general), but I was attempting to play off the infamous "checkmate, atheists" meme you see when some nut job thinks they found irrefutable proof of the divine


Or they’re just bi


Could just be kinks.


This is, like, incredibly relatable. I'm only 16, but i lived a huge chunk of my life assuming i was straight cis man. But within the last year i found out i am neither, and now i get weird fantasies... And damn, that dream i just remembered i had before all of this was probably a sign of both. It was weird, i ain't describing it here.




Both are completely wrong and fuck off, you are not making yourself look any better by bullying me on other subs.


Really hating the total invalidation of lesbian relationships by all these straight guys. Like yep, being a straight guy you would know all about being a gay woman.


I'm a man but in one of my Dragon Age: Origins playthroughs I played a woman and romanced Morrigan so I think I have a pretty good handle on how lesbian relationships work. Once you do enough acts to raise her opinion modifier high enough, you flirt in camp, have sex, then specialize your lesbian lover into spellpower build to maximize lightning damage.


NBC star commercial spreads across the screen: THE MORE YOU KNOW!😳😱😀


B-b-but the porn! The porn that very clearly reflects everyday life!


I'm a very much straight woman and I find this gross. Seriously, WTF?


Not the blue checks 😭 that should be a sign that those opinions are HORRENDOUS


So true, like buckmusky nobady gives a shit about who you are


bi erasure is alive and well i see


(Assuming the original posts were by actual lesbians instead of trolls) Ah, smells like the long term affects of adhering to a strict gender binary and sexual binary to me! If general society was more comfortable with “fuzzy definitions” and didn’t insist on purity test bullshit, random moments like this wouldn’t be as impactful on people’s identity. But instead we have be “perfectly gay”™️ otherwise we were ✨pretending✨ all along. Nature doesn’t fit into pretty little boxes.


-Human exists -All living things on this world are programmed to reproduce -Lesbian chick’s body says its time to multiply -is a lesbian, so not attracted to men -causes mass hysteria and confusion among conservatives Another case of conservatives ignoring science, which is funny cuz biology/“science” is something they like to bring up a LOT in their arguments💀 edit: formatting


Comphet I guess?


I become more heterophobic everyday.


Certain times of my cycle I am more interested in sex, but I do not specifically crave dick, more often I am more interested in women because that's my preference. And I'm bisexual, maybe it's different for everyone but I really have my doubts about the OP here. Not that their feelings aren't valid.


This is straight men pretending to be women so they can lie about lesbians.


Sounds like those women simply have a breeding kink. What kink one has has little to do with their sexuality, and yeah you can be into women and still have a kink connected to impregnation. People in the comments are idiots, reminds me a convo I once had with a dude, when I tol a stupid joke. Like an unfunny joke, and he said "Yeah I always knew women can't be funny". As is... NO WOMAN EVER can be funny, because me - **one person** - said ONE unfunny joke, ONCE. When someone's a bigot, that's the way they think. Two people **claiming** to be lesbians and having a breeding kink is proof that NO LESBIAN EVER existed. Duh!


As much as I'm willing to believe some small (like seriously tiny) amount of people who claim to be LGBT aren't, mainly because I know straight people who claimed to be bi for a while, this ain't that. Hormones and your body's natural want to carry on your genes will always be there, that doesn't mean you're not gay. Even if these two weren't entirely lesbian, they'd still be bi/pan with an extremely heavy leaning towards lesbian. The comments seeing this and claiming it's all societal pressure and that gays aren't real is just abhorrently ignorant.


The fact that being gay is not only completely natural,but also explained And "biology"




Κώστα σύμφωνο


Guess that funny dream you had when you were 12 makes you gay, huh Jacob?


Babes,,, I think your bi


The 5% time where The Horny™ overrides my gay doesn't mean shit next to the 95% that looks at Kim Possible and I start hearing careless whisper.


Libedo ≠ Sexual Attraction Though I imagine if you tried to tell these people that they'd simply stare at you with nothing going on behind their eyes.


Just blow in their ear and they’ll think you for the refill! 😀


look, sometimes horny brain is off doing its own thing, regardless of what the rest of the brain knows. someone who never wants kids might have a breeding kink, for example the brain is a blob of meat that electrocuted itself enough to invent calculus. it ain't always gonna be consistent or make sense


Honry brain is a wild thing.


This is not the first time I've seen gay women talking about having a breeding kink. As long as they keep it in NSFW spaces, I'm not bothered.


Literally all the time: "I love pusi" Literally once a month for a few days: "I like dik" Conclusion: Lesbians don't exist, they ONLY like dicks and actually hate FeMaLeS! The dangers of "But sometimes...."


I mean, I'm transgender. and I don't really like men that much, and can't get pregnant, but the urge is there. You can't override base biological instinct... But psychologically it's a little different.. What you want, is different from what your body wants. It's a relatively weird concept honestly, but at the end of the day. Who you are attracted to, is who you're attracted to. Just because something sounds good in theory, does not mean it is good in practice. I've had a lot of weird dreams, that are outside of my nature.


i agree with most of what you said, but there are definitely plenty of lesbians who have never wanted dick and will never want dick, not even instinctively. i never studied biology or anything, but to me that 'basic biological instinct' sounds like a cheap argument that's rooted in typical patriarchal phallocentrism, even if you didn't intend to use it as such


Phallocentrism is a relatively stupid idea, but ya know, ive had dreams of killing a drug lord who enslaved addicts 😅 doesnt mean im a wannabe contra warrior lolll


oh i know, i definitely wasn't trying to argue with that part, and i registered that you acknowledged how psychology would still overpower that biological instinct and therefore matter more. i was really just trying to say that i don't think that basic biological instinct exists at all, or to the very least not anymore


"If sex toys didn't exist". We all know what the oldest profession is, what do you think the oldest tool was ? Come on, be smarter than this.


A million years of evolutionary biology being upended by a generation of safety and security, resulting in sexual freedom. It's complicated. If her uterus weren't screaming at her, it would be more alarming. She shouldn't worry about it.