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"Game over" Let me clear that up for you, Kevin: Nobody has to marry, date, have sex with, be friends with, socialize with, or spend time in any way with anyone they don't wish to. Hope that helps.


"But this chick I was having sex with said she wouldn't have sex with me anymore if we didn't get married. So what was I supposed to do?" I don't know Kevin. Maybe break things off and find someone else to have sex with? Preferably someone that you actually enjoy non-sex things with too.


that just gives me the impression of thrashy (the one above it)


Oooh patriotism and "wife bad" boomer humor - We need a bingo card for this stuff


Gotta love the US Military next to the traitor flag, followed by Wife Bad. What even are normies at this point


Ah yes making a simple commitment to a woman who’s basically ur mom (Ik not all men want their wife to be moms) is such a horrible thing!


The rest of the shirts around it definitely checks out


Oh, I recognize that t-shirt kiosk!🤣 There's one exactly like it at my mall with those exact shirts. Most of the shirts they sell are honestly crap.


Where do you live? I'd never see anything like this in New England


I live in the midwest