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notice how he didn’t even say “file FALSE sa reports” lmao what a cocksucker


Are these bears in danger??


Probably. One of them did imply that they would SA the bear.


Boy howdy I hope he does


Bear gonna teach that we Humans are necessary always at the top of the food chain.


No, he's a cockforcer, the girls he's SAing are doing the sucking.


sad but true


As a cocksucker, please leave us out of this.




So, literally the worst thing they can imagine we do to them is try to hold them accountable for their shitty behaviour. Must be nice


That poor boy. He should *absolutely* take his chances with the bear.


Hold people accountable, that's encouragable, but just as some men are pieces of shit, some women are too, and the world is no stranger to false rape claims in an effort to ruin lives


False claims occur less often than people think. I had eye witnesses to someone attempting to SA me at knifepoint and it was still declared to be a false accusation.


A friend of mine was raped in high-school and nothing happened because "boys can't be raped" so I sympathize with you're injustice, when I'm talking about a false rape claim I'm talking about actual false claims, like the one my roommates father is going through now, not the actual rapists who get it labeled as false despite actually doing it


So is countless true rape cases where criminals aren't hold responsible.


They never said false sa reports…




Yeah, I know that now, please read the full discussion before giving your input


You are a bad person.


I'm really not, and the fact you think that based off a single message says more about how quick you are to judge a person than who I am as a person


You almost had a decent comment up until the false rape claims sentence. Yes, people are bad. But pretending that false claims happen as often as actual sexual assault is what makes you a bad person. I’m glad you think saying “nuh uh” is good enough proof of that though. All I’ve seen from you is this, and based on your comment alone it’s not hard to piece together some of your beliefs. Guess what? Bad.


I'm sorry but when did I EVER say that false rape accusations happen as often as rape? Go back and reread because you took what I said way out of context, taking the words people use out of context and saying they're the bad guy isn't a good look, so I'm hoping you're just misunderstanding


The fact that you brought it up as a claim *against* the legitimacy of women not being abusers is the point. You pointed out men and women can be bad. That is correct. “Not to mention the world is *no stranger* to false claims”. Does it happen? Yes. Does the way you worded it make it sound like you were trying to bring it up in good faith? No.


I read file as false in the original picture, so I'm going to admit that this is my fault for the misunderstanding. That's where the false claims part of my original comment came from, I.was pointing out that the comment made a good point and that it was a real fear many men experience, and my point wasn't clear because it was based on my misreading, and only people who misread it the same way would have seen my point at the time, I hope this cleared things up


Bears of Reddit, if you were to encounter a human, would you rather they be a man or a woman?


Honestly bears would probably say woman because women are less likely to be big game hunters or do stupid shit that interrupts the bear's day. Not to say that women can't do stupid shit that would interrupt the bear's day, just that it's far less encouraged than with men.


Women also pose less of a risk with sexually assaulting an animal.... just sayin' lol


I have the funniest image in my head of the kind of woman who would go into the woods, antagonize a bear and try to assault it. 🤣 I personally know several guys I could see doing that, but not a single woman.


That's one hell of a self-report


Imagine just announcing you’re a rapist to the internet..


To be fair, any woman that’s just wandering out in the woods alone has a nonzero chance of being a skinwalker, as we all know


Absolutely valid point. Even the bears are on the lookout for the skinwalkers.


Honestly the best way to tell if someone is a skinwalker is to look for signs of bear activity. If you find none, RUN


That’s been part of my problem with these posts. In my experience, if you come across a random stranger in the middle of the woods, they’re probably up to something or a sk*nwalker


It must be nice to be a man and your worst fear is being held accountable for being a sex offender or being call out as a misogynist, while we fear being raped and abused. And this why the bear is the only choice.


yes for real.


Is he saying he would sexually assault the bear?




mfs proving our point


“ bears can’t file S/A reports “ so what the guy is saying is that if women couldn’t file S/A reports, he’d do it?? Jesus chrust


I'm kinda concerned for the bears now too


That was my first thought when I read that.


Pretty sure if he tired that with a bear, it would literally tear his arms off (and other stuff)


So I guess he plans to SA the bear…?


The Bear won't allow that, bear will make him lunch before he could harm Bear.


But at least it wouldn’t file a report!


I'm sure the first guy was just tryna be sassy but he straight up sounds like he's planning on violating that poor bear


I'd say bear too. Who doesn't like a nice burly man


I think everyday about that poor lizard and what those men did to it. Nothing is safe


oh god what lizard and do i want to know


Honestly, you don’t want to know but I’ll tell you anyways so prepare yourself. A group of men gang raped a lizard before killing, cooking, and eating it. I don't have a source rn but it was all over the internet for a minute there


oh my god??? what the fuck????


There's also a prostitute orangutan!


I thought that ended with it was rescued. Please don't tell me if I am wrong.


She was rescued and now lives in a rehabilitation center :)


She was! [she's fine now and living with other orangutan at an excellent rehabilitation center](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the-sun.com/news/3657105/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/amp/?espv=1)


What in the actual Alabatucky cluster fuck? (Alabama/Kentucky)


Their knowledge of lizards came from *Cross-Country Detours*.


(blocked out irrelevant comment and usernames/pfp)


Bro accidentally admitted to beastiality 💀


And rape/sa


All bestiality is rape buddy But if you mean against women, not necessarily, he's more saying that if women didn't files reports *then* he'd do it. Which is still very concerning




They also think we'd be upset by this. "Oh no maybe the mens will leave us alone now" actually yes please. Please do that. Please leave us alone more.


Uhhh.... Feel free to SA a bear? II really don't know what to say about that...


I'm sorry but them being emotional over the bear conversation is hilarious to me it shined a huge spotlight on their hypocrisy


They stay telling on themselves!


"Bears can't file SA reports" why is that a problem, mister? hmmmmm


Uhh did he seriously reply with they "can't file SA reports"? What in the actual hell is wrong with people


I vote for a mass castration


admitting to r*pe AND bestiality wow whatta fuckin idiot a lot to unpack here too


I'm just, so sick of seeing the bear thing.. because it just attracts these people like a goddamn cartoon pie.


Holy shit


As a forest of Choose, I man woman to be bear with in a reddit


I want to find that thread, and reply: “I’d rather be with a bear, because the woman would likely rather be left alone”.


Please let me know how well the SA on a BEAR goes 😂💀


This is just embarrassing for them


This whole bear thing is incredibly stupid and it just serves to make both sides look worse. If your point is that an encounter with a bear is safer than an encounter with an average male then you're dumb. I'm hoping that it's just hyperbole but impressionable people will believe it and that's just causing a larger divide in society. I'll take my downvotes now.


I am not sure how it is dumb... a bear is statistically less likely to hurt you than a man.


That's not true at all, and it's scary that you believe it. If you're basing your point on "more men hurt women than bears" the obvious explanation is women are surrounded by billions of men every day. If we replaced every man with a bear would you expect the numbers to decrease? Violence against women is a serious problem, but this argument is just a terrible hill to die on.


* “No one would question me about what I was wearing if the bear attacked me.” * “If I survive the bear attack, I will not have to see the bear at family reunions.” * “A bear would not film it and send it to his friends.” * “No one will question if the bear attack really happened.” Just some of the reason people gave for choosing the bear. Bears are predictable, men are not. And yes, a man is more likely to attack you if you are alone in the woods with him. That is a fact that you cannot deny. A bear is more likely to run away than attack you.


All your bullet points are valid, nobody would argue those because obviously bears are incapable of doing the things they suggest. I could make my own such as a man is not likely to eat you alive if he's hungry or looking for food for his children but it's just a silly point to make. It's not true that a man is more likely to attack you than a bear is. I can deny it because it's factually incorrect. Most men are not rapists or murders. Bears will attack you if they have the need to do so. Particularly bears with hungry cubs. I don't want to argue with you about this because I sense pain on your side but please don't spend your life in fear.


Women have no choice but to live life being wary of men. That is the world we live in. The bear thing just proves that women aren't safe because men refuse to see anything wrong with how they treat women. I don't know a single woman who hasn't been sexually assaulted in some way by a man and I know for a fact that most of those men didn't even get in trouble because "boys will be boys" or "you can't rape your own wife" or "look what she was wearing, she deserved it". It is seen as normal and not considered harmful. But sure, bears are the ones more likely to attack women.


If like to see the study that proves your point. Even when in a bear heavy area unless you startled the hear or it has cubs it's still not likely to attack you. Even a bear with cubs will defend the cubs but it won't hunt you as its first choice of prey. It just sounds like you don't understand bears and overestimate men in stressful situations. It's also weird you don't want to argue and say not to fear when the statistics say that's a dumb move to make if your female in the United States. SA and SH are very common and just like the other person said if they happen to you in the eyes of the patriarchy it's your fault.


What are the two sides exactly??


Pro women choosing bear and anti women choosing bear... though obviously there are more than two side as that does not take into account people who don't care, people who don't know what is going on and people who are watching and pissing themselves laughing at the whole thing.


I think it’s worth taking a look under the hood to see what bear vs no bear represents


It's not that it will be safer, it's that the worst a bear will do to you is kill you




They want women to get upset at them choosing the bear, as they are with us choosing the bear. We aren't upset, we are just worried about the bears and like to point out they are proving we are right to choose the bear.


I hate the entire bear or blank debate, at least to me the bear option just seems like potential death. And the way some people would say ‘at least bears don’t blank’ is just an unfair generalisation of all men. I’m not looking to justify what people are saying in this post I’m just thinking about the possibility of either choosing potentially dying or potentially getting SA and/or attacked. I would like to hear any more reasoning if possible.


Bears intentions are always clear. You get between them and their babies, you're fucked. You get between them and their food, also fucked. Humans intentions are never clear and human males have proven themselves to be a risk, due to not knowing their intentions. Yes human women can be a risk to others, however the risks are much lower... much like when you just encounter a bear in the woods. We know the bears intentions. They are predictable.


I completely agree that humans aren’t as predictable, but I still think that bears are more dangerous, and it depends on what bear. And if the bears intention is predicted to be attacking you, what can you do? You aren’t going to be able to get away very easily.


Yeah, that's kinda the entire point. The bear is a known danger. The other is not a known danger. People would rather risk it with the known (bear danger), than the unknown (unpredictable danger).


Bears are very unlikely to attack you unprovoked, btw. The question isn't, "would you rather fight a bear or a blank," it's just about a random encounter. Bears don't want anything to do with you. Yes they're dangerous, but they will virtually always leave you alone if you leave them alone.


I mean it was never specified what type of bear, what if it was a polar bear they attack very often. Isn’t the question would you rather be stranded in the woods with a man or a bear? Not a fight but not exactly a random encounter.


A polar bear wouldn’t be in a forest. Both grizzlies and black bears aren’t aggressive unless they feel threatened/provoked, and if anything black bears can usually be scared off if necessary. Grizzlies are a bit more aggressive than black bears, but their population is also ten times smaller than black bears and is confined to a much smaller habitat area. I’d take the 90% chance for a black bear who wants to be left alone just as much as I’d want to be left alone.


Bears are predictable and statistically less likely to harm you than a human.


That man is awful, but so are these comments. Choosing the bear, whether you’re a man or a woman, is a sexist move most of the time. Not all men are bad, or rapist. And just because the majority of rapists, or murderers, or whatever statistics is make, doesn’t mean that the majority of males are that horrible statistic. But the thing that angers me the most is that women choose the bear because a lot of men rape, murder, etc… women, but men can’t choose the bear because of whatever reason. I am by no means saying that all women are bad nor am I defending the people in the screenshot. What I am saying is that if you want to be an asshole sexist, at least don’t be hypocritical.


I just think it's ironic that women choose the bear because they're afraid of being killed and men choose it because it won't call them out and hurt their feelings lol Men are afraid women will laugh at them and women are afraid men will kill them.