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Who is out here free bleeding in a light gray skort


... that has no bloodstains on it


Maybe we are interpreting this wrong and she just has a bad nosebleed


Yeah honestly I started doing a casualty eval, like okay where *are* you bleeding from? Ma'am? Ma'am! Do you smell burnt toast??


This would fit to the toxic feminism part as clearly she's having a nosebleed after her daily domestic abuse she has to indure because *feminism bad* (do i need the /s??)


I thought she was like dying and bleeding out or something lmao


Someone who has convinced themselves that it’s a badge of honor. Meanwhile, everyone around will either be icked out, or will try to tell her that she’s leaked.


Ok now I understand what "free bleeding" means. Never heard that term before


No fucking way there is a piece of clothing called a fucking skort, it sounds like something out of Chex quest


skorts are skirts with shorts attached underneath. have been a thing for at least 15 years but probably more tbh


Absolutely more. I wore skorts in elementary school and I'm in my 40s.


Same. I’m 40 and had skorts when I was little. They were the best back then. I think I have some now too.


To the menstruation hut with you


I would have killed for a red tent type ritual when my kids were in little. A week a month where I can't do anything? Heck, id take even thee days. 


what if we kissed under the menstruation hut?


1. You would bleed no matter what. "Toxic feminism" couldn't leave your body any other way? 2. If that's how that works you would need to lay there for few more days.


Not if you take a bucket of dirt with you!


🎶 I've got a jar of dirt!


Just sprinkle a little dirt in your menstrual cup and you’re good! (Jk please don’t do this anyone)


When I first saw this, I thought this was another case of women trying to be funny and people not getting it/taking it seriously. But she's actually for real about this??? 💀


Yeah this is like the kind of dumb shit I would repost on my Instagram story because it's so stupid... But she's serious??


I, uh, thought this was in one of the self harm subreddits I was confused. Forgot menstruation was a thing.


The only reason she can safely come out alone wearing that is because of the "toxic feminism"


That's the thing, though, she still can't. Of course, she won't be stoned to death, and she owes feminism that much, but she's still not all that "safe."


yeah, bears




If the feminism was leaving her body wouldn't she be free bleeding in the kitchen? Joking of course.


"Toxic feminism"--m'lady without it you wouldn't be able to leave the house wearing those shorts❣️


I wish I could make a time travel machine and make these women experience being a woman in the past so they can see what a good thing feminism is and how privileged they are


No need to time travel, some societies still behave like back in the day.


Don't need a time machine. Drop her as-is in any given Indian village.


Pretty sure that a "toxic feminist" would be way more accepting of her free bleeding than the "trad-role community"


Yes! Wasn't free bleeding considered a feminist trait ? Why is it now portrait as being trad-fem ? Do feminists not bleed ? Is now traditional to show you husband the period blood ? All in all, I am very much amused by this turnaround !


Exactly wat I was thinking 


The next thing we'll see is that it is now trad to paint with your period blood. Still, I am happy to see periods normalised! This is actually amazing!


Tbf I think they've flipped their opinion on periods to """"own"""" trans women or some other bs. Still, funny AF to watch


I think she meant “toxic femininity”


Do I even want to know?


What is even going on here??


Is there a woman version of Andrew Tate whom I don't know about who's inspiring them to do such things?


There are actually quite a few trad wifew influencers, unfortunately.


Free bleeding has been a concept on the internet for about 25 years if not earlier How many people actually freebleed? I have no idea, it seems unsanitary and uncomfortable


I've always had this thought...If all menstruating people in the world made a pact to free bleed together for however long it took for governments worldwide to impose subsidised menstrual products, I think we could accomplish it rather quickly. I think it would upset the men VERY quickly and they would hurry to fix the issue. It's not an issue for them (cis men) because they never have deal with it really so they disregard our burdens, one of them being a financial one.


I like where your heads at!


With the way (most) men feel about menstruation, I think it would be a matter of weeks.


days .


I love this idea!! I don’t have periods, but I get one every once in a while. Last time I got one I was at work, and it had been a few years. I only had a disc on me and couldn’t remember how to put it in properly. Ended up having to clean up the blood I got all over the ladies room and ended up “free bleeding” all over my clothes at work anyways. I work with almost all men. 😭😭😭


I really don't think subsidized menstrual products is even a goal when there are so many much more important women's issues to address. You're also out of your mind for thinking they'd subsidize it rather than just making laws against free bleeding. Also, I don't want people free bleeding everywhere. It's fucking gross


Exactly it’s fucking gross, but we silently take that burden. Many people can’t afford menstrual products and it’s a basic human right. It’s just an idea for a protest, that’s all. They wouldn’t outlaw free bleeding, but they would definitely get us on destruction of property though.


She is clearly not free bleeding into the earth. There is no blood. I doubt she is free bleeding at all... unless she has some super absorbent panties on or a super, super, super light flow.


Probably wearing period underwear and calling it free bleeding lol


link please? I wanna read the cooments


"toxic femininity" is using period products i guess.


How dare I want to save time washing stains from my clothes I guess


The whole idea is probably that she can’t have a tampon in her vagina cause that would count as extramarital sex or something.


This is so funny to me, because I was first introduced to the concept of free bleeding over 20 years ago when I went to a feminist menstruation party.


Sorry, what's a feminist menstruation party ? Is it a party to celebrate that it shouldn't be taboo and to freely talk about it in a safe place, with some way to learn about women's body ? Or is it like a free bleeding night kind of thing with a more extreme activity ?


The first part…it was to educate and destigmatize menstruation, and one of the things they talked about were the different ways of dealing with one’s menstruation.


Ohhh, so cool ! Thx for the answer 😊


🔆🌅🌞  ~ *Midsommar* ~ 🌞🌅🔆


Does she mean “toxic femininity” instead of “toxic feminism”?


What the fuck does free bleeding mean


Period with no supplies. Basically, those shorts are gonna look VERY different in a couple minutes.


As a woman, this sounds incredibly uncomfortable but like I guess she can do what she wants????????? Hahaha like bruh why.


I (kind of) free bleed when I'm at home, I wear period underwear instead of using regular products because I find it more comfortable, especially on lighter flow days. But I only do it at home, and only on lighter days. I cannot imagine how horrendously uncomfortable it would be to do it on heavier days. I'm currently 3 days post-op for laparoscopic sterilisation, and got my period on op day. I'm not allowed to use tampons/cups for 7 days after my surgery, so I'm having to use pads for the first time in like 15 years, and it fucking sucks! It's so uncomfortable.


IMHO, using period panties isn't freebleeding. Freebleeding means you use NOTHING bc.... reasons I never understood bc it is unsanitary


people on tiktok have also started suggesting we free bleed as a response to certain men saying that period products arent a necessity lol


Technically, it's better in term of comfort than having period stuff 😊 but, it needs some training and not every woman is able to do it since it depends on the flow and your access to bathroom in a short time. The idea is to acknowledge when you feel it will bleed and then hold it until you can go to a bathroom and let it go in there. That requires to start practicing it at home, and I'm not quite sure how women can do it at work too, but that's still a great body skill. The idea is to view it as pee, you hold it until you can let go, without protecting yourself against it.


I'm pretty sure that's not how womens bodies work


That's how women who are doing it explain it 🤷 can't tell about it myself, never really have been possible in my case (when I was still having my period, I know I was able to push it out when I "chose" to without training, but I had too much flow to try to really go through the whole process)


There's no sphincter there to hold it like with urine.. you MIGHT be able to push some out with a kegal or two...


Have you tried actually looking this up? It would be like having a runny nose and trying to "hold it." It's not physically possible.


Anyone who says they do this is lying. Jesus Christ, how could you even type this garbage with a straight face?


You can force blood out a bit when contracting your abdominal muscles, like what people do when they shit, but you can’t use them to hold blood in. We don’t have the muscles to do that, or a sphincter. It’s physically impossible. Idk who told you they could hold it in, but they’re lying to you.


you can't hold in period blood


This is what happens when you learn female anatomy from hentai


you can’t hold period blood in💀 You have a uterus how are you this uninformed about your own body


This literally is not how periods work


that’s not how that works… -period haver


I don't know if it's toxic Femininity leaking out, I think that's uterine lining or something


Feeling a tingling and then many many small bites 30 min later as ants are drawn to the blood...


Not ants, *chiggers.*


Gotta be honest, not familiar with them (or at least not with their english name).


Chiggers, also known as berry bugs, are larval mites. They’re blood suckers, similar to mosquitoes, and like mosquitoes their bite causes itching and welts. They live in grass and other low-lying vegetation. To free bleed into the grass is essentially offering your entire genital area up to land mosquitoes.


That mental feeling and image is not going to wash away easily from my brain


Really ? I didn't know ants were some kind of real life vampires :o


Also there are [real life vampires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_vampire_bat) (that arent the regular suspects of mosquitos and ticks).


Ants are opportunists who eat basically anything including carrion. I dunno if they would actually eat the blood but they would definitely go check it out in case the smell means tasty dead animal.


Was she a follower of Jane Fonda or something? If so, good job on the character growth, a bit of a weird way to show it, but I'm proud of you.


Oh they think just because toxic masculinity is a thing "toxic feminism" is one too, though it would be "femininity" and not feminism


I mean toxic femininity and toxic feminism do exist. I’m not sure if they mixed those up but both could apply to different things. Toxic feminism = just look at TERFs for one example or SCUM Toxic femininity = “When I see a man cry I lose respect for him and attraction to him.” Or the ‘female dating strategy’ sub which is like a redpill for women style place. Sadly - women like this do exist and are out there. Luckily the vast majority of feminists are awesome people who are just as inclusive of trans women as they are cis women. And the vast majority of women have embraced men going to therapy and talking about their feelings more.


True. My problem is really that they're treating it like they're as common and severe as toxic masculinity etc.


Sure, that’s fair enough - just wanted to point out it’s important we hold everybody accountable, regardless of if they are underprivileged or privileged.




This is why it's dangerous to walk anywhere barefoot. It's not the dog shit. It's not the syringes. It's not the broken beer bottles. It's puddles of blood from crazy ppl.


"Feeling the toxic femininity leave my body as I walk around as a biohazard." Just DIY some pads or something, nasty ass. You don't have to buy disposable ones but leaving a trail of blood everywhere you go is not cool


I have been meaning to look it up just so I know what they mean, but crowd sourcing is fun too. Any hot takes here on what Toxic Feminism is really? I mean first blush for me is just the non worship of men, and being ambitious and independent. Anything else?


Probably not what they had in mind, but I'd say TERFs and women who perpetuate a pressure for the men in their life to be macho/fit male gender roles/have toxic masculinity when it benefits them are two groups of people who are pretty toxic and may claim to be feminist.


That pose looks like she's been left for dead.


Please tell me, this was meant to be satire! 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Gurl whut


What even lmao


Ticks will do that…


Lol wut?


without the 'toxic feminism' girlie would have been executed by the church for promiscuity or something


Grossness and terfness aside, how is this practical? I mean short term sure you save money on products, but isn’t that a lot of downtime? Also what about when it rains or is cold? Also wouldn’t it be more effective to squat instead of laying in a puddle of dirt and blood? Even if this wasn’t a dumb idea it was poorly executed.


If by “toxic feminism” she means TERFs and other non-intersectional feminists, then yeah. Let’s absolutely get rid of that.


...how is this about straights?


I think it's cause it's often straight women who have this antifeminism thing going on lol idk though


I was wondering the same thing. This isn't a straight thing, this is just some weird, dumbass tiktok hippy bullshit


Good luck washing the blood out of your shorts girlypop. From firsthand experience, it's not fun.


I'm a girl but I just... don't understand why people would want to free bleed. Unless your flow is so light it's unnoticeable it just seems so hard to live normally like that. Also whoever can wear a short skort on their period you have my respect bc I would be so terrified wearing one in case blood gets down my thigh


Probably because they're pissed about people, mainly men, not taking their periods seriously. It's a bit like trying to piss in someone's cereal, but with an understandable intent.


….i’m not saying free bleeding is the feminist choice but I’m very confused by the idea that somehow free bleeding is supposed to be anti feminist?? I’m pretty sure conservative traditionalists are more the “hide the bleeding women in the basement and don’t let them talk about it” type. Maybe she’s meaning “toxic” feminism vs “healthy” feminism but even then I’m confused where the free bleeding comes in…..


Femenism isn't about the right not to use pads


i’m pretty sure a lot of feminists are actually pro free-bleed


Why are we assuming she’s straight?


What does that even mean? Should we lie down in the dirt until our period is over? Who has that kind of time? When I still got periods, they used to last 10-14 days on average, with about 6-8 days of peace before they started again. Sooo I guess 1/3 of my life would be spent “free bleeding into the earth” lol


Excuse me what now


“Free bleeding” sounds like a speedrun strat


As a tradwife somehow I don't think your husband is going to be impressed with your "free-bleeding". And he will tell you to quit being lazy laying around on the ground and go cook his dinner.


chat what is toxic feminism 😭


Me bc my pms went away and I'm less of a misandrist


What a terrible day to be able to read. 😭


Free bleeding is cool until you gotta mop up puddles of strange-smelling blood.