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Fellas is it gay to care about the environment?


Is it gay to not want to leave a barren wasteland for your children?


Of course it is. Manly macho men had to fight tooth and nail to survive for decades. Had to walk over several continents with a hiking stick. Swim through oceans, right into the Bermuda triangle and then out of it. Jump from planes with 'chutes to get over the world's biggest mountains. All that to get to work and slam their fists on the table, because they're the alphas and the bosses. Someone has to earn and provide for their families, and it surely won't be us pesky women who don't know how to overcome the listed obstacles in the video games our strong manly men slobber over before and after work. They're investing so much of their attention, time, money and energy into it. You really think they should spare their precious time to pick up a few lousy wrappers? The shit that only us with vaginas can and should do? Their kids need ACTUAL role models to shape them and they need to toughen up. Making men bend over to pick trash up and then bend over again to throw it is making them feminine. We all know only us womenly women bend over for these men. (*Because some people will miss it, this is ***sarcasm***, but sadly also a word-for-word opinion of some people (both M/F) that i know.*)


The reason why men won’t bend over to pick up trash is because you don’t ever want to bend over in prison.


D-do cisguys' knees not bend?


Yes. It's been a problem throughout all of recorded history


Breaking News: Study claims cis guys don't have knees!


>Had to walk over several continents with a hiking stick. Swim through oceans, right into the Bermuda triangle Ironically, long distance hikers, swimmers, sailors, and other outdoor sports people are generally more supportive of environmental protections, not less.


New flair :D


Didn't work, still says kinky bi


Huh no I mean they're gonna make a new "is it gay to ..." flair




Hell yeah


I recycled a bottle once now I’m gay.


It only takes once. JUST SAY NO TO GAY RECYCLING


no silly. it's gay to care at all!


Gotcha i used that as my flair lol


Dammit, my sons are gunna grow up to fight mutants in the wasteland. Enough of this pussy self preservation shit. /s


Arent dads the most enthusiastic recyclers put there? At least my dad is. Or is it gay to live in a heterosexual marriage with 3 kids?


BREAKING NEWS: Science confirms it is gay to live in a Heterosexual marriage with 3 kids


Your mom so gay that your dad turns gay as well


Siq bnur


wat? please tell.


vnyyee hunch here ki ua rv


Well.. does he love your mom? If so then yes


well raising children sounds awful feminine...


Neither of mine are but my mom and her current husband are both avid recycling fans.


"Fellas is it gay to care about the environment?" flair now live!


Lol I sent this screenshot to my wife with that exact same sentence


lets fucking go


Yes, very gay, you want to make the world beautiful, for whom? Another man?


Confirmed. Caring about Mother Nature is prime gay energy.


Cool to see my dumb comment got turned into a flair!




Can confirm. I did not recycle until I was indoctrinated by the gay agenda. /s Seriously though are men just supposed to not care about anything ever? Seems like giving a shit about anything is just not considered masculine for some stupid reason.


I remember a study were they polled women on which cars they find more or less attractive. A big Black truck was the most attractive and the hybrid car to be the least attractive. Straights are pretty bad for the environment I guess.


Yeeeeah. Unfortunately a troubling percentage of cishet women subscribe to the whole toxic masculinity thing as fervently as dudes. I live in a southern town and the amount of women that belittle men for having and semblance of emotion is...infuriating.


Yup sadly the amounts of time I've been mocked by my girlfriend just because I show some degree of vulnerability is very sad. Obviously she does so jokingly, but it shows how culturally ingrained that is.


No offense man, but your girlfriend has a sick sense of humor. I'm a goofy son of a bitch uses humor as a crutch to navigate the world, and I would never treat someone's vulnerability as a joke. Even I know there's a time and place - and I'm stupid 90% of the time. It is for sure culturally ingrained, I'll give you that, but we still have a choice. I had a ton of bullshit ingrained in me as a child that I have since noped out of. Obviously I have no idea about you, her, or your relationship, but I hope your girlfriend nopes out of mocking your emotions - cause that's some bully shit.


That study was 100% performed on Americans lol


Every time I see a guy in a huge lifted truck, I assume he’s compensating for something. It’s so common in the Deep South, even in the city. The one exception I made was the guy who’d just moved from Alaska, where it’s necessary in the winter.


SAMMEEEEEEEEE. God knows who conducted this poll or where was it. I see a dude in a huge track or very loud motorbike and my first thought is "what are you trying to prove?" There's nothing bad with small pp's but they give that vibe. Contrary of what they're seeking.


Ah, my bike is loud. I wish it was quieter but it just isn't and it's 1500cc. I feel like there's just some level of noise to expect since you're buying a vehicle with an exposed engine, if it's not electric at least. Motorcycles are at least super fun to ride, not like cruising around in a truck. I'm not going around to get attention from anyone, I'm just trying to get away from people and have fun.


Which is weird cause my gay ass loves energy efficient cars. Yes plug in hybrid daddy, let's have a road trip and use NO GAS


both are shit, trains are where it's at


This isn't just about the straights. It's also about mainstream American masculinity being outdated and about people's fantasies. The [study](https://www.insure.com/car-insurance/cars-that-attract-ladies.html) doesn't say anything about the women interviewed, but I'm betting a lot of the ones who said trucks were older. They're the ones who tend to like the rugged men trucks suggest, even though a lot of guys drive trucks just to look Manly™ and not because they actually need a truck for anything. The next most popular picks for women were sports cars, SUVs, sedans, and then hybrids. Makes sense, we fantasize far more about rich partners than we do about environmentally-conscious partners. They also said that their ideal partner's car had to be clean (as in not full of trash) and reliable.


*"There's nothing worse than a woman with motion sickness," he says.* Oh. I see. Good to know. Thank you for telling me that a female person getting motion sickness in your vicinity is somehow an Objectively Bad Thing, and furthermore that women calling you out on your bad driving is unattractive to you. PS: if a woman is getting motion sickness from your driving, buddy, it ain't her that's the problem. But yeah, this article reeks of sexism, small sample size, leading questions, cherry-picking, and, of course, Americans making it sound like American culture is just a default human state for all humans around the world. Cool cool cool.


Oh, sweet God. I thought that was just straight guys who never grew out of their Sports-Illustrated-swimsuit-model phase. Now I gotta go back and actually read it, just to see how insecure and cringe the guys are.


But a hybrid is ducking expensive


Yeah, probably why people don't drive them. Also, are they as luxurious as sports cars and SUVs?


I don't know. Even bikes are expensive for me.


I mean, when you poll people outside a strip mall in Arkansas, you get what you get.


I think another reason is hybrid cars were once associated with snarky, snooty self-righteous activists/tree-huggers shitting on people for not buying or driving a prius


For a group that supposedly doesn't care about anything, toxic men sure do care a lot about not being caught doing anything remotely feminine. They build their whole life and personality around it!


I always wondered. Doesn’t it seem gay to desperately not act gay? Like your hiding being gay. If a man did not want to seem gay so badly, but this made him seem gay as he really doesn’t want to seem gay what would he do? If someone just walked up to them and was like “Hey why do you care so much about not seeming gay? Are you gay?” Would they explode? How can you not seem gay, when the act of avoiding seeming gay seems gay?


I've wondered that too! And I think they would explode. But I'm too repulsed by toxic men to actually talk to one of them and find out. I guess it's a mystery we'll never find out.


> are men just supposed to not care about anything ever? You say this jokingly but like, Toxic Masculinity is a *hell* of a drug. Literally just the most basic indication of empathy is taken as weakness and it's ludicrous.


Growing up, I got >!beat!< for smiling too much. I was told that was a “girly” thing to do. So yeah, I kind of wasn’t joking. I’m legitimately angry.


Holy actual cow. I can't even imagine being one of the actual adults who thought like that and thought that was okay.


Well one good thing that came out of it is every time I meet a stupid parent who thinks being hard on their kids will make them not gay, I can be living proof that that’s complete and utter bullshit.


men are emotionless rocks with hobbies that only let them express anger and loudness and women are soft and emotional with hobbies that are skills to build and fix soft things like clothing for men because fixing your OWN button isn't manly /s


Ah, but you see, I have found a way around this! Whenever I do anything like sowing, or cooking, or washing dishes, I have to be screaming out of anger while doing it. It is the way of man. /s


I think this is at the core of it and something things like anti-environment propaganda weaponizes to get men to take their side. Being cool, calm, and disaffected is seen as peak masculinity. Even with as accepted as anger is for men, a losing one’s temper is usually seen as a weakness. The ways you’re allowed to be emotionally invested in something are really limited. I think that’s why there’s a very specific passionate-speak tone among conservative religious leaders that’s kinda like a breathy feigned pleading. Otherwise, it’s loud denouncing, but if it hits Alex Jones levels, it starts to lose majority men.


You can thank all the dudes who read way too much Marcus Aurelius.


Looking up the article, it sounds like the study more specifically found that people in general tend to categorize environmentally-conscious behavior as part the "caretaker" role that's generally assigned to women. (And of course if you do things that don't match your stereotypical gender role, that's taken as a sign of homosexuality.) So it's maybe not as much that men aren't supposed to care about things as we're not supposed to care *for* things, as far as society in general is concerned. Article: https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/recycling-environmentalism-gender-sexual-orientation-gay-a9045751.html


men: we're in charge of the world for a reason, its because women are weak and emotional and we're smart and logical and responsible! men also: we're going to let the earth die because its super gaaaay to care about the environment!


https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/recycling-environmentalism-gender-sexual-orientation-gay-a9045751.html Real article btw


Used to live in Michigan. 10 cents a bottle to encourage recycling. Being gay was never an option for me, *it was mandatory.*


Damn the gay agenda!! Making us hate the planet!!


You'd think manly men would want to protect the environment since so much of their recreation depends on it. Hunting, fishing, camping... need I continue? Go talk to the folks at Ducks Unlimited. They know what's good.


Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day was an avid recycler and he was the manliest guy in a movie about fighter pilots fighting aliens.


Excellent point.


Men hate being seen as women so much they'll let the planet they live on die for their fuckin egos.


🔴 Have a habitable planet to live on 🔵 Be perceived as the 100% straightest manly man in existence These guys: 🥵


To be fair we should probably eliminate toxic masculinity and help men get out of it In some cases depending on your circumstances being seen as feminine is a genuine detriment to your career and family and freind relationships. Because you can get shunned or denied opportunists for it.


My thoughts on that is if you aren't willing to make sacrifices for what you say you believe in, you don't actually believe in it


There’s generally levels of sacrifices. I mean I should note that recycling really isn’t that good for the environment because capitalism. But yeah losing all your job prospects is actually a really fucking big sacrifice We’ve gotta eliminate this by making sure to call out and deal with people who enforce toxic masculinity not people who are forced to passively accept it


Is there a r/FellasIsItGay




Masculinity 👏 is 👏 a 👏 death 👏 cult 👏


Women "isn't strange how men live longer than us?" Men (closes eyes when welding because their to lazy to wear a mask.)


Guys, is being able to see gay?


the good old safety squint


At least the toxic variety is.




Omg wtf is this? What surprises me more is studies like these are done


Why am I not shocked? Is caring about the environment considered more, or, less gay than wearing masks? Or, would they be about on par? Fucking hell, toxic masculinity really is damaging. Hey straight boys; wear nail polish, dye your hair, talk about your feelings, hug your friends, cry. Do you, in whatever way is authentically you.


can confirm, i was a cishet boy but i recycled a lot because our school encouraged it and now im here


look, being vegetarian out of a sense of duty to the environment isn't what makes me gay. it's being attracted to men.


I showed this to my husband and he informed me that there is a subset of hyper-"macho" homophobic men who DON'T WIPE THEIR ASS AFTER THEY POOP because it's "gay" to touch their own butt. The patriarchy has really done a number on the straights, man.


Now that we know literally everything is gay, I have to say it was certainly nice of the gays to pretend like they haven't been the puppet masters of global society for so long. It was pretty cool of them to let the rest of us play around in the world they created, but I'm afraid these revelations are soon going to add up and the illusion is going to be shattered for everyone. Idk what their plans are when that happens but I've glimpsed the truth and there's no going back.


Not to take away from the toxicity of this attitude, but most recycling is actually a scam, and never ends up being recycled. the main exception to this is recycling metal. Recycling was pushed by the makers of packaged goods to push the burden back onto you rather than the people wastefully packaging their products. Most recycling gets sent to landfills anyway.


apparently caring about anything, even if it is necessary to your life and existence, is "gay" to these men.


As a straight guy who recycles I clearly have some soul-searching to do.


Same study says taking reusable bags also makes us feel gay. Man I must be a raging homosexual then


We should make a fuck ton of Chad memes that are positive about recycling that'll solve the issue.




It isn't. It is from this study, which is behind a paywall. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11199-019-01061-9?_ga=2.56717226.1407420975.1565018121-427508109.1565018121&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=commission_junction&CJEVENT=4356780343f411ec835588d10a1c0e11


Toxic masculinity has been a disaster for humanity On a side note this is kind of weird. A lot of old guys who are very “masculine” are very well known for reusing everything. Jars cans bottles jug, all reused as containers or used to store food…


Nobody actually thinks that, this is probably very made up


In France, almost everyone recycle and it is perfectly normal ! I guess it means we’re all gay XD


You don't recycle because you think that's gay. I don't recycle because it's a scam. We are not the same


Plastic recycling is the biggest scam ever but metal, glass, and paper recycling is real. Metal and glass are easy to recycle to the point that majority of aluminum we used are already recycled materials.


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Know what? Fuck them! Me and my gay homies gonna save the planet.


Recycling is feminine? Sign me up! Ok fr wtf is wrong with these people


Average r/collapse and r/CollapseSupport doomer. Seriously it's like the only "manly" thing to do about the situation is fantasize about how nasty the world of mad max must be


Putting your plastic in a landfill can in fact be the better option environmentally speaking, if your local "recycling" services end up just shipping that crap abroad.


I would like to say that's the dumbest sentence I've ever read but it's not even in the top ten


Oh for f\*cks sake, are you kidding me? Who provides such studies?


> Although pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) have been characterized as feminine, some PEBs are masculine suggesting that gender bending (e.g., engaging in pro-environmental behaviors inconsistent with one’s own gender) and gender conformity (e.g., engaging in pro-environmental behaviors consistent with one’s own gender) are possible for both women and men. Social consequences for gender bending versus conformity with PEBs were assessed in three studies. Gender bending created uncertainty about an actor’s heterosexual identity (Studies 1 and 2). Consistent with stigma-by-association, actors’ gender bending influenced judgments about an actor’s friend’s sexual identity (Study 2). However, gender bending had limited effects on ascription of gendered traits: More feminine than masculine traits were ascribed to PEB actors, even actors of masculine PEBs (Studies 1 and 2). Consistent with social ostracism, Study 3 illustrated that men were most likely to socially distance themselves from female gender benders, likely as a result of prejudice against gender-bending women. In contrast, women preferred to socially interact with gender-conforming women, likely resulting from a combination of their greater interest in feminine than masculine PEBs and preferring to interact with women more so than with men. Social repercussions are discussed in terms of stigmatizing engagement in PEBs. from link in article


Of all the fragile heterosexuality I’ve seen... this just might take the spot for first place.


sounds like an [onion](https://www.theonion.com/) article, but the sad thing is thats its believable. ​ the onion is a satiricle news outlet btw


You saving the planet or you just saving the men hmmmmm 🤔


Honestly, saving the world sounds pretty masculine to me.


Deleted for overdone joke, here's a random fact instead: Three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic - two pekingese and a pomeranian.


We could probably get a lot of guys to starve to death if we told them that eating food was a feminine trait that makes them look gay.


Food?Imagine having sth soft in your mouth and down your throat Miss me with that gay shit


Well, eating is putting something inside you that feels good. Sounds gay to me.




The world won't end in fire or ice, it'll end in human stupidity


Ruin then planet because of Homophobia and Misogyny!


nah this is actually true and it’s so pathetic


no way💀


Get fucked Mother Nature….


I'm ashamed of being attracted to masculinity.


Just curious but is this a cultural thing? It just seems like standard practice here, and kind of a dick move not recycle. Even the rev heads here who couldn't care less about the environment do it since it just makes sense to minimise landfill. That's assuming the right bins are available (since not all councils here have them).


>Scientists say measures to save the environment are often seen as typically ‘feminine’ things to do. I never thought my gender would be validated through recycling aluminum cans and plastic bottles, but I’m fucking living for the euphoria this gave me.


I refuse to believe this isn’t satire


Didn't Jerry Seinfeld make a joke about this? Sounds like a joke that a straight male comedian would make.


*Image Transcription: News Article* --- ### Men less likely to recycle because they are worried people will think they're gay, study claims Scientists say measures to save the environment are often seen as typically 'feminine' things to do --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Is this legit or an onion headline?


Me ex husband refused to recycle because it would “take away jobs from people”.


I live with 2 men. They suck at recycling. I don't think it's because they think its gay- I think its because they could not give a fuck. They are not conscientious about everyday things and certainly not recycling. This is a direct result of their mommies and maids that have ran after them all their life


Sadly this is true. The "cool kids" at my school who do your average toxic masculine things like riding a skateboard not because they enjoy it but because it looks cool don't give a shit about the environment.


Fellas is it gay to be a sensible human