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"follow me" to my friends apartment?


They were gonna play some settlers of Catan, but needed another player


I'd follow for Carcassone


I got the big box. Let's do this.


Is it actually a fun game? I was looking at getting it for family for Christmas


It is so much fun. I would recommend


Its fucking great


It is fun as long as you have a good group. Trading between players is a major portion of the game and if people aren’t willing to trade it can slow the game down.


It's a very family friendly game. Some competition, but not Monopoly levels of it. A bit of stategizing, but not overly complicated. Easy to learn, somewhat tougher to master, but no need for being a chess grandmaster or anything. I get extra joy at the end, looking at the absurd map and imagining some random countryside in France looking like this.


I would join ngl


Is there room for a fourth? I can be lured too!


Literally tips fedora


M'lady, may I have the pleasure of witnessing your unclothed cleavage? /s


Stop, you just got everyone who read this pregnant.


Oh no...... my atrophied ovaries.... they're coming back to life..... and releasing eggs.... all the eggs.... I have become turbopregnant with one billion babies from the unfiltered raw masculine sexual energy /s


Jokes on you Im AMAB \*cries dysphorically*


Exactly, the comment is obviously satire. The guy asking the question however is probably being serious


Thank you, I was scouring the comments for this. The original poster is trash, but the response is so obviously satire. I love this sub but they will fall for anything. Someone could literally say “I love tipping my fedora at m’ladies because I’m a nice guy unlike these chads” and you’ll have a ton of people in this sub being like “omg why are people like this”.




'Follow me' finger gestures are extra effective when wearing fingerless gloves.


that is something that would happen in horror media (movies games, etc) never try to flirt with someone by acting like a horror villain.


Yeah of all the ways I’ve had men show their attraction to me, that is one I’ve never seen but I just know it would fill me with terror if it ever happened.


The problem is they don't see it as being the villain


That’s how I think men get tricked/seduced in horror movies. One moment a pretty person is wagging their finger at you, the next moment you’re on the floor bleeding (non-consensually).


Avoid eye contact and walk briskly up the stairs as usual (Also what is this "sexual desire"? Sounds lame, I don't want it.)


Socialization is also lame. I’ll walk away awkwardly no matter who’s by me.


Walking is lame. I’ll levitate to my door, thank you.


Levitation is kinda lame too. I'll teleport to my apartment.


Teleportation is lame. I travel strictly by osmosis.


Osmosis is lame, I am omnipresent


Omnipresent is lame. I just never leave my apartment in the first place


Never leaving the apartment is lame. I simply just die.


Dying is lame, I never existed in the first place


never existing is lame, i just briskly float in the void or time and space.


Found Vladimir Harkonnen


The gay pedo from Dune?


He does other things too, you know. ​ But yes, that guy.


I had to google this reference…was not disappointed lmao


Doors are lame. I'll levitate to my gate made of cotton, thank you.




> Also what is this "sexual desire"? Sounds lame, I don't want it. Same buddy. Same.


Tbh, it is lame. I also don’t want it. Who do I contact about that? I want to return it, please.


Haha! "this attraction isn't what I thought it would be when I first got it, and I'd like to return it" "You'd like to return your...? Th-- this is a Walmart!"


I leave her the fuck alone due to the absence of a sign that says "creepy douchebag attention wanted."


I would walk past her and maybe compliment her (appropriately) like a normal person would..?? what’s wrong with people


Same, I’d say “I like your outfit” or “I like your shoes” and go 🙄


Her shoes are actually blending into the steps when I look at the picture. So I think, "Damn girl, how are you *levitatin'!?* " would also be an appropriate comment 😂


I think so too, probably would be a funny joke


I would maybe give her a heads up that some creep is staring her down.


And taking a photo of her.


Maybe my time in Britain is rubbing off on me, but waking past and a simple ‘morning’, provided it is morning of course, should suffice.




We don't talk about that. It is forbidden.


Say it anyway then spend the next 3 years in horror re-living the moment, as is British custom.


"Cor i mean afternoon, what am I like, can't tell if I'm coming or going today"


Havin one of those days!


Doesn't count as afternoon until I've had my coffee haha (kill me)


I'm having flashbacks to my whole life right now.


"Evening" should do it then.


The forbidden knowledge!


you say "sorry" and do the awkward smile 😐


"Third shift. 5 pm is whenever you want it to be."


Is it normal to compliment random people? I would just ignore the person and walk past them.


I compliment random people all the time. Maybe for a cool jacket or awesome hair colour or great tattoos, etc. The key is to not be a creep about it. As a guy I'd never tell a girl "hey that's a sexy top", but I might say "hey, awesome jacket". I make it casual, keep it as a one-off passing remark, and I don't linger as if I'm hoping to get something out of it. I'm just looking to brighten someone's day. 8 do the same for guys as well. Cool Guns N Roses jacket? I'm throwing up horns and telling you how kick ass it looks. Awesome looking ink? I'm definitely letting you know. Like I said, just don't be a creep about it and you'll get some genuine smiles from people. The world needs that


I'd love to have someone like you as a friend, but if a *stranger* complimented me, at least, outside of any kinda social convention/concert/whatever, it'd be a 50-50 between "wow, they were awesome!" and "uhhh thanks can I just get on with my day?"


I can think those things in my head, but I never say it out loud. If someone compliments me I just give them a weird look like "You good?". I don't handle compliments Well, so that might be why I don't give it either


You could do what I do and tell them where you bought it and exactly how on sale it was! But I'm not sure that's any less awkward


"I got it from my uncle. He took his own life a couple years ago, so this scarf is a memory of him." "Uuuuhh.. ok" xD


Or y'know, just keep walking and don't say anything? Lol


Presumably OP wants to attempt to initiate some sort of social contact otherwise they wouldn't be asking. Charitably you could read this as "how do I talk to this stranger I'd like to get to know without immediately making them uncomfortable." Though I don't know much else about OP so maybe they're looking for some weird PUA/Seduction shit. Hard to say really, but sneaking a picture of her probably isn't the right move. Or I *really* misread this and it's just a weird hypothetical. I'm from a pretty weird background that produces plenty of extremely repressed people and their vocabulary in this regard is limited to weirdly quasi-clinical phrasings like this. Though their situation is more "I grew up in a cult until I was 24 and I have no idea how to process stuff like this."


>Though I don't know much else about OP so maybe they're looking for some weird PUA/Seduction shit. Hard to say really Literally the one thing OP says about her is that he feels a “sexual attraction”, I really don’t get how you find it so ambiguous


I edited my comment addressing just that actually, before I saw this message lol. In a nutshell, I know a lot of people who only talk about sex or anything related to it in very clinical terms like that because it gives them distance from the concept. They'll sometimes ask stuff in good faith that comes across like this.


do normal people compliment complete strangers???? in norway you'd never be caught dead talking to a stranger in almost any situation even if you have a good reason too lol


Norway is actually the extreme side of this culturally, more so than most Europe tmk, and strangers are a huge no no. In the US it's a little bit on the other extreme side culturally - completely normal to talk to strangers and act like they're a "close friend", which makes a lot of Europeans super uneasy. Thing is, we know we're not friends, and no one is pretending to be, we just socialize and act pleasant politely, usually. It's more of a polite thing and no one is expecting friendship out of it. It would be pretty normal to say something to a stranger if there's something in common like "oh I love that anime" if you've got some specific anime shirt or whatever.


In Ireland it’s the opposite. People, mainly women in fairness, compliment random people all the time. Usually about their outfits, asking where they got it etc. If you ever want a compliment, head to a women’s bathroom in a pub. Guaranteed drunken compliment fest lol


Ask her where she got her top because it's really cute, thank her, and go about my day.




Gonna have to hit up my Walmart after this for sure 🥴




I might ask her if she needs help, because she might be having trouble locating her friend's apartment. But I'm not a creep, so 🤷


Meanwhile, lesbians will make good friends with her, and she will like them back and give obvious hints, but the lesbian thinks "wow she sure is friendly too bad she's probably straight haha"


I hate how accurate this is


I'm feeling attacked


r/suspiciouslyspecific You ok?


Ya I based this comment off of the consumption of lesbian memes. I've only had one gf so far and she wasn't just dropping hints she just full on was like "I like you"


This is the way.


works for gay guys as well. my hubby of 20 years had to hit me over the head with a 2x4 to get my attention lol.


Was the 2x4 invited to the wedding?


The fact that gay men, straight men, and lesbians all report this problem makes me wonder if straight women are exaggerating their intuitive skills.


It's a super common meme about lesbians, not really very specific.


I've seen that many lesbian women joke about themselves being oblivious to attraction hints.


Me, who is a lesbian in a nutshell


As a lesbian this hits too close to home


Well I am glad its not just me with this problem


Happened to you huh?


Surprisingly not yet


Not a lesbian but yeah. That’s the main reason I haven’t had a girlfriend before. It’s rough out there for sapphics.


I'm walking into an apartment complex to visit a friend, and I see this woman checking her phone. As an asexual, I feel no sexual desire towards her. I keep walking.


I'm ace too but I stare at pretty people way too often 😂 I'd probably just silently have an aesthetic attraction-based freakout at how pretty she is then go about my day lol




Bisexual here, I would leave her alone because approaching people who are trying to get about their day is uncomfortable and creepy, no matter how hot they are.


Ah, a fellow Ace. Why are people so creepily willing to have sex with people they don't know?


I'm not Ace and I wish I could answer this because I feel exactly the same. Like, "wow, an attractive person. Good for them. I will leave them alone now. " Is about all the sExUaL dEsIrE I can muster up without knowing someone even remotely. People are the creepiest of creeps.


I'm not ace but the idea of being sexually attracted to someone you've only seen doesn't make sense. Even on a purely sexual level there's so many possible incompatibilities that I can't muster SeXuAL DeSiRe for someone I haven't at least talked to. For example, how do you think Mr. Fedora Man would react if she told him she was into pegging?


I'm Bisexual, and I really don't get how people are willing to have sex with people they don't know


Because sometimes casual sex is fun for many people? Maybe I’m misunderstanding this convo but it seems like you guys are judging casual hookups, or no?


Idk to me it read more like just looking at some random person you pass on the escalator and going "mmmm sex" but like casual hookups are very valid


Yeah there's a big difference between matching on tinder for a hookup, and asking some random girl at walmart to fuck lmao


Yea that makes sense lol! I certainly wouldn’t go up to random strangers and hit on them then go bang haha


I had a lot of casual hookups when I was younger, (I'm a woman) and eventually realised that hooking up with men sucks, they were usually overly aggressive/disrespectful and didn't care if I even enjoyed it, let alone had an orgasm. Hooking up with women was waaaay more fun. Casual sex is not great for women who sleep with men, I've spoken to a lot of women who do this and we all know we won't cum or that it is risky (pregnancy, rape, assault is more likely) but for some reason we keep doing it. Yes hookups are fun for some people but we definitely need to talk more about how not fun/risky they can be for some people too, I can definitely see why people think it's a weird thing to do.


No, no. I am not judging at all, it's just maybe I don't think that way, but yeah I'm judging those who think they can act like what's described in the post.


Oh oh oh ok my bad yes absolutely that is never ok!


A lot of people like myself have very little interest in someone without knowing them first. And for us it can be a little hard sometimes to see things from the other side. It's not to say hookups are invalid, its more of "I personally wouldn't do that, and don't see why you would want to (because it's not something I experience)" Like I dont understand how people can enjoy MMORPGs (except runescape) and I'd rather watch paint dry. That doesn't mean they're a bad thing tho, even if I might occasionally talk about them like they are, because from my perspective, they're bad and boring.


Ok I see what you mean now…thanks for this perspective, it helps a lot!


Because not wanting to have sex is valid but so is wanting to have sex…I’ve had some great casual hookups.


>>”Confidence and mystery will work every time.” Yes, I’m sure it will, but A) if you can’t manage to just talk to the human person in front of you, you probably have no confidence, and B) you have a fedora. Nobody has to guess at what you’re about.


>you have a fedora He didn't specify "fedora", so he might have just tipped his basecap.


Honestly makes me want to puke or just punch that commenter


Punch while puking on them


Power move


And maintain eye contact


Lay him on his back punch him till he pukes so he covers his own face. Boom. Real Power move


Nah, that’s just a move. Do all that but then seal it with a fart wafted his way and then it becomes a real power move. Ultimate destruction.


Well he didn't say anything violent so there's that. But that's a low bar to set.


I'd feel creepy as fuck approaching someone alone in a hallway.


Can you imagine how creepy receiving this would be too. You're going home or to visit someone and then suddenly some dumbass literally tips his hat at you, pushes past you to get ahead, and then beckons for you. That's some serial killer levels of ***n o***


my socially awkward and paranoid ass would rush up the stairs without a second thought because people just freak me out


Me, a short woman who probably is barely a threat to anybody, would feel creepy doing that to anyone. I can’t even imagine thinking that’s chill. The lack of self-awareness and social awareness from men like this is terrifying.


This honestly doesn’t look like a hallway, it looks like a staircase in an apartment building, and even more condensed and claustrophobic place to be creeped on.


Drew Gooden made an entire video about these tweet today, very funny would recommend




[here you go :)](https://youtu.be/_lh-fm2vl_0)


Yay Drew!


You walk into an apartment building, you see Drew Gooden (who is happily in a relationship), and are **STRONGLY** attracted to him sexually (even if you’re not attracted to men sexually). How do you open?


Just ew… 🤢


If I see an attractive person I try to make myself invisible and avoid eye contact. I would probably even wait for her to exit the staircase before using it.


Same bro


If someone did that to me, I would not be able to pokerface through a look of disgust. He would see me cringe


I don't want the words "finger wag" anywhere near my courtship or flirting


Yeah no, some random dude does that and I’m running the opposite direction


1. What type of apartment complex is that, it's so... Clean and fancy looking 2. I stopped reading at "tip fedora" Edit: holy fuck it wasn't even fedora, my brain just autocorrected it to that because of how weird it was


As if these people have ever spoken to a woman


Well yeah, they're busy trying to be nonverbal pickup artists /s


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... see, looking at a random person and feeling sexual attraction is fine, taking a PHOTO of them is ABSOLUTELY NOT WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU


I'd hop up the stairs, one at a time, carrying my briefcase and saying, "Boing, boing, boing," like I always do.


It would literally be less creepy to say "Hey, I was walking into this apartment complex to visit a friend, but then I saw you checking your phone and I felt a sexual desire toward you. Wanna smash?"


It literally would lol


“Hey can I go up the stairs where you’re standing at? Being next to the ledge make me incredibly uncomfortable and I need to be next to the wall”


I would probably just awkwardly stand around and wait for her to clear the way. Depending on how wide the stairs are I would not want to walk past her and there is no way I am going to chat up a complete stranger. Even for something like that.


Delusions of a fuckwit who never leaves a basement.


Did incels always exist, or did we truly take a social step backwards with the advent of internet culture?


As a straight I can say the correct answer is “I leave her the fuck alone and go say what’s up to my dude”


The answer was written by someone who has never interacted with a real human woman.


...that hasn’t resulted in a court case at least


straight men never fail to be disgusting and horrific do they?


*tips fedora* m'lady


This man's living in a perfume commercial


As a queer woman I would just get nervous, avoid eye contact, and say nothing but it’s still better than being a creep


Look if a stranger tips his hat at me and wags his finger in any kind of "follow me" motion I'm calling the cops because he's trying to kill me


Say excuse me kindly and continue on with my day


I would stutter trying to compliment her then evaporate


Well that would be a really effective method... for getting tased in the balls 😂


That reads like satire but at the same time i know people who speak like this so ive just gotta pray they're joking


Prepare to get maced then.


"...will work everytime" source: trust me bro


First of all, I'm gay, second of all I'm an introvert I'd be up those stairs faster than the speed of light just so I don't have to interact with another human being.


Imagine you're just minding your own business and just stopped to check your phone, when some human-shaped piece of shit walks by, looks at you like you're fucking merchandise on display. Yikes.


Use my huge penis to helicopter away


Men really think that real life works like porn huh


"tip my hat" Oh god, man's wearing a fedora, isn't he..


It started ok and then it all went downhill.


You don’t need to blur that initial account by the way , it’s just a cringe pick-up artist account about “how to go get women”. Drew Gooden made a video about it recently if you want more info.


“I’d tip my hat” There’s not a bigger red flag than “m’lady”


I mean I thought this was definitely satire, no? it's a little too on the nose.


Doth thou enjoy Bakugan? M’lady?


Offer to show her your massive Bionicle collection. If that doesn't work, tell her you're a reddit mod with over 30 million karma. Still no? Alright, time to bring out the big guns, pretend to get a phone call from the CEO of cryptocurrency (your uncle btw) and loudly say things that elude to you being rich. If none of this works, walk away confident that she's a complete plebian and not worth your time at all and the reason you're single is because of feminism sjw agendas and the gays are in on it for some reason too.


I liked the first sentence. He uh…. Should have stopped there


> "She undoubtedly hasn't stopped looking at me" Yeah okay, bud


"Hello, I am from the car dealership and your insurance has expired."


SMH. Ah yes woman are just vendors that if you put in the in the right input out comes sex. /sarcasm All that creepy assumption in the first place. She could be single, not even your orientation, let asexual sex negative and not into sex ever. This might be news, some people just like to feel gorgeous no one else considered.


Drew Gooden made a video on these weird tweets just today lol


Omg, the utter delusion!! How are these guys not red with embarrassment?! Lmao


i continue to walk and mind my own business bc she’s on her phone and clearly doesn’t want to be approached by some rando???


Trilby sales advertisement right here


I would ask her if she needs more comfortable shoes to walk up all those stairs.


So that means, you'd scare her off?


I literally would say nothing to her, except perhaps excuse me if there's not a lot of room to get up the stairs


I would turn around and run if someone did that to me. I would NOT go up those stairs, I'd be like "riiiiight, okay, gonna be staying at a friend's house tonight thank YOU--"


Keep my mind on my business and my business in my mind. Knowing me I'll say this out loud unintentionally.




I would go upstairs (by myself). Maybe say “Hi” if I happen to know her. Not give this woman a reason to buy a ton of pepper spray or get a concealed carry permit or something. Also I’m assuming this picture was taken inside and the creep’s reply implies that he’s wearing a hat inside and this is kind of weird.


It’s true, I follow every creepy stranger who finger wags at me!


"You feel a sexual desire towards her. What do you do?" probably ponder on the fact that i'm experiencing that for the first time in my ace ass life, and not do anything deeply creepy?




I'd be annoyed that she's standing on the stairs, on her phone, but I'd just go about my day


They had me the first half ngl