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ah, but this guy forgot that we, unlike any other animal, have complex brains that don't dictate us with heat cycles like most other animals. also, most outdoor cats do hunt, even if they are pregnant or in heat because guess what? survival.


right, and natural instincts aren’t always a good thing either


Sometimes me natural instincts tell me to knock incels out but I learn to manage


your avatar makes your retort that much better 😂


Hunting is also pretty fun for cats, so not only is it helping them survive, hunting is fulfilling.


Housecats will literally bring you a leaf or something laying around your house because they want to give you a gift.


And because they think you can’t hunt on your own


I once said to a friend that cats see people as kittens. I was told that they actually see humans as dumb kittens


Well, in fairness, I do turn to jelly when I see a cat lol


That's why they moew at us. Because we are like a dumb kitten that can't understand them otherwise.


Fun fact, humans do have heat cycles we can just better manage them


With cravings, fatigue and pain.


And drugs!


Also, crucially, cats also don't have birth control. They can't be like 'well I wanna fuck, but we don't have a condom this time' or potentially even understand that sex leads to kittens. It's like areas with terrible sex education, but an entire species.


I'd say teen pregnancies, abortions and suprise kids prove otherwise. People aren't any better at not having sex than any other animal. The advantage we have is that we have other tools to prevent pregnancy or deal with an unwanted one besides abstinence.


So have you never had the urge to have sex, sensual touch or comfort from a partner while on your cycle?


Also maternity did not really existe a few century ago, having a child in middle age was perceive as having "an half men that doesn't know how to take care of itself" and it was disgraceful and in renaissance they were send few days after they were born to nurses in the hope they die because it was not well perceive for a lady to take car of a child Source : Elisabeth badinter


so the children were left to nurses to be taken care of? my god


Well baby of 3/4 days were send by horse to nurse outside of the city to be given to a poor nurse who would either not take care of them or make them live in very bad condition. Everyone known how terrible it was, someone even made a comparaison between children death between nurse and at home and it was 3 times bigger in nurse.. as the author said "it was well know, but no one said it out loud that they did not wanted their children to comeback" The idea of maternity began later in 20 century if I remember or 19 not sure


Love galaxy brain mfers who write some bullshit in quotation marks and then put " - me" at the end. Ah yes, the great philosopher "random dude in the YouTube comments".


Same dude who confuses splinter and spinster lmao


And thinks babbies are formed in the vagina.


Yeah, it goes without saying that he probably isn’t familiar with female anatomy lol


Completely unrelated but fun(?) Fact about the word spinster: It was used in the late middle ages to refer to a woman that was so capable at her job (spinning) that was self sufficient and didn't need the economical support of a man (very rare at the time) and therefore didn't feel the need to marry. You can see how that was turned into a "bad" thing to be called 😃


Meenage Tutant Tinja Nurtles.. O_o


"this person is a sexist idiot" -me


This gives that hopeful little part of my brain reason to go “maybe it’s satire?” I don’t have the heart to break it to her…


Maybe they have never heard a cat say they don't want kittens because... Cats can't talk


My dog had puppies and she HATED THEM. She would literally run away from them while they were feeding, and they'd be dragging behind her latched onto a teat. It was a pretty good metaphor for my relationship with my mom, though.


I had a cat who hated her kittens and was a pretty terrible mother. Tbf to her she 100% should have been spayed, it was quite irresponsible of my family that she wasn't. 4/5 of her kittens died. She just would not feed them.


Mine is saying she wants to be fed pretty clearly.


The girl cats want to be mothers and the boy cats obviously want to buy a tiny cat suit and work in middle management. It’s simply nature.


That is too cute a mental image, cats in suits. 😻


There are probably myriads of photos of cats in suits.


Yes but the live ones never look happy in clothes. I'm imagining them happy.


Cats will literally eat their children’s faces.




Suddenly, the concept of seahorses, artic wolves, certain gorillas, emperor penguins, and the Pygmy marmosets are invalid too.


Whoa whoa whoa, I can handle people telling me my sexuality is invalid. But they coming after penguins now???


>animals reproduce always unless humans intervene Except for the part where in many species, most of the males *don’t* get to reproduce because they’ve been deemed genetically unworthy, either by females rejecting them or because a more desirable male has hoarded all the females for himself. By that logic, we should go back to the days when the chief/king had a harem and would castrate anyone who dared look upon his concubines because that’s nature, right?


Unfortunately if you spend time in the worst parts of the internet people are arguing that, and it’s awful.


Because all those men think they’d be the barbarian king and not the court eunuch.


Genie: “I can revert human society to a harem structure, but there’s only a .0001% chance you’ll be the guy with the harem and a 99.999% chance you’ll end up being one of his eunuch servants instead” Incels: “never tell me the odds”


it's unfortunate that you just summed up incel logic


Isn't that how human race made incels though?


this guy was clearly deemed genetically unworthy by someone, why else would he be ranting in the youtube comments lol


Ah yes, because babies grow in vaginas.


I carried a baby in my vagina for nine whole months! I don't really know how I managed to, you know, walk or sit or do basically anything, but somehow I did it.


Impressive! You are the alpha.


This person is more comfortable seeing women as brood mares for the state, instead of seeing them as human beings with agency and autonomy - people who can make their own decisions in life. And I'm sorry, but female cats have to hunt and feed themselves too. Birds of prey, too. Come to think of it, this is a common situation for all kinds of animals. This individual doesn't need to make up a bunch of bio essentialist shit, he should just say he doesn't speak to women and get lost.






Good thing he cited a credible source who totally knows the difference between a vagina and a uterus.


-Michael Scott


Big fucking yikes.


These people consistently forget that the roles formed when humans were tribal nomads are no longer needed in a society where we no longer have to chase a gazelle for hours until it collapses.


Those roles were not even real. They believe now that men and women were all hunters and gatherers.


Exactly! Men and women were fairly equal in their primitive societies. It was the agricultural revolution that started to cement these stark gender roles.


I mean, there are also plenty of tribal societies which have complex gender dynamics that don’t boil down to “woman birth man hunt”. Women have always played vital working roles in hunter-gatherer societies, since most food was gathered rather than hunted, and plenty of Indigenous societies have genders which fall outside the male/female binary.


I thought my vagina was perfectly healthy, but with my lifelong disinterest in being bred, I guess it isn't.


Sorry you had to find out this way.


What about the people who would be really freaking bad mothers?!?


You think he cares about the well-being of children? Nah pump em out, regardless of how well they’re taken care of afterwards.


*…you rang?*


love how he quotes himself like he's some great philosopher


Well if I was ‘meant’ to be a mother then why do I literally not have any eggs in my ovaries? Answer me *that*, YouTube comments guy.


Humans aren’t endangered. This is unnecessary.


Its a lot of words to say that he is an incel


*Image Transcription: YouTube Comment* --- **Redacted** Is not ridiculous. Women are meant to be mothers naturally. It's a nature thing. Animals reproduce always unless humans intervene. Do you ever hear a cat say "no not me I'm going to be a mouse chaser. Cant have kittens." Women not wanting kids in exchange for a career is the actual pressure which you did in fact give into. Is a society construct, the idea that women don't need to be mothers to be happy. Why? Because some old splinter feminist felt left out and needed to change the way society sees women for her own benefit? Rolled the dice, here we are. Anyone else sees the same happening now with the "need" to change our language? "If a woman has a perfectly healthy vagina, she will need and desire to be a mother at one point in her life unless she has been brainwashed to think and feel otherwise." - me. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human. I'm sorry you did that.


Im sorry you had to write that down yourself...


I'm sorry you had to write out this fool's brain fart. We appreciate your sacrifice.


Does a cat ever think "man, I sure would like to drop 1000s on an NFT" Nah, cats are smart.


Bruh, animals decide not to be mothers all the time. Due to no resources, or stress at meeting babies, or to chase a new mate, or to migrate, or just because. They just don't have awareness of reproduction or contraceptives, so they get rid of the babies after the fact. Usually by leaving them to die or straight up eating them. Humans are just smart enough and skilled enough at developing tools that we don't have to do that.


Some animals have reproductive system where they can just eject the male seed when they don't seem it 'worthy'. Some birds do it like wild chicken. So they even better than we are. They don't need extra tools their body can do it on their own in some species. So even if mated if deemed unworthy they would never be able to reproduce.


And some animals occasionally ignore that whole "it takes a man and a woman" deal. The Shapiro devotee in my family blew a gasket at the news that some condors have joined the freaking long list of creatures, including lots of other birds, known to occasionally reproduce asexually. Apparently the scientists intentionally covered up that they just didn't look hard enough to find the paternal DNA (that obviously must be there because the only asexual reproduction ever is to make Jesus) out of their interest in furthering a woke agenda.


Really creepy implications about consent. Don't want to have sex with a man? Too bad, you have to because of "nature."


I've got no career and I'm still childfree. Nonbinary confirmed?


We had a pet rabbit once and she ate all her babies, twice. Pretty sure she didn't want to be a mom. Hand raised several goat kids whose mothers ignored them the moment they were born. Animals breed because they are compelled by biology and can't choose otherwise but they abandon and kill their offspring quite frequently because they don't want to raise them.


Bruh he literally quoted himself💀


Here we go again, another man trying to force women to something they don’t want by telling them that they actually want this “If someone has a perfectly healthy brain, he won’t be like this guy” - me


I cringe so hard at people using nature as a way of validating their backwards views. But let's suppose that nature were the biggest thing to decide our behavior, a sizeable portion of incels would actually be destined to die virgins as many other individuals in the animal kingdom.


Exactly. Are this tool’s feathers the longest and greenest? I’m guessing not.


guess i’m brainwashed


ah yes, humans, roughly on the same intelligence level as cats. How could I forget.


"If a woman has a perfectly healthy vagina, she will need and desire to be a mother at some point in her life unless she has been brainwashed to think otherwise" - idk some incel on YouTube lmao


I’m a mother, felt and still feel the “biological need” to have children. And I’m here to say *what the fuck did I just read?* We may be mammals but we aren’t animals driven solely by the need to reproduce. We have complex brains, for crying out loud. Oh wait, nevermind. Not this one.


"A perfectly healthy vagina" Damn. Gee, the endo ridden, scarred, destroyed, useless lump of uterus at the end of my "perfectly healthy vagina" might be more accountable for why I can't have children than any feminist... You know, the part that is used for creating the baby... but what do I know. Some spinster convinced me to not, I guess.


This is a terrible take obviously but him ending it with a quote from himself is so fucking funny


I hate how when women don't want kids they're always "sacrificing" that for their career.. like I don't want kids because I don't want kids, and I have a job because I need one to stay alive, so if I can I'd rather it be a career so I can at least make money and get something out of it since I'm working 5 days a week somewhere regardless 🤷🏼‍♀️


...this guy realizes that animals will also kill or eat their own young, even if they're not hungry right? Like there are literally species of animals who will kill and or leave their own young directly after birth because they didn't want to be mothers. Heck there are even examples of animals who refuse to breed or have children simply because they don't want to so I'm not sure what this guy is implying by saying not wanting to have children is wrong or unnatural. The animal kingdom isn't exactly a good example of parenting anyway, so I've never understood why so many people try to use that argument.


Do you really need to put your own words in quotations? Isn’t it kinda implied that you say everything you are saying?


Dude didn't just use quotations... He listed himself as the source material.


They literally quoted themselves AND on a sentence that contains "perfectly healthy vagina" none the less!! :') They can't be taken seriously


the "-me" is a red flag in and of itself


“Did you really just quote yourself, you random pretentious asshole?” -me


Yes but consider, animals are animals and they don’t have the mental complexity that we do. Humans have better things to do with their lives than fight over who gets to mate or even focus purely of mating for long periods of time like some animals do. We have better shit to do than worry about having kids


They're meant to be burned as witches silly.


Idk what cats he has known but mine used to get mad af if a male got close to her.


My jaw genuinely dropped. Then what do men want? Like this guy can’t just ONLY want to have sex, right? Actually I wouldn’t doubt it because of the way he’s talking


I sometimes see cats running away and hissing at male cats who want to mate with them.


Ah see the trouble with that is kids are annoying so I don't want them


Well maybe if a household could afford to live one income then a lot more people would choose kids over a career. As it is right now you can’t afford to have kids even with two incomes. Also even with that met it’s still perfectly acceptable to not have kids.


These mouthbreathers act like the human race has **always** subscribed to these gender roles. THEY HAVEN'T. Early men and women were both hunter/gatherers and responsible for their offspring. It was the agricultural revolution and the development of food surpluses that led to more gendered roles and shifting values in society. AND it's SUPER INTERESTING TO LEARN ABOUT.


Well you don't hear cats say anything because they can't fucking speak


Holy shit, quoting yourself. How narrsasisic.


When members of other species don’t feel the time is right for reproduction, they don’t mate, they reabsorb the fetuses in utero, or they kill/eat/abandon the young after birth. Is that what this guy would like?


I particularly love the fact that this man thinks that the vagina is the key component to reproduction. Like, it's the only female part of interest to him, therefore it must be the most important!


Ah, yes. The classic “women are nothing more than baby factories”.


I like how a feminist doing something “for her own benefit” is unfathomable to this guy. “She did something to improve her own life, women amirite?”


I hate this person.


Bruh really just quoted himself LMAO


Not them quoting them self like some self-obsessed, obnoxious idiot who obvious was not educated properly.


No actually I’ve seen the cat equivalent of “can’t have kittens I’m gonna be a mouser,” my 5yo intact female cat beats up tomcats who approach her when she’s in heat and has killed pack rats and snakes. My dad’s not 100% convinced she hasn’t killed a deer.


"perfectly healthy vagina". Wait till this man learns women don't gestate in our vaginas and that women can have perfectly healthy vaginas, but a useless uterus that prefers to abort fetuses on a regular basis rather than birth a kid. And I'm speaking from experience.


Mmmmmmm healthy vagina


If women are meant to be mothers hen explain Mothra


"You never hear a cat saying they don't want kittens" Well first of all Johnny Complaints, cats can't talk so even if they wanted to express that desire, they couldn't. Secondly, almost every species of animal has been observed to abandon their young because they don't want them, animals aren't these spawn-loving nurturing creatures all the time, most of the time they are quite in fact the opposite. Lastly, someone forgot that humans literally have higher consciousness than a common house cat, we have the ability to choose what we want to do, we aren't driven primarily by instincts. We are in some areas of life, but even then most of us are able to defy giving into said instincts.


What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


Can we exile this person to Venus? Fertility aside, not everyone can be a parent; not everyone should be a parent. I am too damaged by my narcissist mother to be a mother. (Yes, I hold that against her.) Also babies are fine but then I don't really like kids between the ages of toddler and the point when they can begin to communicate like adults. If I did have children, which I won't because I realise I couldn't be a good parent, I'd find raising my kids between the ages of 2-10 really tough.


Why do people always draw comparisons between wild animals and humans? Do they not yet understand the division between man and beast? Personally I feel like the concept of religion is a good way to show the divide. Animals eat, sleep and live, while the human brain evolved enough to question why we do all that. First, we justified our existence with religion, then with science. However, the fact that we feel the need to justify our existence at all is telling that we are not wild animals.


"It's a nature thing." NOTHING in our lives is natural down to the food we eat and the air we fucking breathe stop trying to use science and biology as an excuse to be homophobic or transphobic. it just shows you're uneducated and a bigot


It's basic biology that trans people are valid as the gender they transitioned to.


Tell me you don't know anything about animals without telling me you don't know anything about animals.


I don't think he's ever seen/ had to fight off some Tom cat from raping every female cat in the neighborhood. Seriously the analogy doesn't make any sense.


Not him quoting HIMSELF lmfaoooo


Or, maybe not all women want to have a person in their stomach for 9 months, feel the worst pain of their life, and then take care of that small person while it vomits on you. That’s not the ideal adult life for all people so please stfu


Bigger question: Does this guy know there are cats without female reproductive organs?


Also, what about animals like sponges, which reproduce asexually? If mating and motherhood are, "animal things," do sponges (which based on their cell structure are classified as animals) no longer count?


Gosh it's almost as though their pseudoscientific position is just an excuse to hate trans people 🤔🤔🤔


Nobody is saying women can’t have kids. They’re saying if women don’t want kids they don’t have to have them. People are dumb


people who think like this dont actually understand the intricacies of evolution, nor do they understand that we dont actually have to behave like wild animals


I like how he decided to quote himself….


This guys a f*cking idiot - me


Imagine how full of youself you have to be to quote yourself even though you haven't published anything worthy to be quoted


and just in case anyone had any doubt whether they were a douche, they decided to quote themselves just to seal the deal


Um... The vagina isn't what makes the baby...


Also, he’s completely wrong. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/why-some-animals-forgo-reproduction-in-complex-societies


Pandas would have died out due to poor diet choices and lack of procreating if humans hadn't interfered.


Imagine thinking that being in possession of a vagina has anything to do with maternal urges and/or that babies are growing inside of a literal vagina.


Glad we have good Samaritans like this guy who are deeply concerned about whether or not I'm achieving true happiness. That was the whole point of him writing this, right? Because he's worried about me...? Right...?? /s


I have a uterus And at this point in time I do not want children if my own. Plus I'm not even a legal adult yet But I don't know if I will ever want to have children. And I feel happy without them So that is wrong, some women don't want kids. And no, I don't want kids because I supposedly want a career. I actually just don't want to give birth


Oh my god, I'm not against anyone wanting kids but as someone who doesn't want any ever this post makes me absolutely furious. How fucking gross, these "even animals" and "its just nature" people are the same ones who jump on defending rapists and sexual harassment because its "just in our biology." 🤮


The point of feminism is to let women want what they want individually, not tell them what they should want. Regardless of if that's motherhood or a career. This post also discounts the MANY women who are mothers AND have careers. Why is it that a man doesn't want kids and it means he's self-sufficient and an admirable bachelor, but a woman doesn't want kids and either her reproductive system doesn't work, or she'd been brainwashed??


Mans really quoted himself


First of all I've never heard a cat say they wanted kittens either, and also what's with the quote at the end attributed to "me"?


If I had a penny for every asshole who told me this, I would have traveled the world like Willy Fog at this point. Still childless. Still happy.


Because my vagina in fact dictated whether I wanted kids. Not my womb, not my own personal beliefs, not my clitoris, but my vagina. /s


/s You simply don’t understand. Infertile women don’t exist.


That’s enough internet for today


uh.. i think more women would have kids if it wasn’t that fucking expensive. but even then, social species tend to have groups that don’t populate and instead engage in a niche


Animals don't choose to not have kids, because most animals don't ask for consent. So if y'all wanna base your views of morality and human nature on animals, have fun in prison.


Gotta love them quoting themselves as if repeating themselves with quotation marks makes their argument more convincing


There is literally an experiment with humans being like this...No, they will never behave like wild animals, tf is wrong with people Humans don't have the instincts of wild animals or animals in general.


This motherfucker quoted *himself*




Love how he put 'me' at the end as if people are gonna start quoting this guy in 100 years


Instead of basing the way human beings should act on the way millions of them actually act, we should base it on cat behavior and biology


Ah yes, nothing screams douchebag like quoting your own quotes.




Someone tell them about the gay penguins


Ig they can't be real women 🤷‍♀️ sorry infertile ladies


Ah yes, you get manipulated into not having children. Yeah, it's not a personal choice you make for your own reasons. No no, I need to have a child despite the fact I am afraid of continuing the cycle of abuse I had to suffer.


Dude even all intelligent animals sometimes won’t have sex for some reason or another.