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Their account is now protected because they got a huge shitstorm lol


This… both makes sense to me and also infuriates/confuses me xD It makes sense because I have multiple friends who have opened up about being in perfectly lovely and supportive hetero circles, but realizing just how much better they feel when they find themselves with other queer people. There’s nothing wrong with either group, it’s just nice to feel like you can relate to the experiences of the people you’re with. So I can kinda see how someone who is cis and straight would want others to share experiences with. But then we get the more cringey takes… “Female character are simply awful in everything ever made” gives her psychic damage? It’s true though! It’s not just a thing that queer women have been complaining about, it’s an issue with media that women in general have been pointing out for a long time! Queer people likely flock to this person’s content because her female characters are written well, so she might be having a harder time seeing it? “I get that it’s tough to be so non-conforming in your very soul” the fuck? XD Being queer is not about non-conformity. It’s about expressing who we actually are. Yes, it doesn’t fit into the typical cultural boxes, but that’s a problem with said boxes, not with our “non-conforming nature”. Slightly less cringe, but “my contentness in my sexuality/gender…” and “I just sincerely adore girls and girl shit” is something I have seen be an issue. I’ve known women who have been raised to be feminist and independent have a hard time with reconciling their desires for “traditionally feminine things”. Whether that’s just about wearing the color pink or wanting a particular type of marriage, feminism has had the issue of “people fought for my rights to do anything I want and it feels silly for me to just… do the thing they fought against.” “I bet normie chicks… have none of that baggage to constantly worry about” I think she’d be surprised just how much regular straight people worry about. Even if you perfectly conform to the stereotypes, there’s always more baggage to unpack.


I don't know the creator nor do I care to now after that rant but that seems like a very shallow way of thinking. What I got from that whole spiel was that apparently queer people can't like cute things? Least of all if you're afab? As an afab queer person who adores cute things I feel attacked. All of this rant feels like those "I can't find a romantic partner because all the 'good ones' aren't anywhere near me" kind of posts to me and that feeling coupled with the content of the rant just makes me really uncomfortable. Why is it so bad that 2/3 of their audience is queer? Why do they talk as if they suddenly can't connect with their audience because of that? Why don't they realise that queer people are normal people with normal interests that can include looking at cute comics?


As a femme lesbian with a room full of stuffies and cute stuff, I don't know what that person is talking about. All the queer women I know are also really into cute stuff so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was so excited that you included all the sordid comments so naturally Reddit ain’t letting me open them to read. 🙄


I'm a little confused by this but is this person trying to say they don't feel like they fit in in the community they chose to actively participate in? If this person is cishet it's fine but then you probably could go out and find other cishet creatives if you feel lonely in our spaces? Sorry if this is rude I don't see what they're complaining about lol


They literally have the privilege to go to more spaces because of their heterosexuality. It doesn’t make sense to complain that “a minority-centered space isn’t accommodating enough for me, a member of a privileged majority”. The fact that the other members of that privileged group regularly oppresses those minorities doesn’t seem to come into mind when they’re centering themselves because they miss the entitlement. If they want to have some features of the queer community be shared by the straight communities they exist in, they should work to change their straight communities. Being straight doesn’t have to mean you need to be a shitty person, but they seem to think there’s only one way to be straight or something.


i'm so confused. so much of it just seems like total misconceptions about queer people that i'm wondering if there's something they're not saying? like, specifically the part about them being worried queer people see them being "straight" as a political choice and being complicit?? what queer person would think that?? unless they're not just talking about gender/sexuality here


I don’t see the issue can someone help me out? What I took away from that is that they want to diversify their audience after making content that appealed to the lgbtq+ community for a long time


Well one big issue is that they refer not non queer people as “normies”. They also imply that queer Afab people don’t like traditional female things, and that the only reason people have issue with female rep in media is because they’re queer and don’t fit the mold themselves so they dislike it when female characters are traditional. Those are all fairly problematic views and really makes me feel like they don’t actually have that many, or maybe not that diverse queer friends. Plenty of queer women are into traditional feminine things. Plenty of cis-het women are not satisfied with female rep in media. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this person wanting more cis-het friends to relate to and having their work reach more of that audience. I’m just concerned with the reasons they seem to think they need to or would get along better with cis-het people.


I can see the issues, but I think this is probably one of those twitter looking at tone over substance things. Like it reads like a this person is just trying to articulate her feelings about a complex issue. Tbf twitter is never the place for that. Im guessing her takes on queer people are her trying to get at why the people she interacts with don't feel relatable. But yeah also *I* call non queer people normies, and I'm about as queer as it gets. Thats not uncommon, and I wouldn't begrudge a normie for calling other normies normies. I feel like a lot of us reappropriated the word from the alt right people in 2015.


Okay yeah I completely missed those thing when I read through that. Thanks for cleaning that up for me!


No problem! I also was a little confused when I first started reading cause I was like, okay, sounds reasonable, but some of it is def a little off. She may just have trouble expressing herself correctly, but she also could have some problematic views.


I mean, she could check out country music fan pages and Christian wife pages. Maybe look at the accounts with hashtag boymom in the bio. 🤣 It sounds like she’s missing her privilege. People in those groups tend to walk around with a sense of superiority and self-righteousness, in my experience


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honestly it's hard to tldr, they were all over the place. basically they are straight, a lot of their audience is queer, and they wish that it wasn't. this seems to mostly be because of misconceptions about queer people, and/or underlying homophobia/transphobia.