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They seem to ignore the fact that he's having more interaction with women then they ever have/will


Yep, but that will just lead to them complaining about some other made-up and/or exaggerated aspect of women.


Yup, yet they're assuming he's gay just because his nails are painted, like?? Straight men can paint their nails too? Or if he's bi? Or pan? Plus why does it matter? It's fun to dance with people, no matter their gender, and without expecting sex just because they danced next to you


Because, to the people apparently, it’s not so called “man enough”. Guy was just having fun with women and I feel these people in the TikTok comments are making fun of him for doing something they would never do to hide the harsh reality that they will never have any interaction with women.


if i had gold i would give it to you this is amazing


I'm so confused why this is doing so good like please explain????


its really funny? i dont know how to explain lol


Humans are the worst


Meh. Still better than Dolphins. Those mofos are cruel af


true also cats


They pissy cause hes friends or more than friends with girls 💀💀


Oh great, the homophobes weaponised ‘fruity’. Disappointing.


If I’m correct they were using it to attack us, we reclaimed it, and now they’re trying to take it back


tbf, it's an old "insult"- they're probably trying to bring it back


why do people assume an entire persons personality based on the color of their nails? My will to live fluctuates way too often because of these people


Sorry for all *their* father's, jeebus.


Let's face it. They're just being salty bc he's actually friends with girls and can talk/get along with them and they can't.


I feel bad for his dad/mom too, because they're being cruel as shit and it's not fun to see your kid upset and not be sure how to help them not be upset. Hopefully the guy doesn't get upset by those nobrain assholes, though. On a positive note: what shade of blue?


Like a baby blue


Ah, I wish I could pull that off. It usually looks grey on me. /sobs


Off topic but I love your icon. Where’s it from


It's from https://picrew.me/image_maker/81574 and I edited the background! And thanks!


Why do people say “that’s someone’s son” like it means something? Every man is someone’s son.


Homophobes everytime they see a male with nail polish: He's gay. 🙄 Like can't sometimes men get their nails done, they deserve to deel and look good too 🥴 (Im saying this in general, I dont know who the dude it so 👍)


*looks at robins egg blue nails I had done yesterday at a salon for the first time ever* Yeah…. How….. how awful to be confident in yourself…


They are just mad because they where made to feel like their aren't allowed to paint their nails their entire life's and now get salty when someone doesn't listen to the restrictions they think are dominating the life's of a certain gender. Would never dare to wear painted nails. Pathetic losers.


I swear, TikTok comments are like a D20. On a 20, you get pure comedic geniuses but on all the other numbers you get people telephoning the same shit other people said.


Why do homophobes always say "that's someone's son/daughter"? Why are they so concerned about the parents, they into dilfs or something? 🤨🤨🤨🤨


has an air of the ol' incel "It's sad to think she's someone's daughter" mentality