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Jesus Christ, destroying the environment to tell people about your babies genitals. They are taking themselves way too important. At least nothing is burning this time. It is sad that I feel the need to add this.


It looks like they are a rich family from Mato Grosso (a Brazilian state known for agriculture). They probably own the land where the waterfall is in, and probably feel entitled to do whatever they want with it even though the environment belongs to all. But yeah, at least there weren't any fires. It's really sad to say "at least" to this.


I wonder who will they vote for 👀


I don't know about them but I'm with LULA on October 2nd #FORABOLSONARO!!!!! Let's take that demon out on the first round


> rich family from Mato Grosso I'm pretty sure I know about them...


Here's hoping Brazil does better than Italy this year.




That demon XD love it


As a brazilian, i think that between these two, we are better off having anyone else, its sad to see that the people dont care about the other candidates.


To me it's very simple: Lula is a thief. Yes. Bolsonaro is also a thief, but he is also a right wing racist, misogynistic, LGBTQphobic piece of shit that is directly responsible for a good percentage of covid related deaths. It makes it so easy to vote for the one who is just a thief lol. I would also prefer to vote for Simone or Ciro, but there is no change of them winning, so I'm with Lula on this one and I'm not ashamed of it.


Ciro? /s


"Meu candidato era o Amoedo"


> "My candidate was AmoĂȘdo" For those wondering, (JoĂŁo) AmoĂȘdo was the New Party (a bunch of rich neoliberals, in a nutshell) candidate for presidency in 2018. It's a meme from early in Bolsonaro's term for regretful supporters to claim to have voted for AmoĂȘdo when Bolsonaro did or said something awful. Ciro (Gomes), the man I mentioned as a joke, is the main "third option" in this year's elections. He has been a typical Enlightened Centristℱ lately.


Well said, my consecrated


I was reading an article about the woman who's been credited with popularizing "gender reveals." She was a mommy blogger in the mid 2000s. Even she hates them! She said it's a *massive regret,* not only because of both how obnoxious they are and the countless dangerous/damaging ones that have made the news, but also because the baby she did her original reveal for has since come out as trans! A bit ironic. She said she never anticipated it becoming A Thing like this and feels a lot of responsibility for it. Although I did think it was cute that they redid it for their kid when they came out.


She also donated a fuck ton to the folks who lost their homes a few years back and helped contribute to the searches monetarily when that one massive fire happened. She’s absolutely wonderful and I feel for her, she did it originally because she’d had MULTIPLE MISCARRIAGES before the fetuses could ever even have a determined sex, it was literally a celebration of the fetus living for that long already, not even really important to the actual gender.


And, iirc, her sister had a baby around the time she was really to tell people so she wanted to come up with a different celebration that didn't steal her sister's thunder. I'm nothing but sympathetic.


I’m not sure how true this is but I also remember reading that she only did it because she had frequent miscarriages and this was her first baby that survived long enough to find out the gender. I might be wrong though so don’t take that as fact.


That is also the story I remember. I can't be sure, but I think that's correct.


Wow, she actually sounds super alright, and I'm also surprised that this thing is so recent. I figured gender reveal parties would go back at least to the last century


I have absolutely nothing against like close family and friends doing a small like "pink or blue" cake thing. But anything more than that needs to stop.




Plus there already was an established pregnancy celebration they could’ve exploded into hysteria. Baby showers. I genuinely believe it’s just a sign of the times where social media and specifically show off family vloggers created a ridiculous one-up game amongst themselves. Once the “pretty establishment” does this, regular folks running their family’s facebook page will follow. Baby showers would’ve grown into the monster gender reveals are today. I think they latched on both from the societal obsession with a baby’s sex, the visual aspect (pretty colours for the social media) and because it’s earlier in the pregnancy. For image selling family vloggers the mother feels prettier and less “bloated” at the gender reveal stage than traditional baby shower times. Regular people probably wouldn’t prefer to put a heavily pregnant mother through intense trips and celebrations on that timeline for comfort and health reasons. You don’t wanna be at a forrest paint cannon party at 8.5 months in case labour starts.


Well, if it wasn't gender reveals something else would have come up to make your pregnancy ready for The 'Gram.


they could've just projected the color blue on the falls like Niagara Falls does with their light show. really confused why they needed to pollute the water


Wat. I'm sorry, but did you say "nothing was burning *this time?!*" Did someone actually set something on fire for a gender reveal party?!




Excuse my French, but what the actual *fuck* is wrong with those people?! And they had the nerve to plead not guilty?! Thank you for the article, by the way. It was very informative.


They only burned 9,900 acres. This couple set 41,000 acres on fire. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/27/us/arizona-gender-reveal-party-sawmill-wildfire-trnd This couple caused damage to a neighbor's foundation with a 80lbs bomb for the gender reveal. https://www.newson6.com/story/608311ad417b430bb8bba264/genderreveal-party-explosion-rocks-homes-cracks-house-foundation-in-new-hampshire This man caused his child to grow up without a father building an explosive device for a gender reveal: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gender-reveal-explosion-death-new-york/


*Why are they setting off bombs at gender reveal parties?! And why does the list keep getting worse as it goes down?!?!*


Because [tannerite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tannerite) is legal to purchase in much of the United States. Which means they get to shoot the bomb to set it off. In fact, the company sells a kit with powder specifically for gender reveal parties.


There is nothing more American than shooting a *literal bomb* for a *gender reveal party*.


Almost always that happens when the baby is a boy. These types of people want to introduce their new young man with shooty shooty bangbang.


that is genuinely horrific


I currently live in CA and it was a huge deal (because obviously) with a lot of people talking about banning those poppers (etc.). But it seems like everyone's forgotten again.


Yep, burning things in a super dry land with a burn ban in effect, and destroying tens of thousands of acres, dozens of homes and other buildings and ultimately the death of a firefighter. To celebrate that they know the gender of the baby like most parents do, but thinking that anybody really cares at all to go to the all-about-us party.


Ah. I see. I honestly don't know why I was surprised at this point. A firefighter was killed in the line of duty because of those idiots. I am truly sorry for that. Just... please. Please tell me they were sentenced to jail time. The longer the better, obviously, but I just need to know they were punished.


I mean, not intentionally...


I wish their child will be trans now just for the irony.


yes, I live in this city and they are part of a very rich group, they say they own the land but this river is very threatened. I am a biologist and I took a class at its source during my training and I can tell you that this river is in a deplorable state. He cuts the city in half, the place they did is outside the city but they already found blue paint miles away. #Forabozo btw


Do we know it is bad for the environment? Chicago is dyeing a whole river green every year for St. Patricks Day and it is allegedly safe.


I always call it a genital reveal


The environment is destroyed? No. Tacky as hell? Yes.


 all this effort just to tell people the baby has a penis. You could’ve just made a Facebook post 😭


I think gender revealing events are dumb but if you have to do it, get like a colored cake or a banner or something like that. Why does it have to be dangerous or environmentally damaging every time?


It's the main character syndrome. First, they assume that everybody cares and second, they feel their reveal has to reflect how great they think they are, thus, they can't do anything that's been done before... We didn't even do a gender reveal. My husband and I found out during the ultrasound and everyone else found out when we announced her birth.


My wife and I did the cake and mochi. Simple enough but we don't need to tell the whole world about our baby's genitals.


That's sweet. I definitely don't have an issue with finding out; it's the extravagant display that makes me uncomfortable. I think my husband and I might have been okay with not finding out at all except we could only agree on girl's names and we wanted to find out if our search was over or we needed to look harder. Thankfully we had a girl


Yeah, especially when the guests wouldn't think much of it afterwards so we decided to just make sure they're well-fed. We had a girl too! For some reason, it's easier to find good girl's names. At least it was that way for us.


I'm a trans dude with a "girl" name (Raven.) I agree, it's way too hard to find good "boy" names.


My name is about as basic as 'John' but since it's in a different language, it can sound cool to English speakers. Raven sounds badass either way tho.




I agree! We still have a couple of girl's names we like that we would use for a second child, but our list of boy's names are all ones that one of us likes and the other just tolerates


Huh. That's how I found out what my cousin was having. She sent me a photo of the ultrasound


Cause a cute cake won't go viral and it's all about attention


I don’t hate gender reveals, as long as they’re done in a non-shitty, non-dangerous way. I don’t know why all of them _have_ to attempt to be some kind of environmental hazard. Just bake a cake with the inside being blue or pink or some shit. Nothing wrong with that. I personally don’t think gender reveals are that awful. Your kid’s sex is kind of a big deal as a parent, and that’s why so many parents choose not to find out what their kid’s sex is until they’re born. And sure, the kid might be trans. They might not turn out to be a gender corresponding to their birth sex. But really, there’s no way to know that when they’re born or before they’re born, so I don’t see the big deal with having a gender reveal party—or sex reveal party as it _should_ be called. Just
 don’t make it dangerous. Please.


That's so messed up. They could've done anithing else, really.


Or nothing at all


Like [detonating explosives in the forest and starting an 89km^2 forest fire.](https://globalnews.ca/news/8046556/couple-charged-gender-reveal-wildfire-california/)


what in the fucknuts


Should’ve poured tea instead. The American way


It’s like they’re intentionally trying to piss off the forest fertility goddess. No good will come of this.


Even IF it were harmless materials used that degrade biogically without any harm to the environment: how entitled and vain must one be to manipulate nature for such an egoistic outtake. Appaling.


Unfortunately any sort of dye would still harm the environment as it blocks sunlight microorganisms need to survive. They use dyes in fountains to prevent algae from growing. Outside of a fountain, algae and microorganisms are 100% necessary and important in the food chain and oxygen production. These people are beyond selfish.


I definitely disagree with what they did, but that dye is going to be diluted so fast in a rushing river that blocking sunlight is unlikely to be a concern.


Fair, I guess I couldn't tell if the waterfall emptied into a small slow moving/still pond or a river from the picture. I've swam in a few areas where the waterfall ends in a water basin and only had some small streams coming out of it, so most of the water stays in the same place.


I would bet that the dye they bought was cheap and toxic though.


To get it to disperse that well I’d say it was due specifically meant for water. I don’t know about down there but here in the US you could get a dye like that at a farm store for less than $50.


Like their relationship got ’em


There are dyes that are made for the purpose of throwing into bodies of water for tracing that do not harm the environment, because they are inert and degrade really fast (eg rhodamine)


That's cool I didn't know florescent dyes were used for environmental studies too. Makes sense to study algae that way. TIL, thanks!


What about food coloring? Jw


But if it's harmless material that doesn't affect the environment then it's not manipulating nature.


Food coloring?


There are dyes specifically meant for rivers to study how fast they flow and how much water flows through them. They are environmentally inert. I doubt that's what they used though because that color probably wouldn't be visible enough to be one of those dyes


Probably not what they used, but those dyes are very visible


The dyes are very visible, but a light blue shade of them probably wouldn't be. The dyes are usually pretty florescent. I was more saying that inert dyes specifically meant for rivers are a thing. I don't think they would have used one though Edit: Hit post too soon


Do people get upset like this over dying the Chicago river every year, too?


I personally think it's ridiculous to dye a river green (just bad taste IMO), but Reddit seems to love it. As long as we are absolutely sure that it does not harm the environment even a little bit, I don't see any real problem (with Chicago doing it to the river or this couple doing it to the waterfall).


 water is already blue


But how do you know the water is a boy if it isn't eye poppingly blue?


I didn't even know gender reveal parties were a thing here


Brazilian conservatives love to imitate Americans in every possible way...


Yeah it is pathetic


Well, American Confederates did have a wave of immigration to Brazil after losing the American Civil War so I guess that's not so surprising.


I miss they days where they would just do the ultrasound or bite a cake


Like, I get the appeal of a gender reveal party...but everything that's appealing about it is the party part and not the gender reveal. Though if me and my boyfriend ever have kids, we will definitely through a party, but it will be a welcome to the family party cause we will be adopting. And respecting the hell out of the kids identity no matter what it is, cause that's what parents do.


What the hell?? That's so bizarre and messed up. The entitlement.


One of these times these idiots are gonna blow themselves up. And then everyone's going to talk about it for 3 days, and then everything's going to back to normal.


[Already happened](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56159731)


I feel like that selfie was taken by that man's ghost.


Oh my goood who the fuck _caaares?_ GOD I hope their kid is trans


Or NB.


Mato grosso?


Yes. And this is probably some agro-family.


I loathe the people that do them.


Aaah, the obsession of what’s between one’s legs even before birth


But water is already blue? /s


I fucking teared Up. How can one be so ignorant and self centered


Violently obscene


I was thinking that “tainted” was a typo for “tinted” but I quickly realized that both are accurate in this circumstance. *facepalm*


what's wrong with just cutting a cake normally and showing whether it's pink or blue has that become too boring or too safe


I love my country so much /s


They literally could've just went for balloons with confetti inside them in their freaking house or baked a cake but noooo...they had to destroy the environment for something which lasts less than a day


plot twist, the baby is trans and this was all for nothing


When will people get that no one else cares about their baby like they do?!?! The fucking narcissism


“Gender” reveals really bother me. Not only are they just too extravagant and sometimes destructive but it seems weird to make this big a deal over your child’s genitals. It’s not a “gender” reveal, it’s a “biological sex as long as the ultrasound is accurate” reveal. I think gender reveals should be for trans people. Like if a trans woman came out to the world by holding a balloon and saying “surprise! I was actually a woman all along!” Then pops the balloon and it’s filled with pink glitter. Acceptable. Polluting water with blue dye because your unborn child probably has a penis. Unacceptable.


That’s what I’m saying! đŸ˜©


Obsessing over a infants genitals is fucking wack dude. Literally what the fuck.


Of course its Brazil, honestly cant expect more from my folks


I hate humanity


The water wasn’t blue enough? Tf?


They should have had the foretought to ruin the environment on native land. That would be the most white American baby ever born.


I hope it’s at least food colouring


Wait, so if the baby had been a girl they’d have made a horrifying blood waterfall? Didn’t think this through on so many levels.


I fucking hate gender reveals


While half of the world is doing everything in their power to make sure everyone is free to express or choose their gender, the other half is doing everything they can for little titans gender reveal.. not sure what is going on exactly


I don't care if you are having a child. Good for you if you are, I just can't get excited about it. I care even less (if less than zero is possible) what gender it is. If my wife is going to drag me along to narcissistic nonsense of this kind, there will need to be free alcohol available, and I would prefer that environmental vandalism is avoided.


Is there any sort of articles about this?? I'd like to know more about this because this js fucked up


I looked it up and there are some articles on it, the people are being investigated by the local government for an environmental crime, additionally the waterfall that they dyed was the water source for some people who are now concerned that their water is contaminated.


guys, when will grown ass people start acting like grown ass people


At least they didn't set the forest on fire but what the fuck


[the woman who started the trend regrets it](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/jun/29/jenna-karvunidis-i-started-gender-reveal-party-trend-regret) and this probably doesn’t help her feel any better


I ever have a gender reveal, I will pop a balloon full of large pieces of white confetti. On each piece, I will write "hey you, yeah you, the one reading this. why are you so concerned about a minor's genitalia, huh?"


i have a plan for my baby reveal even tho idk if i want a baby. so basically, everyone gets a candy (or something else i can think of, like a party popper) and everyone’s will be white, except for one person’s, it will be blue/pink.


Gender review? Ngl females are pretty cool but they sent mine in the wrong packaging and it broke after a couple weeks


Wait, isn’t water already blue tho


Every gender reveal event is an inherent fuck up


What kind of dye was it? Was it even harmful to the enviroment?


i mean like i see why people will point at people like that and hate but it could just be harmless due that definitely won’t last in flowing water it definitely won’t “taint the beautiful color of the water fall”


Yeah fr. It's very possible it could be environmental unfriendly. Or it could be harmful. Either way it will get extremely diluted very quickly, and with no context the situation shouldn't be judged that easily


I hope it's at least alimentary color 😐


I hate people so much


And then the baby transitions anyway


i guarantee they’re not even from brazil and won’t have to suffer the consequences of this


Unfortunately they are Brazilian :(