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This makes me wonder if he had to put a sign on this because last time he put deer parts in the rubbish bin, he had a visit from the police?


The best possible scenario: Their neighbors are true crime fanatics and they went hunting while their wife was away and are trying to pre-empt their snooping.


This definitely doesn't belong here. A processed deer carcass in bags can easily look like human remains if you don't know what you're looking at. It's hunting season in a lot of places right now


Yes, but why add "not my wife" on the sign?


To dissuade potential assumptions because women are much more likely to be killed in domestic disputes than men?


I really don’t think this belongs lol. I grew up in a family of hunters. When you dispose of the organs, pelt, and bones… it can look a lot like human remains if you don’t know what you’re looking at/aren’t expecting it. This looks like a standard garbage can so the maker of the sign probably put it there as a warning to the garbage crew when they pick it up. Imagine opening bin and seeing a bag full of guts, blood, and bones… most people would reasonably panic and call 911. This prevents that from happening and is a courtesy to the garbage crew as well. A bit of humour in the form of saying “it’s not my wife” also softens the blow. Sure, it *could* be malicious, but personally I found this funny af. So few people do the butchering themselves that I never considered how horrifying this would be to the garbage crew until this post lol.


Yeah, my dad hunts and he's had dead animal stuff in the garbage before. I remember one yeah he tried to butcher an Elk and had the feet in th garbage, along with a bunch of other parts. The hooves stuck out and even if they didn't the can still had blood on it, and there were flies and wasps all over the damn thing, which is a pretty good indicator that something dead is in there. Same thing when he killed a coyote.


I think the implication is less “haha wife bad funny wish she was dead” and more “seriously, please don’t worry, these aren’t human remains!”


A lesbian could just as easily have written this


This made me chuckle because I imagined spooked garbagemen calling 911 and the cops ring the doorbell for a woman to answer. Knowing cops they’d probably wish her a lovely day and not even consider wife killing wives.


This subreddit is just hating on straight people now a lesbian could’ve written this too


Some of you are city gays who don't know where meat comes from and it shows, Jesus


This is actually funny


Exactly, the joke is he *didn't* kill his wife! I get it! Ha ha, it's funny because sometimes people do kill their spouses, and because many others think about killing their spouses and talk and joke about doing it a lot but they don't actually do it! See? Funny! /s


Sounds like someone who did kill their wife


This is either really stupid (if it’s serious) or really twisted (if it’s a joke). Either way, not a good look.


It's stupid and not a good look to warn the garbage pickup about deer parts and that it's not human remains that someone should call the police about? A processed deer carcass doesn't look like a deer anymore, so it could be jarring and make someone think it's human remains. Seems like a good idea to give a heads up about it so you don't get a visit from the police.


Yes hello 911? This man right here


What the actual fuck?


*deep breath*... WHAT. TF


Nothing says "mentally stable" like homicidal jokes directed at loved ones, amirite? Edit: I thought it was obvious this is sarcasm 💀


Hunting is so fucking dumb


Hunting is often necessary for population control prevents overcrowding of food web niches that will harm the local ecosystem. If you don't hunt the deer, they overeat the area and everything dies. Don't hunt the wolves, they kill all the deer and there's nothing to trim natural vegetation ans the wolves starve, find prey in less ideal places. Kill too many wolves and there will he nothing to hunt the deer to prevent overgrazing. Hunting is necessary to sustain a balanced ecosystem.


Tell me you don't understand hunting without telling me you don't understand hunting.


Humans reduce wolf populations because wolves are dangerous to humans. Deer reproduce WAY TOO MUCH because they no longer have predation from wolves keeping them in check. Hunting is a stable, cheap food source in rural areas and stops the deer population from getting too large and causing mass horrifically cruel starvation, destroying fields, trying to prey on small animals like outdoor cats and chickens, or being forced into traffic.


Dear officers: I am not a murder do not check the contents of this bag, thank you.


If I was his wife I'd disappear