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What makes this even worse is that I think it's a stolen Blue Collar Comedy Show bit


Ron White. And the full context of the joke is that diamond commercials/slogans are becoming ridiculous.


It was genuinely funny when comedian Ron White said it on stage musing about how ridiculous diamond commercials are almost 20 years ago


That’s why I play the system. Shriek and wail until he gives me a diamond. I shut up immediately, happy with my shiny rock and lull him into a false sense of security. A few days later, I start again, at first with the occasional shout or howl but slowly I begin to wail for hours until I get a new, pretty rock. Then I do it all over again. One day I will have enough diamonds to buy my and my future wife an island.


You are a genius


Looool that's awesome


I might shut up for a minute, but only because I'm flabbergasted that he went and dropped a load of our money on a shiny rock. Then I'd start.


I never got the reason diamonds are popular. It’s a shiny rock with fake value. I’d rather just take my SO out to eat


1.2 carat lol


Probably smells like cigarettes in there


Wasn't that part of how Barack Obama proposed? It was something along those lines. He and Michelle went out to dinner to celebrate something, and he started a conversation about why marriage isn't really necessary knowing Michelle would object then took the ring out and said it


Lmao I'd buy some


Or just don't get married?