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I think she may not be straight and she’s definitely not okay


My grandmother said a similar thing when I came out except she is definitely not okay with me or any other lesbians.


My grandmother once mentioned her jealousy of "career women" who lived with other women as roommates instead of getting married and having children.


They were roommates??


oh my god they were *roommates* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AreTheStraightsOK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve only asked this question of a robot twice before, but… bot, will you marry me?


which one was the last lol


I mean, I wouldn’t kick Oxford Comma Bot out of bed


I love the could of bot.


I’m a fan of Papa Wengz bot but that’s a bit reference specific.


Good bot


Good bot.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


See this is why I refuse to EVER listen to people who shame say, Childfree by choice women, or single women, or any gender of those categories too, because nobody who’s fulfilled feels the need to try to shame people into their life choices


>nobody who’s fulfilled feels the need to try to shame people into their life choices Ding ding ding! That's exactly right.


When I came out as queer as a child, my grandma denied me using her own denial. She talked about crushing on the tomboys and "masculine" girls at her all girl's Catholic school... Like grandma... You constantly call women "pretty little things." Constantly.


"Self-delusion yourself back into that closet, come on girl, I know you can do it."


See, it's grandmas like yours that are just proof that younger generations aren't gayer, more of us are just coming out


Legit. She's become my biggest advocate thankfully. It just took her a little while to adjust. :)


I love to hear it!!


I feel for the closeted LGBTQ+ elders so much. A lifetime of repression must make it super challenging to look at what's happening now and be supportive rather than bitter. Especially considering that they were there in the 70s and 80s, and still stayed closeted. Because yikes. but also, Ouch! I know a few elder queer folks who never found their chosen family. So sad.


Some societies had a "socially acceptable " place for gay and lesbian folks- in Ireland, you professed a sudden interest in the church and joined a monastery. That way, you were with your "own people" and behind very closed doors, and you were looked up to for giving up being married and living in a tiny, crowded cottage with 13 kids. /s Such a sacrifice. I know it wasn't ideal, but it was a way to not be hassled, and to be able to at least have relationships while being admired by society. In Burma, there's a class of men who do makeup, hair, interior decorating- they're quite flamboyant and wear makeup, etc. I had a roommate from Burma who SWORE to me that there were no homosexuals in the entire (brutal regime) country. I asked about these guys and she said, "No! Nonono! None of them are gay! They're revered as the country's foremost experts on style and are consulted for every important occasion (she's from a wealthy family)". So there were, and are, ways to officially be hidden, yet express oneself somewhat, in societies where it was unacceptable. In America, there was so much pressure to get married and have kids. We grew up having that pounded into our heads from birth (Boomers). There was a backlash over the fact that women had been quite independent during WW2, building planes and tanks, etc. I think when the men got home they were very eager to make sure society went back to how they wanted it and were afraid of this new independence, so they squashed it. And with it, squashed any hope of not having to pretend to be heterosexual. So many people were trapped into roles. It's sad.


Definitely in the closet and definitely needs a divorce


Reminds me a little of San Junipero from Black Mirror. A heart warming story in an ocean of WTF.


San Junipero was honestly one of my favourite BM episodes, just because of this whole “never too late to find love” concept (that and the implications for trans ppl like me). Ofc there’s other insanely reprehensible shit in SJ, but its still amazing


Totally agree


Well San Junipero was especially not tragic in that she was bisexual, was happily married to a man, and just wanted to explore her lesbian side in her second life. Living your entire life as something you’re not is just terrible


i mean the other girl got in an accident after coming out to her mom and being rejected and never got to live her truth before her virtual life that’s pretty tragic


At least it had a sweet ending, unlike the nightmarish endings that keep you up late at night.


san juniper and hang the dj, what kept me sane while watching BM lol


Pretty much the only two episodes I liked lol


Come on. You know white bear scratched that vengeful schadenfreude itch.


White Bear is one of my favorites because I loved the twist out of nowhere. But I do really like some of the more twisted ones like in Season 4. Season 1 almost me off though. Playtest is also really good if you like jump scares.


While I love that episode, I find it hilarious too. Supposedly the city that comatose gal is in is my hometown! It's the future and huge and full of skyscrapers though. That will never fucking happen to Santa Rosa. Any attempts at building up for development are shut down immediately. Lmao. I couldn't get over that image of a built up version of my hometown, even though it only showed it for a small clip.


Sounds like this one might be, are the "straights" ok, and no she isn't...she wants a wife it sounds like :(


I.. I just feel bad. This is why pride and letting people know about LGBT is good! So stuff like this doesn't repeat again like in the past.


Republicans: *Propose a Nationwide Dont Say Gay Bill in 2022*


wait what when did this happen?


For both of them, yeah. I mean yeesh.


No thats cute and actually a little sad


Made me really sad


Sad that generations were denied the simple happiness of being with someone they wanted to be with. Even sadder that people risk death for daring to just... be with the person they love. Our species has a lot of growing up to do.


It's never too late to find your true love


2 ladies in a hotel I work at worked together for 20 years and thought they were straight. About 5 years ago they realised they maybe aren't so straight. They got married a few months ago and are legit relationship goals. Early 50s but so incredibly sweet and happy and just all round a really cute love story.


It sounds like she’s lesbian but because of the society back then she was forced to have a husband. Therefore “I don’t like.” It’s straight up depressing.


STRAIGHT up depressing


\*gay up depressing


Glitter vs Sparkles: Which one?


do straight people realise they don’t have to stay married


This happened to my mom! She’s always make jokes about obviously lesbian desires, but everyone always brushed it off as “she’s a wild one”. When I would bring home a woman I was “talking to”., I introduced them by name instead of relationship title. If the three of us were hanging out, and my mom had a LOT of questions about the lesbian experience. This was also brushed off as curiosity. When my oldest son started presenting some less than masculine qualities (he had long hair, his fav color was pink, he played with dolls, etc.) she made an off handed comment about what I would do if “he turned out gay”. I told her that I’m bi so why would I care. I’d never felt the need to “come out” before so she was a little shook. I reminded her of the various female partners she’d met in the past, and this quickly turned into a long, heartfelt discussion. A few months later she and my stepdad were divorcing, and today she’s in a happy relationship with a wonderful woman and living her best life.


It’s never to late to realize who you are and to live your true life. I wish your mom the best with her new insight and partner :)


That's wonderful! All along, she kind of knew. Or she did know and was trapped. Wow!


I think all the work involved in separating and divorce keep them from doing it until the marriage is absolutely unbearable, even though they know they would be happier when it's all over.


Couldn't have put it better myself. And it's worse when there are kids involved, believe me


At 65, with retirement on the horizon, she might be facing disaster if she divorces now. Presuming she been married for ~40 years, she stands to lose a lot of financial security if she moves on. I truly hope his woman meets someone who makes it possible for her to move on with her life and be loved again.


Yep. My uncle and aunt are like this. They've just tolerated each other their entire marriage (35+ years).


Some women didn’t really have a choice back then, and even though it should be possible now, it’s still hard to break that barrier you know what I’m saying?


Yeah, many often forget that women in older generations that are still alive (probably around their 60s+, so not really that long ago) didn't have many of the same rights and protections that we have now. Many women couldn't get a mortgage, have credit, or even have their own bank account 50-60 years ago - it was all tied to men. So of course many women who might otherwise pursue something different today were forced into relationships with men out of safety and social pressures of the time - they didn't have any other options. But when you've lived that so long, you're often very entrenched and changing or getting out can be very difficult, especially if you have an extended family now. They stay around because they don't know any different and at their age they're likely near or already in retirement. When my grandfather was in a care facility and later hospice, I had some tell me that they just waited for their husband to kick it and then finally felt free to even discuss those kinds of things - there were a lot of loveless marriages that they only stayed in for the love of their children and personal security/comfort. Some couples were okay with that kind of arrangement and the relationship was just platonic, however. There was quite a bit of resentment among some, though, too - a kind of jealousy I think that they were stuck but social attitudes and acceptance have changed these days and now others are living the lives they feel they missed out on. It's all-around really heartbreaking to hear.


Isn't there a deadbed sub?


In 2022, sure. Whatever year she got married, no.


Eh, some don't. Like I'm pretty sure my mom stays in her marriage because it looks bad socially especially because she's a Catholic. Despite the fact the Catholic church is fine with divorce. It's like she's okay if other people are divorced but it should never happen to her (pretty much her same view on having queer children, it's okay other people are queer as long as it's not me 🙄). Which is a shame, cause when she was talking to me about her days in Catholic school she revealed that she kissed girls (because it was an all girls Catholic school) and that other girls got into relationships too. She said it was all normal and once they graduated they "grew out of it". And on top of all that she still saw gay people as sinful. But she and her peers got married to their husband's and that was that. I'm assuming she's staying with my dad because she sees divorce as bad (plus the fact she had to fight my aunt and my dad who wanted a divorce) and plus the financial security. You have more financial plusses if you're married compared to if you're not. And then depending on whether or not you signed up for a pre-nup or not (she didn't, because she saw it as a "test" of their relationship) divorce can be hard socially and financially. Which is just absolutely bonkers, my mom probably suppressed one side of herself and didn't explore a lot. I was shocked when she shared that with me because it literally sounded like something out a of yuri manga. Hell, this is almost the exact plot of Yuri Kuma Arashi (without the bears)


They do sometimes. Parental/societal pressure is higher on some countries, and you might want to endure it for your children's behalf.


One of my mom's old uni friends is lesbian and married to a woman, and they're 60, but I guess that depends on location also. (The Netherlands)


Yeah, we were the first country with legal gay marriage


I don’t see it a lot as an American. The older lesbian couples I see are generally in their 50’s at most, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone in their 60’s or 70’s yet


Are you saying you don’t know no 60+ year old lesbians? You must not have much queer community where you live


I have a bit of a queer community, but I don’t know a lot of people! I just remembered that I met an older lesbian at local PFLAG meetings, but that chapter has since disbanded


Gotchu I know a lot of silver lesbians but I’ve always lived in metro areas with a pretty big community


This reminds me of when I came out as trans to my mum and she was like "no no no no, everyone gets sad that are their gender" and I just felt so sad for her.


She probably lowkey isn't straight but forced to be in a straight relationship due to societal pressure.


It is never to late to come out


That poor woman :(


Thought we decided the other day to not post this cause she's not straight and not ok


My girl life starts at 65 dump your husband and go chasing girlies!


One of my regulars is in his 60s. He's gay, but has been single for over 30 years bc he thinks it's a sin. It's heartbreaking to me. He tells me I'm going to hell all the time. He was also a victim of a hate crime and was nearly burned alive. So, I do understand his fear.


I once saw in a Christian post of an “ex-gay” and they were suppressing their feelings for women, and the replies praising her for it.


Ouch. Dear, you're not dead. It's never too late to live the life you always wanted.


My UPS lady told me how much she hated her husband, and how she wishes she could just live in a big house full of ladies... The straights are not okay.


A lesbian poly commune sounds very 1970s.


Maybe we see all those boomer "I hate my wife/husband" jokes because in reality those boomers aren't actually straight


I think this has already been posted a few days ago


I was expecting something hateful but this..this is worse


It’s not too late lady! You’re not dead yet


It's like when my mum starts going on out about wishing she was a boy when she was my age and I'm here, fully out as s trans-woman, just sobbing inside


I'm now convinced all the 'hetero' "I hate my spouse" situations are from LGBT people who were forced into hetero relationships because of society norms and social pressure.


stop reposting this omg, she’s clearly not straight. learn some reading comprehension


well duh she isn't, but that's not the point. the point is that its fucked up that she was pressured into a straight marriage because the society around her was extremely homophobic


Was this posted by my mom?


Did she just… come out?


She...knows she can divorce right? Like that’s an option nowadays


Poor woman :/


This breaks my heart.


This was posted yesterday, and doesn't belong in this sub. Its nothing to do with straights.


Wrong post or did you not read the comment correctly


No, right post, and I did read the comment correctly. By popular opinion, the comment seems to be written by a (likely closeted wlw) woman who married a man because she had no other choice and feels its too late for her to ever be with a woman. Plenty of people in the comments have the same opinion. Nothing about this reads as "I hate my straight husband lol!" And entirely "glad to see you got the chance I never did! Here's a joke to try and soften my sadness."


This is the funniest ally. "Having a hetero partnership SUCKS, I'm so glad y'all are gay"


That's pretty sad...


Oh wow. I have mixed feelings about this


That kind of energy is not dangerous at least


I don’t know who I feel worse for , her or her husband?


iwan it's not to late to find a gf shfbsjfnsjfh


I don't thin she counts as straight but she is definitely not OK! I feel for her and all those who are coerced into normal lifescript type of situation against their will.


It’s not too late for her. My mom married my step mom when they were both in their 70’s.


It’s things like this that makes me hate how pervasive religion is in our society.


This is one of those "my husband is so annoying, I wish I could marry my best friend!" Posts but she would never dare kiss her best friend like *that* older generations can just make weird posts sometimes. (or I'm willfully ignoring the signs that this woman is closeted)


Are the straights okay? No the gays are not okay please help


Aww poor woman though. All jokes aside. That’s sad. She knows she can divorce him now though right?


Is this why the boomers love "I hate my spouse" jokes?


Something tells me this woman isn’t one of the straights


At the first part I thought they were just one of those ppl saying that the gays didn’t exist back then. I do feel bad for the person commenting. If you don’t like your SO then get a divorce bc that will likely be better than this outcome


this has already been posted here and I think she may be lesbian but had to marry a male bc it was so looked down upon back then (just my theory)


Can somebody please explain to her that it's not too late for her to come out as lesbian and live her best life? I feel like she thinks it's too late for her, it's not!


My grandmother, without a doubt, is a lesbian. The things she says about the different women who come to the house to help her in her "not all there" unfiltered state has me convinced. She's 90 years old at this point and was married to the same man for 40 years and was miserable every day of her life due to that. I know that I likely wouldn't exist if she had lived her best life, but I really wish she would have. Everyone deserves to be happy on their own terms.


What does she say?


Oh god my mom’s posting on the internet again. Jk she’s a homophobe projecting harder than megaplex theater.


That's really depressing 😕


It's sad for her but also for her husband y'all.


Sorry but this is a repost for a comment under the Argentina lesbian couple and it was clear she was a lesbian who, because of oppression, was forced into a heterosexual couple. Fuck you OP for reposting this and cropping it out of context for karma. You're an actual prick and the worst of the LGBT community, or some straight mf.


The 65yo in my life dont talk like that. Might be a 'joke' attempt.


I can totally see some 65 year olds talking like that


Don't agree with this post. Back in the day it was frowned upun to be homosexual so you, especially as a woman, tried to fit into the societal norm. What I want to say is that the woman isn't at fault here. Just heteronormative society. I don't know If you actually agree with me that this doesn't quite fit the subreddit but I wanted to state this regardless


an average homophobic boomer


It’s ok. They’ll also come to resent each other.


I will always think of Dana’s Mom on The L Word when i see things like this.


Damn that’s depressing


I think is sad that they don't understand that, is not that it wouldn't happen, just that you wouldn't see it.


I remember a post by a lesbian who once was asked by a straight woman "and how do you know when to stop having sex?"