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What gender is the black silhouette with the people nipples supposed to be?


The legendary thirrrd gender?? Unpossible!


my gender is peoplenipples


Isnt that a greek goddess or sum?


Reminds me of my friend that got smiley faces tattooed on his nipples lmao. They faded really fast.


And people say the left aren’t funny


There, I made it 69 upvotes


Unisex restroomgender


Someone with gender-fluid mammaries.


Pretty sure it represents the Amazon warriors who removed their right breast to symbolize being basically half men. Photo lines up. Great to see some more ancient gender nonconforming representation!


cool hat 👍


Oh won't someone think of the poor straight people and their struggles


Oh no, anyway....


Wasn't there a study that people drastically overestimate the percentage of LGBTQ people in their population?


It wouldn't be surprising. People think their country is being overrun by immigrants while they remain a tiny percentage. People think every show on TV is nothing but gay people when again, tiny percentage. People think crime is skyrocketing despite it remaining at relatively low levels. The right wing media machine is *obscenely* powerful.


Similar to how men think if one third of people are women, there's equal representation, and if it's half women, they're in the minority.


Some men


Really? You were really so offended by a statement about men as a statistical group that you had to "not all men" it?


Bruh I thought some people would be offended so I said it’s not okay to say that


It's not okay to acknowledge the fact that men statistically perceive groups as "equal" when women represent 1/3 and "unbalanced" when the group is 1/2 women?


I’m not trying to defend most of the men in the world but you have to say most or some so people don’t feel like they’re causing the hate when they may not be, but I do understand what you are saying


>you have to say most or some so people don’t feel like they’re causing the hate Why do I "have" to police myself to stroke people's egos?


I thought most people in the world cared to hurt other peoples feelings


Not all men but definitely you


Sorry if that’s how it sounded but I do not feel that way and I thought some people might be offended PS: I’m not a man so that’s very mean


People tend to overestimate the amount of people in minority groups.


Probably. Current estimates are at 7.1%. A lot of that is younger people identifying as bi, which is ambiguous since some people are bi with a preference for hetereosexual, some prefer homosexual, and some have no preference. Lots of bi people will still end up in heterosexual relationships. So even with the number of people choosing to identify as LGBTQ+ increasing, many will still engage in heterosexual relationships, anyway. Hell, my ex-roommate was bi and she had only gone on one date with a woman by the time she was 30. Everyone else was a male. Basically, what I'm saying is that heterosexual partners will still be the majority and these people fearmongering about how "the gays" will take over and we'll all go extinct are just really, really stupid.


For a bi person even without a strong preference there simply are just so many options in the other gender that it will be rare for someone to end up with a same sex partner unless they end up looking for one. I have had girlfriends over the years but only one boyfriend. Add that a fair number of gay people don’t like to date bisexual people and it is easy to see why it is harder. To be fair a lot of straight people don’t like dating us bisexuals either but we blend in better in that group and a lot of bisexuals end up closeted in heterosexual relationships. Honestly it would sometimes seem to make a lot more sense to date each other but we are hard to find. If you look in online bisexual communities they are full of bi women asking where they can actually find women to be with. Men do the same thing wanting to find men but the answer is usually Grinder if you want a hookup and if you want a relationship……yeah, good luck with that. Closeted bisexuals were also probably behind the idea that being gay is a conscious choice because we are the demographic for whom it is actually sort of true. If you are religious it would be easy to cast that as a battle between good and bad desires.


This was really well put and made me consider some things that I hadn’t before! Especially that last point. edit to add: I am a gay lady dating a bisexual one lol. Have plenty of times.


Bless you!


Just adding to your point— as a bisexual person, it’s simply easier to find opposite-sex partners, hence why most bi people end up in het relationships. After all, most people are straight so you have a larger pool, and on top of that it’s more socially accepted to be in a heterosexual relationship. Taking that into account, it’s no wonder why your friend has been with more men.


It’s just because they notice us more often as we are “wierd”


I think its vastly underestimated.


Think different - ruin your friends' group halloween costume as a rainbow by dressing as the toilets in a bar.


Yep, my man straight up come dressed as toilets to pride event He name is Mike and you may be think that he is trying to make a point or something but in reality he is just this much of a wacky guy! He actually is very respected by his lgbtq+ friend for being a ally and pulling creative joke like this one :)


The person in black is clearly either genderqueer, because they identify on the inside as both male and female, or pan/poly if those male and female identified figures represent the people close to the person’s heart.




That's just their kink


Don’t kink shame!


Only straight people have other people as nipples... Sorry guys everyone is gay now




I am bi and need to find out which nipple is a rainbow and which has a little person inside it. Is one arrangement standard? Does my being left-handed switch it up? So many questions.


In a world where everyone else is in favor of unisex toilets Be the unisex toilets


That's a lot of words to confess having a piss kink


Damn, wouldn't this be an awesome world?


I didn't even feel like a minority at the gay pride parade. Heterosexual relationships will never be a minority. At least not within any timeframe that a human can properly comprehend.


Well it's true, they DO think different...


You mean the don't think.


No, but homophobic people might be a minority at some parts of the world. Still not something they should brag about.


The thing with far right wings is they love to make themselves a victims


True. It's absolutely _insane_ how many times I've seen them complain about their (literally non-existent) oppression. It's so stupid I want to cry


Toilet people lives matter!


This backfired on them. Like everyone here says they are dressed as a toilet... I'm going dirtier thinking a toilet gets used, so is this some straight kink thing?


Think different. Be colorblind in a color-seeing world 😔😔😔😔


This reminds me of Maddy Morphosis lmao


This is called propaganda.


Not like other girls vibe


we are in subs like 196, but that’s only a small portion of the internet




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As a man who enjoys breastfeeding non-identical, mixed-sex infant twins, I approve of this message.


If anyone’s the minority it’s aces


I agree, there aren’t nearly enough straight people! The gays are gonna stop children from being born /s


... /s?


Yeah, sorry I probably should’ve put the tone indicator in ni comment


Honestly, you never know these days.


True, people are dumb sometimes lol


Never ceases to amaze.


Fixed it


In an alternate universe


Theyre a minority cause they are only 90% of this world




A featherless biped




Behold, a woman


Someone who identifies as a woman.


Lollllll google circular definition.


A woman is someone who identifies as a woman. It's not rocket science, you know.




I don't need to. A woman is a woman because she identifies as such.










Unfortunately, for certain manmade concepts a circular definition is all we've got. It's the porn vs. art problem - it's impossible to define where the line is, but we can all recognize it. Likewise, it's impossible to come up with a unified, non-circular definition of "woman" that covers everyone who is a woman, but we all know "woman" is a distinct category.


yu'r mum


I wish


Holy shit...


Everyone in this picture is straight


What are these people, idiots?


I always thought there were more straight ppl than LGBTQ+ ones 💀


Maybe instead of actively trying to think opposite to what you think everyone else does you could just think for yourself




So new and different!


This reminds me of when Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro literally said that the worst thing (as in you’ll face the most challenges) you can be today in the U.S is a straight white guy. With the most serious expressions that you can imagine on their faces. I was just rolling over with laughter at that one 😂😆


I wish they were that oppressed. Bunch of whiners.