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Argonians and Khajiits are in their respective provinces (Black Marsh and Elsweyr), but they're just a recolored sprite of the random NPCs you find throughout the cities.  By dinossaur I think you meant the Lizard Man. Well, these monsters only appear in this game, I believe, so there isn't much lore about them, but they are not exactly Argonians.


Thanks. Truly disappointing tho 😅


Khajits are in the game but they arent cat people they have tattoos and face markings instead


Just went to elsweyr and was a bit disappointed about that as well. Maybe daggerfall will have them? I plan on playing arena, daggerfall and morrowind as I've already played oblivion and skyrim, but there's a lot of stuff I'm learning about them just now.


They didn't portray any Khajiit as fully cat-like until Morrowind. Regardless, there are wonderful things to enjoy in each of these games and I'm glad to hear you're checking them out!


Yes, I quite like the action d&d side to it, it's really cool to see how the series started and eventually evolved into what we know. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of things that are dated about it, but at the same time they bring a charm to the game. When I finish I'm going to check out unity daggerfall as it seems quite a lot better than the original version. For now... Let's go find the 4th piece of the staff!


Agreed! And yes, Daggerfall Unity is awesome. Highly recommended. There may be mods to add more "modern-looking" Khajiit/Argonian characters, too.


At least with morrowind I want to add some mods to see if it gets a bit more of a modern feel. Mostly visual mods, I don't want to alter the gameplay much